Everything posted by Redwing
- Late Dusk
WTB Stock 8-track player for a 240z
I was the first one on the east coast (in Miami) to get a stock 8 track for Redwing. So I know they did get some here. My Dad worked for a Datsun/Mercedes dealer, and I did too a few years later. I know what I'm saying. But who knows how many they sent to USA. I will look, but I think it is long gone now. That was 45 years ago.
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Oh yes, I definitely will keep posting her progress. You know I really hope this is "the big one" too. That would be so wonderful, so great! Due to you sending the ECU. Thank you again, Jai
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
ECU report....! Well, there is actually nothing to report. Redbird is being very normal. Not a single stall, running very well. The one thing I do notice is that she is running so smooth, like silk. It's not that she was running rough, it's just there is a noticeable difference. So something changed. Thanks to rcb280z for sending the ECU. That apparently was the real problem. Tho, she is still in the "honeymoon" period, so I Will continue to monitor her and report back.
An apology and request.
Oh very glad to hear this wondrous outcome. That is amazing! Praise the Lord!!! Give Kathy big hugs from me. My phone is gone, and the tablet was down. So no way to contact you or get an update. Finally had to do a complete factory restore on this tablet so it lost all my stuff. Lots of work ahead.
An apology and request.
Oh Mark, I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for your Kathy, for whatever is needed. Jai
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
You are so right ZedHead! But not a scratch, blame my "mature" eyes. Hahaha... I took a photo of the ECU taken out of RedBird. That statement was made to insure all "who's on first". Thanks guys... Jai
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
The ECU from rcb280Z arrived, and was put in RedBird yesterday. It is an A11-601-000. What came out was an A11-801-000. Think that difference in the number could be part of the reason why she has had stalling problems? I didn't drive much today. I'll have to do a gas run soon and that will give some miles testing. Who knows how long I'll have to drive to find out, anyone have any idea? Looking forward to finding out if this helps RB. Jai
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
GOOD NEWS!!! I finally got my son over, and we checked out the questions you folks have asked about RedBird. 1) The gas cap vent. If it is the round center piece about the size of a quarter, it does indeed move. But I could not tell, it would not lift high enough to see, if it was a free opening. So inconclusive about if it is working right or not. 2) There were no gas drips coming off the gas tank, either on the side or in the middle. Nothing wet at all. I have been keeping a pan under to see if I can catch drips, but none have collected. 3) The clear filter between the gas tank and the fuel pump, is clean of debris. (Yay!) The gas in it was a clear pale yellow, normal color I think. 4) Checked the hard line from gas tank to under battery. No corrosion, seems like it is a solid line. Just a little dirt on it. 5) The tach seems to have a correct wire connected to it. A jumble of wires in the way, so could not see any other wires. Is there a fuse that covers the tach? My diagram does not show one. Does another fuse cover it, as well as being labeled for something else? That's all folks! I'm thinking this is a good report, nothing bad to tell. Let me know what you all think of these results! Thank each of you for your interest and assistance with my dear RedBird.
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Yes, I think we determined RedBird is a California car. She does have the catalytic converter. Where is the "altitude switch"? I will send you my address. Thank you sooooo much! My son was over and we went down the list of questions you folks have asked. I will start another post for that tho. It is all good news! Zoooommmm......................
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Maybe speakers too? Thanks...
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
If I can get an ECU, my son who lives next to me can put it in I'm sure. Jai
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Bless you, thank you. I'll be praying it is a 1976!
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
I was wrong.i
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Oh yes, I did not know that exact problem was possible, but I am not surprised. I mean, there is a reason why everyone changes oil religiously. But the actual changing of it is beyond me, since the drain plug is stuck/refusing to come out. Thank you...
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Not Steve J. Another Steve from here. Actually it is "Lumens"...
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Thank you, I think you are wise. Now to find one with my lean pocketbook. You say "it's a no-brainer if you have one available" ........ Whaaaa, a brain???? Snicker...
