Everything posted by Redwing
Redwing's Car - An Update
Thank you Steve for explaining the products and the clarification of the water possibilities.. I guess as the saying goes "you get what you pay for". I too thought hearing the gas cap whoosh was a good thing. Hmmm, thinking aloud. Remember that someone suggested to leave the gas cap ajar slightly, earlier when all this started, along with the thinking she might be having vapor lock problems? Could this have allowed water vapor to enter the tank? It stayed in that position for a long time waiting on the vapor lock prognosis.Thank you, Jai PS I might have caused the stall and not restarting last Wednesday night (tow night) inadvertently. I did not take the time to let her idle, I was in a dark area and wanted to get out of there ASAP. Could that have caused it???
Redwing's Car - An Update
quote name="rcb280z" post="480330" timestamp="1446480565"]That's why I asked about water in the tank earlier. But Jai did say that the "smoke" lingered for awhile. Another question, if its oil burning why doesn't it happen all the time? Jai, at what level do you keep your fuel tank, or should I ask, how empty do you let it get and for how long? RedBird has mostly been off the road for several months now. When Steve and Tony emptied the tank, there was 5 gallons old gas in it. When I filled it up with 8 gallons of 100%, that was last Saturday, a week ago. rcb280z The open canopy is backed up to my house with just room for me to walk thru. I back RB in, so her gas tank is near the house. So that prevents much breeze flowing thru. As to starting the car, she started normal, and I left her running while I did other things. She idled for 5 - 10 minutes with no white smoke. Then I was starting to go to mailbox when she decided to make the white smoke, ran really rough, but we made it. I don't remember any white smoke as I was backing her in. Then later that day, she went to town and back with no incident. No more white smoke then either. Please keep the questions coming, Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Oh forgot... RB is parked in the carport which is flat. Did not talk about the rough starting, gasping to die, on the white smoke time. Ran, but really rough, gas pedal was only way to keep her going while I drove to mailbox and back. Is that also typical of water in the gas? And yes, I suspect that gas station does not sell 100% gas often. Ok, sounds like maybe we might be closing in on the white smoke problem. I do not have the availability to empty the tank. I think you are saying that an alcohol based product would eliminate or mix the water, if there is still more in there? That would be a different product than the Techtron FI cleaner, or Stabil? Both I was told to get, but have not used since the white smoke, wanting to not throw something else into the confusion. I am thinking that you are suggesting something like Heet? I have not used it, nor read the label. Supposing that maybe just by the name, it might be what you are talking about? I do not have the way to go get what you recommend, must wait until my tow once a week becomes available to me again. Which would be Thursday. Just in case. Steve also recommended to take the starter spray with me on the next outings, to try and see if I can get past needing a tow. I will do it now that the weather has cooled down. Not sure I'd want to do it in the real hot weather for obvious reasons. Thank you for your interest and assistance! Onward... Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Mark,I do not remember the smoke smelling sweet. I sniffed at it, knowing I would be asked. It was, to the best of my ability, an odor that reminded me of a mechanics shop. Duh, that is not a good answer. But I can't pinpoint either gas, oil, or coolant. Didn't obviously smell of any of them. I did not drive on, went back into carport. Quite possibly it was a humid day, not sure tho. We do get a lot here. But later on in the day when I started her, there was no white smoke. I drove to town and back (about 10 miles round trip) without incident. Since then, there has not been a reoccurance of the white smoke. It was a one time incident. Which, I hope is a good thing. No, the soot in the tailpipe did not feel oily. Just powder. Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
I have a question that maybe I should know, but do not. If you have a container of gas and water, how does it manifest in the the container? Mixed? Water on top? Gas on top? I am wondering if perhaps the gas I pumped had water in it, would the water settle to the bottom after overnight resting, then be the first out of the tank and cause the white smoke? This is all under the supposition that water would be on the bottom, and even then it might be a real fictional happening. I might be showing my ignorance, I have no idea if this is possible at all. But maybe??? The reason I am asking is I have, for reasons unknown except "that little feeling", avoided purchasing gas at that particular gas station. I think this is the first time buying there, and only because it was the closest station to get 100% gas. Now....you can clock me up as being a total looney. Just wanted to share this info, maybe some of you pay attention to those feelings too. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
The incident of the large amount of smoke happened once. It was a lot, and did not seem to disapate quickly. It came out and filled the carport from the ground up to about the height of RB, only behind RB. As I recall, it was not transparent. Should it happen again, I will get a video with my cell phone. I was so surprised that I did not think to do that then. Yes, it was in the early morning, I had not driven her. She was cold. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Here is how it happened: I filled up last Saturday. I had driven 5 miles there, and 5 miles home. Sunday drove to church, 6 miles round trip. Then to town, another 10 miles round trip.. So far 21 miles + -- after filling up. Then Tuesday morning was the white smoke incident. Drove only to the mailbox smoking, 1/4 mi away. 1/2 total. ..Tuesday afternoon drove back to town, purring motor, no incidents. 10 miles ..Wednesday drove to town purring, no incidents. 5 miles ..Wednesday later, did not start good, missing and struggling to stay alive, she quit. Had to get her towed back. 0 miles. So approximately from last Saturday thru last Wednesday, I drove her 36.5 miles after filling up. The 2 incidents happened during that time. After, as of now, she is starting great, no problems. But I have not taken her out. Thank you, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Yes, those plugs were in RedBird since August 15, and the AFM was put in a week ago yesterday. I will go in the manual and learn how to clean them, and follow your suggestion. As to water in the tank, I have no idea. But after I filled her tank, I did take her to a car wash last Saturday. I avoid the areas that perhaps might leak. I will go out and check the gas cap, to make sure it is on tight. Ok, it is on tight, so I opened it. The familiar small whoosh of vacuum was there. So I seriously doubt car wash water got in there. Now if it got there by any other way, again I have no idea. She does not live outside, she is comfy in her new carport, out of the weather. I too am confused by the white smoke. Thanks for your ideas, if I need to clarify anything, just ask. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Finally getting the spark plugs and the swipe of the exhaust pipe photos uploaded. I was not able to lighten the photos, there is a confusion between my cell phone and my tablet. They are both pretty sooty. The spark plugs were put in RedBird on August 15. But because of the problems with her, I doubt I have driven her more than 50 - 75 miles max. Jai
Happy Halloween!
