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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. Mark discuss the ECU with him. Sounds ominously similar to my RedBird. Maybe he can borrow one to check it out. Jai
  2. Mark, Is this the problem where one symptom is the large whooshing when the gas cap is opened? Redbird has now resumed that problem since summer is here, along with slow response re-starting in the heat. Are these involved with the heat soak? If RB ramps up her past problems of stalling and not wanting to re-start, I might be interested in the fan set up you have. So far it is not that bad. Not sure what will show up when it gets horribly hot here. Oh, BTW, the second trip to Pete for A/C work, he found something that was loose and fixed it, as well as adding freon with dye. So far no leaking out, and a crisp coolness surrounds me as I drive. Love it! Jai
  3. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Great photo, glad he has a lady to spend time with. Buddy looks in super condition. I'd imagine he has to keep himself muscled up tho, just for the females sake. They like eye candy too. As to the lost balls, I'm fairly certain that HE did not have them taken off, not normally a male choice. But rather someone (you?) made that decision for him. Has he forgiven you yet? Thanks for sharing the photo. Jai
  4. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Gosh that's the truth, so sweet She is full of kisses especially in the morning when I wake up, all wags and wiggles. I really have to be careful, she is very quick in everything she does, especially kissing. She works very hard to try to French kiss me all the time. Ptooey! Very quick. Hahaha. When I laugh at her it really excites her even more. Such a zooming wiggle butt. I finally found a toy small enough for her mouth. It is a tiny stuffed dog that is off a key chain, and about 3 inches long. She really loves it. Thanks for your fine comment. You all will be seeing lots of pictures of Lissa in RedBird, next to RedBird, in my chair by RedBird, and more. After all, this is a Zcar list, I have to keep her photos legal. We have such a good time together, this was made in heaven. I am blessed... Jai
  5. If I were thirty years younger I'd jump right on it. Oh how I would have loved that set up whilst I was doing all the classes and processing. Just too late for me now tho. I hope someone that really is into the processing end of photography, is able to get those things. It is turning into an art craft for the few.
  6. I'm counting on it! If I can make it, so can you. Looking forward to having a brew with you! Jai
  7. Hi all, I was just reading about ZCON 2018 today. Wow, that's nearby! I will have to come for at least one day, if nothing else but to meet all the friends I have made in CZCC. So y'all have to come too! That will be a blast for sure. It will take my aligning the planets to pull it off, but for sure I'm planning on doing it. With this lead of a running start, I'm fairly confident it will happen for me. Whooh, what a thought... Jai
  8. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you Site, she is exactly what I needed. Such a little love bug too. The second part of your comment is all so true. They give their all, it is the least I can do for her. Happy happy happy... We need a a current photo of your Buddy too. Jai
  9. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Steve, Time is getting close. Unfortunately I am having the end of month money woes again. I was doing ok, until I adopted a 6 pound waif. The PO assured me that Lissa at 10 months old, had all of her puppy shots. I went by her vet to pick up the records. Short story, they only gave her one "7 in 1" shot on 1/3/17, instead of the needed series, leaving her open to illnesses. That night Lissa seemed to have a fever so I ran her to my vet in the A.M. After tests and meds issued, Lissa thankfully was not sick, to the tune of $142. There went my savings, I now have $40 in the bank. Not sure if that will get gas enough to allow me to drive to you and back home. I'll try to borrow some $. BUT, this very sweet little girl Lissa is now protected from illnesses. She is a real doll, great with all things needed, like potty training. She is just what I needed to give me sunshine once again in my life, I'm smiling a lot now. Here is a photo of her. I'll get back to you about the trip over to your house. Let me know what day will work out for you. Hopefully there will be no rain, I do not drive Redbird out in the rain. Thank you, Jai
  10. Thank God, all our worst nightmare. So glad for you. Jai
  11. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ah yes, I did. As of Sunday the flashers resumed working, for now. They will quit again. As of today, Pete put freon in the A/C, not finding the green wire either. Nice to have both of these working. My opinion is that the list should be prioritized by which needs to be done first due to safety.. Your choice to go as short or as far with the list as you have time and/or feel like. Pete will continue on with the A/C, so I'll leave it off the list. 1) Flashers, if they are non working again. Actually, I am hoping they will quit so the problem can be diagnosed and fixed finally. 2) Horn 3) Back up lights 4) Tach If you get this far, the 2 left are not safety oriented, 1) Door spring 2) Radio. If time is available, your choice. I don't care. Thank you very much, Jai
  12. Redwing replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    In my case, there was never that much $ around. BUT makes me wonder just where the priorities were? Again in my case, he was much admired in his own eyes. You know the "me first" attitude. I lived thru that, and his getting a Lotus Elan when he totaled our VW. The final revenge for me was when I got the '71 Z, that he had been drooling over. Doing it with no financial assist from anyone, while raising his son alone. Doing well for myself I think. Mu ha ha ha... P.S. He never did get a Z. Snarf!