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
No the ECU has not been replaced. I had an offer from rcb280z, but it was missing from his parts collection. He was going to send me an ECU and an ICM. I was thinking about it too again recently. Wondering if that would fix some if not all of RedBird's problems. Also, Steve(? Forget his initial.) sent me an ignition switch for me to hold in case it was determined RB needs that too. Still holding it. Waiting to hear if it is needed. Ideas about these mentioned parts anyone??? Thanks...
What a Difference a Day Makes with RedBird
Oh no, not again... Tuesday filled up with 100% gas. (This is the station in Dalton that only sells 100% gas, all 3 grades. I bought the 89%.) First tho, added some water remover. Drove home, 15 or so miles. All perfect. Then last night was going to church, started RedBird to warm her. She began the missing , chugging stuff. Jumped back in and prevented her from dying by staying heavy on the gas. Like someone here told me, I had to stay hard on the gas to keep her alive, whilst she once again made volumes of exhaust. Staying there until the exhaust quit. Shortly she returned to normal and I let her finish warming up. The drive to church (about 2 miles) was uneventful. Then starting up to come home, about 1 1/4 hours later, she started fine. But she stalled out after driving about a mile, just like I'd turned the key off. No warning. Checked the gauge and it was normal. She started right up, drove a couple hundred feet and died again. She repeated that for 5 more times, to get home. This is different than before, as she would not start again that quickly before. And this was with no warning, dropping speed or chugging, just bam and she was off. Called the gas station this morning and asked about possibility of water in the gas. He was very nice, and was not upset with my questioning him. And no, no water in his gas. Checked her this morning, started her with no problems. She turned over just fine, and warmed up for 20 min. with no hassle. Drove up to my one horse berg they call a town to get my meds refilled, with no problems at all. Now, when I filled up on Tuesday and drove home, then to church last night, total I only drove a total of about 25 miles. This is before I drove to get my meds. The gas gauge shows only 3/4 full. Isn't that a lot of gas used for so few miles? Is there some way she could be losing gas as we travel? I have been keeping a container under her, but no gas is dripping out. Another outside thought. When she arrived here from Fl., her oil was very black. Greg was going to change it, but the drain plug would not come out. Fearing it might break, he left it alone. We decided to leave it until I got to Steve's, for when he will put her on his lift. I have been watching the level, and have added a total of 3 qts. since March 2015. Is there any way this putrid oil could be causing these incidents of volumes of exhaust? Strange thought, I don't know if it is possible, so I'm asking you all. I just don't understand why she is such a wonderful purring kitten, and change to a vixen overnight. Ideas anyone? Thanks bunches...
How to turn datsun z into a toyota
But the question begs... WHY? Not enough produced by Toyota? Very sad.
280 Z Non Locking Driver Door
Sorry... thank you.
280 Z Non Locking Driver Door
Are you saying that you have the spring tensioner that will work in my RB? Thank you...
280 Z Non Locking Driver Door
CanTechZ, You are correct. My 1976 Z locks like the 240. Thank you for sending the diagrams. I always liked that with my 1971 Redwing too, cannot lock key in the car. Steve, You got that exactly right. Will be interested in seeing a photo with the tensioner spring in place. Is the locking mechanism is specific to the car years? Thank you.
280 Z Non Locking Driver Door
S10 driver - I do not know what you describe. Since this little wire was broken off except for about a 1/2 inch piece still attached, never having seen it, I cannot relate it to a key or where it goes. Michael called this little wire the spring tensioner. It is not the main spring that lays flat and is wound around and around. I do not have to do any gymnastics to lock the door now, it automatically locks 100% of the time. Steve - I'm not sure if the wound flat spring is what you describe or the tiny wire tensioner, attached in the door itself.. Michael said that really the old lock needs to be replaced, not just the wire spring tensioner. But for now it locks.And I can get out of the car. It is a PITA but workable. I can deal with that for now. Thanks guys, Jai