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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. I agree. My head is swimming just looking at this neat bunch of equipment. Years back I would have given my left pinky to have all of it. Snarf! Jai
  2. Cliff... Ha, your first joke ever? Funny in sort of a sadistic way. My very first joke I cannot repeat on here, being a lady prevents it. Has to do with Vaseline ________ and __________ glue tho... fill in the blanks. Hahaha... Jai
  3. Greg... Yes that really is an old joke. I'm 74 now and remember my Mom telling me that one when I was a TEEN. That sorta makes it older than your birth, eh? Amazing you could remember it. Pretty old... Hahaha, Jai
  4. I have 2 of the plastic developing tanks. And maybe some of the plastic sheets, I'll have to look. They're yours if you want them. I had many happy hours in the darkroom too. Jai
  5. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have been looking online, just to check prices (for many things), and the fuel drain gasket comes in several types. What type did you get for your Z? Nylon, rubber, synthetic, etc? I had no idea there would be choices. I thought it would be good to get one to have on hand. I did find NGK spark plug wires to fit my RB, for $28 on Amazon. Thanks, Jai
  6. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi friends, The gas lines are replaced! Good timing too, the gas leak had gotten worse with Redbird sitting immobile since parked, after being towed home. It was now visibly dripping. Glad I had not driven her when she did start, while waiting for the lines to be replaced. Phew! Michael worked his magic last night, and they're done. Forgot, the new clamps that were suggested - 1/2" X 9/16" - were too small. They would not go on, could not be used. So Michael had to replace the old ones. So if you all do this job, use the slightly larger clamps. But it was late and he didn't get to the spark plugs. So I'm hoping my son will get well soon and do them, open and pull the ECU to check the connectors plus Deoxit them, (my body will not contort into that position) and replace the fuel filter too. In the meantime, I'll be checking the places pointed out to me, to make sure connections are secure, using Deoxit on all. Next is changing the oil. That's all folks, stay tuned! Jai
  7. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Steve, I found the drain plug size, it is a 12 mm plug. When reading in the url for atlanticz regarding gas tank removal that Site sent, it was right there. Thank you Site! Jai
  8. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Aghhhh..... that's the pits being sick that long. Hope you are feeling better and improve more each day. Michael is coming over today to repair the gas leak. I got the hose and clamps. Also got the spark plugs, NGK BPR5EY. I had to educate the guy at Auto Zone. He probably brought out 4 different sets before he found the ones I requested. Ha! Maybe Michael will have enough time to put them in today, as my son is sick and cannot do it as he said he would. Will let you all know how things are improving with RedBird. Thanks for everyone's help. Jai
  9. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you Site. I would guess that Auto Zone will have reference to the length. I'll be getting them tomorrow, and Michael will put them on soon. We haven't set a date for when yet. Thanks for all the help. Jai
  10. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Have you been following? The 2 hoses connected to the nipples on the gas tank are the ones I need to replace. Just need to confirm if you are talking about these same ones. Thanks bunches! Jai
  11. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Please... What size of fuel hoses and clamps do I need??? My FSM has disappeared here, hiding somewhere unknown. Aghhh... Thanks guys, Jai
  12. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Super news my friends!!! My neighbor Michael volunteered to replace the gas lines. He has a fire extinguisher too! My son is going to replace the spark plugs, and one of them , or I, will do the rotor. It was decided that it was needed too, right? So on Friday (Hooray for social security day!) I will go to Auto Zone and get the oil, the rotor, the plugs and the hoses. Oh, need to get new clamps too. Wonder where I can get the right ones quickly? Thinking aloud. Not sure Auto Zone will have the ones I need. I'll have to check Amazon, get here in 2 days if they do. Tell me guys, the size of the hoses needed. And thanks to all of you, for each suggestion given. You're the best! Jai
  13. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I am aware she needs more than loafing driving. Just lately with the rumbling etc, I have driven without much speed. That made the rumbling worse. Thank you. BTW... Deanna likely had an old dog vestibular disease incident. She is improving daily without vet intervention. Yay. (Acute inflammation of vestibular nerve, what helps all to stay balanced. Typically resolves with sudden inprovement.)
