Everything posted by Redwing
Chattanooga Cruise-in, April 1st
Greg Just tell me when and I'll be there. Maybe Mc D so I can hit the litterbox? Jai
Chattanooga Cruise-in, April 1st
Thinking ahead and wondering where we all will meet to travel together to Chattanooga, to the Drive In. How about Rt.2 where it crosses the Cleveland Hwy? There is a Food Lion, a gas station, a Dollar store and a Hardee's at that intersection. Natch the Food Lion has the largest parking lot, but Hardee's has coffee and food. (I'm sure I will wish to have some coffee that early.) It is very near Greg's home, but far enough away to not invade his privacy. What say my friends???
Somethings wrong...
FLASH NEWS: Michael, my neighbor the car paint pro, came over to look at a rust spot rearing it's nasty head up on RedBird. I intended to photo the process of him working on it, but in the experience of watching and learning, I forgot. This spot is along the edge of the left qtr. panel, where the hood closes. Mostly out of sight, but now was making an appearance on the top, not only on the side edge. Michael did his magic (his every day work) on the spot making a temporary fix. Explaining it will need further intense work on it soon as I can, as it is too far gone for a quick fix at this time. I'm so happy at having this man right next door, but wished that the diagnoses was better. Blah! He then went all over RB painting the simple road stone strikes, and similar. So she is as good as she can be for now. Maybe we will be able to squeeze out a few car shows this summer, before the rust spot gets worse. Again he had much praise about the total condition of her. Saying "for a daily driver, her engine is clean. I've not seen one that clean without the normal stuff done to it to make it look good. You can tell she was cared for". So, yayyy, I'll be off to Chattanooga Saturday to meet with our members, and others. Looks like a fun day ahead! P. S. Added an older photo of the rust spot just to show where it is at.
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Thank you Bob and Cliff. I do appreciate your comments, and am SUPER thrilled about your diagnosis... we are free now to run and run and run! Love it... Thanks , Jai
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Spark plug report: Here is a photo taken this afternoon. I have driven her about 75 miles since the new spark plugs were put in. I tried to get it earlier, but this was the fastest. So, give it an eyeball or two, and let me know your opinion. Thanks bunches, Jai
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Hi my friends, A catch up on Redbird and her new clutch. What a difference in her performance, oh the ZOOM she has now! I had no idea her driving was so not right. Since the clutch she tries to jump out from underneath me. Ha! The trick with the alcohol in the gas seems to have cleared out those bugger gremlins that were making her stall out. Nothing but good smooth running now. Should have figured that out immediately. Hopefully my avoiding that gas station will cause that to not happen again. When I picked her up, I managed to leave the shop without stalling her out. That was good, I did not want to look bad in front of Pete. Lost it tho at the first stoplight. The remainder of the trip home went well. Today as I drove to church, I didn't even think of it and muscle memory took over the job for a beautiful drive. At church, I was telling a friend about how this group jumped in and gifted me with $ for the clutch, and that the total was only $30 under the cost of the labor. At that point, he got out his wallet and handed me $30, and said "now your labor charges are all paid for." How amazing that was, I had no idea he would do that, what a sweet man. So... the total of the installation of the clutch was $335, and with what you all sent plus Jim's gift at church, I have received the full amount I owed Pete. I have been sending the $ to him via PayPal. Easier than driving over there, costs less gas too. Now all I have to do is to finish out the month, with the $99 I spent for the parts, missing from the purse. It is difficult to manage, but we (Deanna, RedBird, and myself) will make it. Cuts out the goodies for the month. Not gonna worry about that tho. I have a wonderful ZOOM, in fine shape to drive! Hahaha... I typed a "Z" back in that last sentence, and the auto correct changed it to ZOOM. I like that better, so will leave it. Have a great afternoon all, blessings for each of you. You are the BEST, Jai
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Oh my gosh... another wonderful gift. You, my friends, are treating me like a queen. I can honestly say that I have never experienced a more caring bunch of people and I have never been treated this way. You have given me far more than just a monetary gift. I want to share, my life has been run down by circumstances beyond my control, and a very long time has passed since I have felt good. But that is parting, and I am seeing the beauty in life again, I'm much better. I will never forget each of you and the kindness you have shown to myself and my sweet RedBird. I thank each of you sincerely, for your presence in my life, and your gifts. God bless you, Jai
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Praise the Lord! Another donation to help pay Pete for putting in the new clutch. Absolutely incredible!!! Thank you my dear friend!!! You guys are wonderfully taking care of Redbird and myself. I mentioned I would have a hard time coming up with the $ to pay for the new clutch, and God Bless you, members jumped right in to help with the need. That shows the amazing integrity of this group and it's members. The best thing I have done in years was to join almost 2 years ago. I needed good help in figuring out RB's problems, too many local mechanics had no idea how to successfully work on her. I did not trust them to not make things worse. So here I am, quite happy with the choice I made. I would imagine I gave you reason to chuckle a bit at my errors with descriptions etc., using novice lingo. But that's ok, I smiled at that too. One way you came to know me better was sharing the inner workings of my mind. To see is to know, or something like that. Have a great day... Jai
Happy Birthday Mark
Happy Birthday Mark... Starting a Birthday card for you. You have been of such good assistance to a lot of the members, I thought it would be appropriate to let everyone know you are turning 68 today, and giving them a chance to wish you well too. Hope you are having a great day, and eating a lot of ice cream and cake. Jai Rusu_Mihai_-_Universal_Happy_Birthday.mp3
Happy Birthday Mark
Happy Birthday Mark... Starting a Birthday card for you. You have been of such good assistance to a lot of the members, I thought it would be appropriate to let everyone know you are turning 68 today, and giving them a chance to wish you well too. Hope you are having a great day, and eating a lot of ice cream and cake. Jai Rusu_Mihai_-_Universal_Happy_Birthday.mp3
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Thank you Steve. But that is the gas station where I've gotten water gas twice now. No more chances for me, they're off my good list. Permanently. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Jai
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Yea now I understand. I think I'll wait and let him show me how with his Z first. Hahaha... Jai
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Yea, that guy is dorky funny. I just shake my head on him. The worst is, there are actually people out there just like him, for real. Scary stuff. Yipes, need to hide... Jai
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OK now I understand your joke. Hahaha... Bet you wouldn't do it with one of your Z's either! I don't have to remember the spring ahead, my phone does it all by itself. That's why they're called smartphones. Jai
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Hunh???? Not understanding...
