Everything posted by Redwing
Jai's Status
RedBird is in the hands of the body shop now. Sigh, lonely here without her in the carport. Rex promised to make sure her repairs are correct and she will be under cover the whole time there. I know she will shine like a newly minted coin. Perfect, in time for the Black Bear Festival. And this time, I won't have to do the labor! I thank each of you for your parts involved with this repair for her. You are the best! I promise photos of the Festival with her. Jan
Jai's Status
The 3 piece valence was not purchased. What I'm understanding from you is, on your visual you have determined that this piece is needed. Right? If so, can you mail it to the body shop, since I'll not have a way to deliver it? Do you have pay pal? If not, PM me your address and I'll mail you the postage, and any other fee if you need. I'll get the body shop address to you too. Thank you for this fine offer. Jai
Jai's Status
I'll have to see when they get into the interior in the well to see if this is a needed part replacement. Thanks again. I'll let you know ASAP if it is needed. I cannot tell myself when looking at the damage. Jai
Jai's Status
Ha! Just saw Sassz's Vin number, 271,295. With RedBird's being 277,450. In the month between our girls, 6,155 Z's were produced. Cool!!! Jai
Jai's Status
Yesss, a wonderful price. Especially when the body shop cut me a check for the $225. That was to buy the fender and bumper alone. But I didn't want that bumper, not as good as what I wanted. The bezel, Quality parts wanted $220 for it. So getting the fender complete with the bezel and headlight rings was ok with the body shop. They then went ahead and ordered the bumper from Quality for $785. RedBird will be going to body shop on Monday for her "facelift" to start. Getting rid of her black eye. Yay! The Black Bear Festival with the car show is on Saturday 10/21. I just found out there is to be a dog show there on Sunday 10/22 too. If I can locate a safe spot to park RedBird on Sunday, Lissa and I will be attending the dog show too. A double win for the 3 of us would be out of sight! Looking forward for all to begin. But first having my 2nd cataract surgery on Tues., and still having left over food poisoning symptoms. Need to be past these, then onward to Festivities at Black Bear.
Jai's Status
Hi all, The donor car build date is 6/76, Vin 308,212. The parts I bought off it are: Complete fender, with everything attached to it including bezel, headlight rims, and running light Right bumper shock Console, from radio back, between seats including ash tray, with attached sensors Complete turn signal assembly Both windshield wipers Shift knob Fuse box cover All for the fantastic price of $225.00. And I didn't even wear a mask! How cool was that? The door cards are in wonderful condition, he wanted $50 each. I did not need them, and I don't have the extra $ to get them "in case". Thanking Greg for all his assistance with this purchase, wise advice included. Jai
Jai's Status
Hi all, Need to know answer for this asap. Will be going in a while to pick up parts from donor car. In a 1976 280 Z, are the cylinders for the 2 doors and the deck lock interchangeable? RedBird's right door lock will not open with any key. The donor car has a deck lock with a single key, not opening either doors on that car. I was thinking if I could move RedBird's deck lock into the passenger door I would have both doors opening on the same key. Then put the donor car deck lock in RedBird's deck, with its own key. That, if it would work, would be an improvement. Thanks...
Jai's Status
Anyone have an answer about the bumper shocks? Thanks, Jai
Jai's Status
How neat that is! What is her Vin #? It will be interesting to see how many were produced in that month between them. I looked at the Vin # on the donor car, but it was obscured somehow. Could not see it. Jai
Jai's Status
Wheee, RedBird's stats are listed with the photo on posts from me. Vin...277,450, production date 10/75. Jai
Jai's Status
Big announcement... RedBird is going to the body shop on Monday, 10/9! Bumper to arrive there on Tuesday. Greg and I going to pick up fender, bezel, and everything attached to them tomorrow and will drop off at the body shop then too. Guys, anyone who has had a similar accident... PLEASE let me know what else to look for needing repairs/replaced. I would hope the body shop would be very careful to search out and fix everything. BUT, I'm feeling I need to be very aware that they get all taken care. You know, our cars are so different than any other on the road, it seems to me it might be easy for them to miss something. So feeling I need to be ever vigilante that they do see/fix everything. So if you have any ideas, please voice them. Thanks lots! Jai
Jai's Status
Hi guys Are you questioning the build date on RedBird or the parts car? Jai
Jai's Status
Thank you Greg. I just talked to them. Fender $150, bumper $75, etc. Going this afternoon to see the parts and pay for them. He will remove them for me. But I'll have to go back to pick them up In a different vehicle.
