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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Site, I knew you were just too cool for words! That is so neat of you doing that for your neighbors, if more people would do things like that, this world would be a lot better off. I believe that it is up to each of us to help others, be it only a smile or kind word when noticing a need. That can really make someone's day, besides it feels good inside us too. A win win. John Lennon said it right, Love, love, love... all you need is love! Have a blessed day, Jai
  2. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi all, Yesterday the clutch parts arrived. Yesssss.... I talked to Pete and I am scheduled to take Redbird to him on Thursday morning. This is getting real exciting now. Also, I finally did a run with her, testing to see if the alcohol had any effect on the maybe water in the gas tank. I drove 22 miles, and really put her thru her paces. We drove in all sorts of tests. Fast, slow, quick stops, slow stops, very quick starting... anything I could think of to try to get her to stall/shutdown, nothing. Nothing had any effect on her, she drove like a champ.. I had warmed her before leaving, and she was fully hot during the driving. Maybe the page has turned on her dying episodes. But then again, it did happen intermittently, so we will have to wait and see. But it sure was a wonderful drive, my grin went from door to door. I did discuss finances with Pete again. He seems to be content with me paying when I can. But what he does not know is my lack of ability to pay him. I just do not have much extra $ in my account anytime. By the time I pay my "have too's" at the start of each month, there is very little left for the rest of the month, to use for food, gas, or any unforseen expenses. Those unforseen ones are the beasts. No time to figure how to pay them, they just suddenly happen and demand cash. I think those are universal to everyone. Ugh. Well that is the latest news folks, guess I'll quit now and go back to my nervous fidgeting, waiting for Thursday. Again, many thanks for all of your assistance in getting myself and Redbird to this point. Jai
  3. No thanks on the name. I may be mature (I don't use the "O" word), and my body failing some, but darn it I don't feel like a Grandma. My mind is stuck somewhere in the '70's. I like it !
  4. You know Mark, that was what kids called me when I was young. I've been thinking about it, and still my "handle" evades me. Frustrating. I do remember it was unique.
  5. Dear JSM... My oh my, you guys assume that Z cars should only be owned by MEN. Not so in this case. I am a 74 you old, waiting by the phone right now for my first great grand child to be born, LADY who has had Z's all my life. Well 2 that is. My first, a 1971 240Z- Redwing took me 259,000 miles. Did you know that is almost exactly the distance to the Moon? Yes I drove to N.H., and climbed that mountain, with my son alone. No one else. I asked on the CB if I could follow a certain semi thru NYC, he said "sure if you think you can keep up". When we got thru NYC, with me still tailing him, he said "lady you are a bodacious driver!" I thanked him saying "I always wanted to be a racecar driver". His was one of the finest compliments I've ever had, made my day. Ha! And, we wore seat belts from the first moment, driving her home after my purchasing her! Sooo, now you have the straight poop.... Should I sign it Rock'in Grandma Jai ???
  6. Just a normal one. Just looks big on the shorter car. Hahaha...
  7. Not a dealer option. Hmmm, not sure where you got the 3 in a Z. It did happen sometimes, bur not often. I was sure cops would not be impressed!
  8. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Lumens I was advised to not change the Trans oil unless necessary. I think it was noted, that might be opening a can of worms. But innocent me does not know what is right. I need to have more info. Plus this jumps up the $ involved, and not sure I can do it anyway for that reason. I might not have enough $ to run the rest of the month if I use all my S.S. now. Thank you, Jai
  9. Thank you... those were the good Ole days. I haven't thought about that CB in a zillion years. I'll have to get back to you on the handle, I'm a total blank, that was some 40 years ago. Hahaha...
  10. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ahhh, I take it that he has transferred his chewing onto objects of his eye, and off your house? Good trade! You silly goose...
  11. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks for all the solid response about the Exedy clutch kit. It will be ordered in the morning, hopefully here by Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll keep everyone posted as to what's going on. Yayyyyy...... Jai
  12. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Love him! He has grown up to a very handsome boy!.....
  13. Redwing wasn't an extremely early 1971 240Z, Vin # HLS30-11,904. But way earlier than my now 1976 280Z RedBird HLS30-277,450. But no way could I have done a full restore on Redwing, so she is where she needs to be, with Tim (not on this group) for that. Praise the Lord. And my tears of not having a Z to drive is being taken care of now by my sweet RedBird, no matter the Vin #. So this "mature lady" is thankfully happy.