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Many more thanks going out to the super members on this group. I swear, we have the best group on the net. As of tonight, 2 more donations came in for RedBird's clutch! The total of the donations is now almost 2/3 the full cost of the clutch job. Wow (my new favorite word). Oh how wonderful this is. I have reached all the "gifters" and thanked them. I'm so happy that you all care for RedBird and myself. I'm humbled with joy. Thank you over and over again... Jai
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NIGHT AND DAY ..... Site do you ever have that right. HOLY MOLY is a great description too! ! ! I am so amazed, love my car! Jai
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True true true...! When leaving Pete's shop, I did manage to do so without stalling. Ha! He was sitting at his desk with a big plate glass window. I don't know of if he was watching me, but I prepared my exit in case, and pulled it off. But alas at the first stoplight I was not so good, stalled out. That was the only time, I managed a good drive home, albeit having to concentrate each time. The trick is to learn it without thinking about it. Muscle memory they say. Then I'll be happy. I am surprised at the propel part. Oh wow, super Zoom Zoom mobile! Great... Jai
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Thank you so much! I just love the friendship and love from this group, thankfully. I will do exactly that, with both of us grinning on down the road. Yay!!! Jai
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Thank you Steve, that is totally understandable. .
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Lumens, no I did not have the rear seal in hand. By the time it was suggested I didn't have time to get one. He called around while I was standing there, and found one. As to the gas, for sure I'm not going back to that station again. I had thought it a one time event and again bought some there. I usually go to Dalton, 12 miles away, to a station that only sells 100% gas, in 3 grades. Lesson learned, I will go again to Dalton for water free gas from now on. I am sorry, I have not had it explained to me what could go wrong changing old transmission oil. Anyone know exactly why, please jump in here for the benefit of all concerned. Pete did me well with my bill. He only charged me $250. for the clutch installation, $13. for oil change and lube, $18.21. for the rear seal, $45. for the machine shop flywheel fee, and $8.40 for hazardous waste fee. That all totals $334.61 It is going to be hard for me to come up with that $, but I am blessed and feel that the good Lord will see to it somehow I can get it paid. Thank you everyone for blessing me with your information, parts, and $ donations. We sure needed you, and are amazed at this group of helpful folks! Everyone have a great day, take your sweet Z's out for a drive and enjoy the day. I plan to! Life is good! Jai
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Hello all, Good news! I picked up my sweet RedBird today from Pete. Oh boy, there is a super difference in driving now. Talk about Zoom! I can tell how really bad the old clutch was by the feel and the driving zoomies happening now. I had no idea how bad off she was. Watch out world... we are released from the bad, and looking forward to going on delightful drives. It is almost like I am driving her by using thoughts only, that she understands and responds. Pete did send the flywheel out, said it needed it badly. I suggested getting a rear main seal. He asked if I wanted it replaced and I told him you all advised it while he was in there. His comment today was that "it was a good idea, it was going to need it soon if not done today". The bearings came apart when he was taking them out and he did reuse the steel Nissan collar as Chickenman suggested. I talked to him about the transmission gear oil, and he agreed with what I had been told previously. That not to mess with it unless needed, too many chances of something else going wrong because of changing on these old cars. So we left that alone. I had prepared a list of the things all you mentioned, and we talked about each entry. I told him it was because you all look after me that you suggested those things. He smiled. So we came home very uneventfully. Very easy driving, and no shutting down by her. I'm thinking that it probably was water in the tank, as Gwri8 said. I did put the alcohol in, and she is driving well. I guess time will tell. I now have driven her with the new spark plugs, for about 35 miles. I will get them pulled off this weekend, and photoed to share with you so we can see their condition. That will tell us more about her shutting off. Pete, bless his good heart, did not even have me sign a contract for payments. I only had the $ that my friends on CZCC sent me, to give Pete today. After buying the parts, I was out of available $. Thank God I had your gifts. Pete says that "rich people have a way of not paying", and that "folks on Social Security pay on time, and complete their payments". So he said he is not going to worry about me. What a really nice person to find in this world! Thank you Gwri8, (he sent me to Pete). I figure if Pete is good enough to work on Gwri8's car, then he will be the best one for my RedBird also. Well, thanking you for your suggestions and donations, I'm heading for bed. It has been an exciting day, thanks to you. Jai
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Well, quick as I could push her! Hahaha... Jai
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Supercalafragalisticexpealodosis..... Guess what? ANOTHER member has shared $ with me, to be applied to the clutch installation! Oh my goodness, the folks on this list are the MOST WONDERFUL GIVING people on the net. I am so happy to belong to such a special group. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you my friend!!! Jai
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Surprise, a really neat member sent me a donation for part of the clutch repair. I'm astonished, this is so gerat. Thank you my friend! Just thought you all might enjoy hearing this super news. I'm blessed. Jai