Jai's Status
Hi Lumens, Thank you for your comment. Yes the bumper seems high priced, but the insurance is willing to pay it. I mean, I don't know if I should be upset at that price or not. I would not want to ask anyone to go to the trouble of pulling one for me, unless it would pay them well to do it. I would not want to use anyone. If this one at Quality was not available, that would be another story. Yes the fender is needed too, I do not want bondo. Jan
Jai's Status
Hi, Looking at headlamps now. Wondering if since I have to get a new right side, would this maybe be the time to upgrade both sides? I saw this set on eBay, and it says a good choice for my car. Have anyone used these type headlights? I'd sure like to get away from the dim yellow headlights. Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/230154579497 - 2 sealed beam white headlights Thanks for helping. Jai
Jai's Status
Thanks Greg. Appreciate the help with things that are not so obvious. Jai
Jai's Status
Jai's Status
Hahaha... It depends if RedBird needs the plate that is between this/these 2 part(s), there is a complete set of 3 on ebay. I already noted it to Rex at the body shop. If it does not need the plate, I might take you up on your offer! Thanks so much. I'm so excited!!! Jai
Jai's Status
Wow! Good fortune!!! I called Quality Auto Parts, and they have the complete 1976 CORRECT bumper for RedBird. Also, I asked them about the headlight bezel (sugar scoop) and they have that too. I forgot to ask them about the fender tho. The bumper and bezel are in perfect condition. So I then called Rex at the body shop and gave him the info. He didn't even flinch when I gave him the quoted prices. Which are $785 for the bumper, and $220. for the bezel etc. Rex asked me if he was able to pin down a fender from them, would I be OK with him ordering the 3 from Quality Parts? No problem on my score! Do it! Looks like things might be heating up for RedBird's repairs soon! I am so excited!!! Any information you all might be able to share with me, I would be very appreciative. Like things needed to complete the installation. Things not included but needed for the complete repair. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy............... "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it I'm about to lose control and I think I like it I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know I want you..."
Jai's Status
Thanks Mike. I'm making a list of offers to give to body shop. It would depend for this bumper, if the rubber can be found. I do want '76 bumper on her, getting rid of the '77 wrong one. Jai
Jai's Status
Thanks Cliff. What is this part name? The right side in front of the tire is damaged, again I don't know name. Jai
Pay it forward!!!
I need the rubber flap that lays on top of the rear bumper on a 1976 280. Also the console piece that goes between the seats, from ash tray forward to hazard etc lights. Sam the A/C installer broke mine and did not even try to match it up. Just laid one edge over the other and jammed a screw in. Grrr. I realize these parts are most likely not included in offerings, but it won't hurt to ask. Taking RedBird tomorrow in for getting an adjuster to write up the parts needed. I'll be asking for you all to help me figure parts numbers and where they can be found. Urgently need insight as to obscure parts that may be affected, so nothing is overlooked. Thanks for all guys... Jai
Stock 280z in Oklahoma
Go Mark, GO! ... Jai
280zx 10th anniversary collectors edition
I think your statement is extremely harsh. Are you insane, scrap value only? I'm really biting my tongue to keep from making other comments. Grumble grumble grumble... Any comments from other members? Am I the only one to think this? Jai
280zx 10th anniversary collectors edition
An exceedingly beautiful car, I bet it hurt when you ran into the wall. You have done right by her, all the $ and work done, amazing. Wish there was some way you didn't have to sell her. Jai