  14. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Site, I'm wanting to get the clutch kit ordered asap. Today I verified with Pete, the mechanic to do the work, that he will do it and allow me to pay as I can. He is real agreeable, said to call when the parts are here. I want to check with you to see if this kit from Amazon is complete for the job, as you had advised me to make sure. The kit I'm looking at is: "Exedy kit on Amazon, after typing in my car info (1976 Datsun 280 Z), was the first one listed. EXEDY 06009 OEM Replacement Clutch Kit" I also asked Pete about the flywheel, and he said it is up to me, but a good idea to do it if it needs it. So I asked "but if it goes bad not too long after the clutch is done, that would make it prudent to work on it now while already into the clutch, right?" He agreed, saying it would be an extra $30 - 40, tagged onto the clutch bill, but no problem. So he is going to decide after looking at it, while already into the clutch, and will go from there. Please get back with me about this clutch kit, I want to order it at the latest tomorrow. Need to get on with this job. I'm going to lose the SUV my son lent me any day now, it is one of his work trucks for his surveying. Thank you, Jai
  15. Ahem..... yes. I was totally uneducated about such things then. Sorry... groan...
  16. Hi, I found some photos of my original Z, 1971, Redwing. When I got her from the dealer, she had 7 miles on the odometer. I was scared to death to driver her home after dark, I had never driven anything with any power. I'd had a VW bus! And the radio was playing the song "D.O.A". Anyone remember it? That was scary in itself. Needless to say, I got over that quickly, with my beautiful car. The color one was before we left, of her sitting right by the front to door, grinning in delight, anticipating the trip. And the black & white photos were when we (my son & myself) were camping. And yes, I packed all our camping equipment in her deck. I drove to Mt. Washington in N.H., where we climbed the mountain, the highest peak in the eastern U.S., 6,288 feet. Amazing trip travelling on the Blue Ridge Parkway for a lot of the trip, with all those curves! Oh yes, I zoomed her all the way. Wheee... Thought you all might get a kick out of seeing these. Jai
  17. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Good morning all, Redbird has been sitting all this time. Now that my social security will be coming tomorrow, I'm going to check if I can eek the parts for the clutch out of it. I have a small surplus in it this month due to me buying one of Deanna's meds last month. I have decided to try to go with the Exedy kit. Several have mentioned it is a good kit. Thank all of you for giving me information, it helps me a lot when I am so unknowledgeable about it, and other things. Hopefully RB will be done soon, so I can join Site at the car show April 1. Yayyy... Jai
  18. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sorry. Yes suddenly losing speed, then is when I realized she was running as if key were off. Suddenly shutting off, a short time later I realized I was coasting only. Sorry I had not made that clear. Thanks, Jai
  19. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Mark, no clue when it is going to shut off. Cruising along, and suddenly losing speed. Thanks tho. Yes it never stops when it is cold. Not sure about the rain aspect, I don't drive her in the rain. Jai
  20. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sorry you have a bit of misinformation. The car was bought new in Scottsdale Arizona. It appears she does not have a catalytic converter tho. Thank you for your interest and help. Jai
  21. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Lumens, All I can say is that gwri8 and SteveJ have both opened the distributor and seen in it. No comments were made, mentioning if it is a Federal or not. I personally do not know. Jai
  22. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Site... Greg (gwri8) drove her and told me that was what the problem is. I've never driven a car that the clutch is going out, so I had no idea what the problem was. Thank you, Jai
  23. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Reporting in with the news of today, about Redbird and overcoming her problems. I put the bottle of alcohol into the gas tank, but due to rain and Dr appointments, I haven't driven her to mix it up. I took the distributor cap out see if it was the right size and put it on. Alas, I was unable to unhook the clips. To do later when I have tamed the clips. Today I went to Dalton, and saw Pete the mechanic. He is very willing to work with me, accepting payments for the new clutch to be installed. He would rather work with broke people because they always stick to an agreement and he does not have to run them down for the money. What we agreed on was for me to get the parts, and then we will set a date for the work. He expects to be able to do it in a single day. His estimate of the labor was $250. Oh gee wow, that thrilled me. Good deal! Now I have to scrape up the cash. I pose this question to all of you, would you please recommend a good clutch kit for me? Surely you know I'm totally un educated on this project. Ha! Which would be the best clutch to buy for the buck? For sure you need to know I am not looking for one that is one of the souped up ones, that are put into race cars, that would be overkill and way overpriced for me. I just need something that is reliable, well known for its service, and a great value. Thank you all for showing me the way to go. I really am in debited to each of you. Have a great evening, I know I will now that some of the stress is off me. Thanks again... Jai
  24. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi all, I received the distributor cap today. Visually it looks too little, even tho I got it from a site that had me put my car info in to tell me if it was a correct fit. Ordered it because it was a match. Have not gone out and compared it side by side yet. If the distributor cap is what is needed would that cause the problem of stalling the way Greg wrote about? Or will that fix it? I need to figure this problem out soon. My son has been letting me drive his work SUV. Talk about strange, it is like driving a big bus or RV. And now he is questioning at what stage the repairs are for RB. Which feels like he is going to want the SUV back. I'm sure he needs it. Soooo, after I replace the dist. cap, drive her to check, if she fails what would be the recommendation of my next move? Just trying to get ahead on where to go next if she won't stay running. Thanks for everything, Jai
  25. Redwing posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wishing my friends some love in your lives. Hope this day is SWEET... Jai

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