  13. Redwing replied to Patcon's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Oh wow, that is super nice!!! I never had a hubby buy me anything that nice, a bicycle once tho. I'm sure she is thrilled. Does going to Zcon have anything to do with it? What a GREAT trip that will be. Take lots of photos, and share here for sure. Jai
  14. Redwing replied to dmorales-bello's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Oh double UGH!!! What a waste of artful cars.
  15. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you Site. It will help when I get someone to work on it. Steve has offered, but that is 30 days away and I am melting in this heat. Ugh. Jai
  16. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Steve, Thank you for giving me an idea about when I can drive over for your tech knowledge to work on RedBird. These are some things that need attention. First the A/C. Find that green wire Sam spoke about. I am melting when out and driving. Then the tach you also mentioned. Flashers are working intermittently, they are non working now. Back up lights quit totally. Horn has never worked. There is that spring you have that will fix my drivers door lock assembly. Take out radio and replace with new one that fits the hole in the dash. The one now sticks out because the A/C is behind it. There is probably more, but that is all I can think of. I'm sure this list is way too much to get done in one day anyhow. Looking forward to my visit. Thanking you again... Jai
  17. Are you stuffing it in the deck of your Z for the trip home? Watch out for those exhaust fumes! Snarf! Jai
  18. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Steve, it looks like my June finances will allow me to make that trip over that you mentioned. RedBird is running well, but the he A/C is not. Last week I called Sam, he had his wife answer, which is avoiding me. I had not called him since January, so you know I've definitely not been bugging him. So I doubt he will look at RB again. Which will make it a bit harder running down the A/C gremlin. Not knowing exactly what he did to "get around" the misfit of the A/C. Don't know anything else to do except leave him alone. It is sad he is in so much pain. He is a good man. So, figure out when it would be convenient for you and let me know. I would like more than 48 hours advance warning if you don't mind. Hahaha, takes me longer to get ready than it used to. Golden years (?) am I really there? OH NO! Say it isn't so. Have a good one... Jai
  19. Alright...alright...alright... I've been watching this post for a while now, and have decided to jump on the bandwagon. In January of 1971 (having grown up in Miami and still there), I told my Dad that I wanted to get a Z. I said that to him as he worked at the main Mercedes Benz dealership, and they had a second one specifically selling Datsuns. My waiting list was 1 month when I got the call from Dad saying "how does red sound to you"? He didn't know it was not a true red, but Mexican Orange. I was in heaven it was "red". I went to get it that afternoon, and it was dark by the time I left. I paid $3200. for her, at $100 a month. Any of you old hippies remember a song called DOA? It was describing a horrible accident where the guy and girl were dying and listening to the cop saying that. Ugh. That played for me on the radio as I drove home, not comforting. I had never driven a car that had any power, and was scared of her. I did not want to drive home in the dark, but oh well. She was my Redwing, "my little red car that flew me where ever I wanted to go". Redwings was 1 letter too long on the tag tho, so Redwing she became. I learned quickly how to Drive that Lil Sweetie. This was when I was 28 years old, and hubby had split. So I really let loose, being free for the first time in my life. All that and a Z too! Woweeee. I drove her for 259,000 miles. The joy of my life. Moving forward to my 2nd Z. (Dear Redwing was sitting because I didn't have the $ to fix her. That pained me badly, we had such good memories together. Life intervenes badly at times, I truly wanted to do a restore, but $ was scarce.) Would you believe that I saw my RedBird