  14. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thank you. My son has a set of ramps. Will use them.
  15. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Dave, Sorry about not answering your points earlier. The temp sensor, how does one do that? With a meter or something? Temp sensor, temp sender & connector, all replaced 8/29/15. Cold start valve, unplugged the connector, was done on 8/15/15. Do you mean pressure test the fuel lines? Not sure if done, no notes on that. Thank you, Jau
  16. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sorry I did not respond to your suggestion. Please tell me more about spark scatter, and what to do. Thank you, Jai
  17. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Will doing this with a tank nearly out of gas be of help? Nope, not a job for me personally, thanks. Another question.... To do a full tune up, do the spark plug wires get replaced? The ones in her have not been there that long. I have on hand a new oil filter and fuel filter. So I need plugs, rotor and dist. cap? Anything else, besides oil natch? When looking in engine bay yesterday, the air filter was checked. It did not look anywhere near bad, just a little dust on parts of it. Would this need to be replaced too? Trying to figure the finances of this event. Thanks all... Ja
  18. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sorry about your wife and no gas. Yes the Guage works in RedBird, and she does have gas. Good question tho, thanks.
  19. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    ZedHead, Thank you for un-dudeing me. Hahaha! Yes Redbird uses oil, with no dripping, nothing showing on any part of the engine. My neighbor Michael, who went all over her yesterday looking for anything that might be amiss, could not see anything indicating oil loss. His comment on her engine was "you should be proud of this engine, it is so clean". Another . And "for a 40 year old car, she is so great, and nice". We all knew that tho, I feel so fortunate to have been blessed with this specific car. Ok, next question is about the hoses on the gas tank. How do they get replaced? Is it a monumental job, please tell all. Thank you everyone, for looking out for me! Jai
  20. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    RedBird started! My neighbor came over today and had a look at her. First off, asked me to try to start her. After that was a success, we pulled the plugs and I photoed them. We determined she does not have a catalytic converter, and the exhaust has plenty of flow exiting it. No chance it is plugged. He went under the gas tank and checked the G3 filter, and it was crystal clear, no debris or discoloration in it. Noted that the gas tank has a small leak. Not dripping to the ground, very slow. Apparently coming from the black hose nipple, or perhaps there is a pinhole leak. He heard the fuel pump working, but said it possibly could run slower as length of driving time run, if it is going bad, causing car to stop. I guess I'll start driving again now that she is running again, and if she stops and won't start, call the tow truck. We can look for more gremlins then. BTW, there are no mice living In the air filter. I think that is all to report. I'll write again if I forgot something. The photos are following, spark plugs and under gas tank showing leak. Please give me your opinions of what I have reported. All ideas are welcome. Jai
  21. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My error, no sticker at all, thanks. We've been treating her as tho she had a converter. Jai
  22. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Zed Head, Thank you for your quick answer. There is no sticker in the door jamb, but I have been under her while on a lift, and saw it. Correct, she will not start now. Never did after I had her towed home. Jai
  23. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi all, I was talking with a mechanic that has helped me fix my truck in the past. Dean said that RB's symptoms are just like a car he had in the past. Saying that the EGR valve got clogged and the catalytic converter got clogged too. His suggestion was to loosen up the converter at the front edge, and try to start her then. I mentioned oil loss with no apparent way, save the tailpipe is greasy. Yes he said that too. Stalling, stopping, chugging, fouled plugs, agh, cannot remember all we talked about that would be caused by a clogged converter. He said, the combustion has no where to go except building up pressure in the engine, causing many many problems. That all sounds probable to me, but I'm not a mechanic. So I am the messenger, relaying this to you, and asking for your take on it. And I'm asking for any who have had this happen, please tell just what did you do to get your car running good again? Please share with me your efforts and results. Thanks bunches, Jay BTW Deanna watchers, she had a seizure or stroke last night. Still out of it and walking is Very hard, almost can't without help.
  24. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Not to worry... I keep key In my pocket when engine work Is being done!
  25. Redwing replied to Redwing's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yes I do have the origional ECU. Yep I have high hopes that this Is just a temporary setback. I so much have enjoyed driving symptom free. Datsun Z's rule! Thank you...

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