on eBay? I had just received an inheritance, fixed things around here, built a carport, and bought my "new" 1976 280Z. I'm in N. Ga., and she was in Miami. My friends I have known for half my life knew someone in Miami to go check her out. She passed, the deal was closed, and she came up to Jacksonville where they live. They had their mechanic go all over her. Wendell restores '57 Chevys, what he had when we were in high school together. Finally RedBird made it here to me in March 2015. I won't list the several problems she came with that I tried to have fixed. The locals were totally inept about Z cars. So I joined CZCC to find out what really needed done. Later on, there were several super members that came and worked to fix her. Some brought parts, all brought years worth of knowledge. Thank God and the great guys of CZCC, I now have a 100% car. Until that is, some 40 year old part decides to quit. We all have cars that are a work in progress in that way. Needless to say, this now "mature" lady is reliving all those Glorious Hippy years spent with Redwing. Smiling all the way down the road. Below I have photos of my 1971 Redwing, and 1976 RedBird. BTW, Redwing is now in the hands of Tim who is doing a full restore on her. That really makes me feel good! Hope I have not bored y'all, I love to talk about my car (s). Jai
  20. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ha! Talked to Sam, he told me to look for a green wire to cure the ailing A/C. He is in a lot of pain in his feet, said to call back on Monday if that did not work. He is not working. I called on Monday and he qualified where the little green wire is that has a separate fuse in it is. I thought it was in the engine bay, but found out that no, it is inside the cabin. No wonder I could not find it. Still no finding it in the cabin. Supposed to be connected to the main fuse box and the A/C control. I could not see the control, but there is no green wire coming from that area and going to the fuse box. Nada. Has me wondering if it accidentally was not connected. Last fall the A/C put out very little cool air. But I had been told that it would get very cold, another nada. Over the winter having turned the handle in the engine, it put out good heat. But now after I reversed it, not a drop of cool. So I am waiting to call Sam again to see if he will look for it for me. It certainly got hot the end of last week, in the 90's. Yukky driving then. But we are to have a a few cooler days now, so not as bad driving. Hope to connect with Sam before the heat returns later this week. I am not a heat lover, I need to be cool. More when it happens... Jai
  21. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yayyy! Site, your idea with the WD-40 worked perfectly on the jammed seat belt. Only took about 2 minutes total, and no grease on the seat belt. I had to go buy a can, and corrected the seat belt in the parking lot. Now the seat belt just zooms out and in. You guys are sooo smart. I am having a ball with RedBird out running flying trucks, that I swear they hit the gas when they see me pulling out! Today one did that trick roaring at me, and I just floored RB. We were to 55 in nothing flat, and he was shrinking back in my dust!!! I'd imagine he never expected that. My sweet RB took it in stride, no changes, no huffing or puffing from her. I had that door to door grin again. Actually, it made my day. Snicker!!! Well that darned AC still is not putting out cool. It never did do a super job. I guess I'll just have to contact Sam who installed it to see what he will do. That is if he has recovered and is still working. He mentioned quitting, the abuse folks do to him has really annoyed him. Some people really try to take advantage when they can. "That's all folks..." Jai
  22. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My roller mechanism is located at the bottom edge of my seat, between the seat and the door frame. Seems like a close quarters to get into. I'll have a look at it later. I'm covered over with things I have let slide and am now just getting to them. Ugh. Thanks to you and Site. Jai

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