So what's your babies name? Boo beat out 30,000 dogs, all voted on by over 3,000,000 people to win the Halloween costume in Dogster about 6 years ago. I was really surprised, I had just thrown his costume together with stuff around here. Love the babies, Jai😇 🚘
Happy Halloween!
Redwing's Car - An Update
Nope, no kids around here, I live out in the country. What is over-fueling? Sorry I do not know that term. I have to take my ailing get dog to the vet in the morning, but in the afternoon I will pull the plugs and photo them. And stick my finger in the tailpipe. I can tell you now tho, it looks very black. I Think when they put the AFM on that she was running lean. Think. Will get back to this later tomorrow. Thanks for the info. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Sorry, I miss spoke about what Steve did with the ECU. My error. I was confused about what he did, maturity crept in. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Zed, RedBird does start all the time since last Friday when the AFM was replaced. That is until Wed night. Most of the time she purrs like a kitten. The morning after being towed after she wouldn't start, she chirped to life like a sweet purring kitten. And, on the morning of the heavy smoke, that afternoon she started and ran perfectly to town and back. Before those 2 instances, over the weekend I drove all over, going to town 3 times. When Tim and Steve were here and replaced the AFM, Steve pulled the ECU, and it checked out ok. Thank you for your interest and comments. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Dennis, I hear you and appreciate your being candid with me. Steve told me the same on a PM. Neither of which was easy to hear. I had my hopes set on driving RedBird on into my demise. Oh, how I don't want that to change. I am trying to find out how to check the compression. Who does that kind of work? I sincerely want to be able to get beyond this problem, and able to keep her. I'm sure you understand. I am blinded by the repairs that I had with my 1971 240, Redwing. When I first got her, there were transmission problems on many of them, taken care of by Nissan at no charge. That happened twice, and then never again. The ONLY repairs I had to do for her was brake pads, and rear u-joints. I suppose in the years I had her, perhaps I had to have 8 replaced. After that, Nothing! She went the 259,000 miles with no other repairs. I kept after the regular maintenance, as my Father taught me, I'm sure that helped alot. So in comparing my 1971 Z Redwing, to my 1976 Z RedBird, I expected the same quality of car. Maybe that is my big mistake. Blinding me to the possibility that my 1976 Z would not hold up and wear as well as my 1971 Z had. I am a novice, except for owning Redwing for 44 years, so I do not have the information that all you have gotten by years of hands on working on your Z's. She was a dream car, never let me down, shared with me the best part of my adult life, while flying me where ever I needed to go. Hence my Redwings... except the tag only had 7 letters. Thank you all, everyone. I am open to your thoughts. Jai PS... Who is to say that if I sell my 1976 Z for something else, that I won't be buying into the same or other big problems with it?
Redwing's Car - An Update
Dennis, Would that be the case if she runs great, then the smoke, then runs great, then dies...? I have started her two days in a row now after the stopping incident, with no sign of any problem. I mean, will that show up intermittent between driving perfect? Thank you input. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Hi folks, I am so sorry to report RedBird is still having problems. I am crushed. I have only the highest regards for those who took their time, parts and efforts to work on her. They are tops in my eyes, and I thank you gentlemen with all my heart. I wish that this post could never have been written. I'm sure that you all are discouraged too, the best was done to make sure it didn't. That darned Gremlin! On Tuesday I was going to drive to the mailbox. Got her warmed up, then proceeded forward. The Gremlin surfaced, causing huge billows of white smoke coming from the exhaust, missing and trying to stall making a chugging ride. Had to stay on the gas so that she did not die. Made the trip there and back. Was supposed to go to town later, and was afraid I wouldn't get there. But she started like a Lady, and just purred taking me to town and back perfectly. I had driven her to town 3 times over the prior weekend with no problems. Then on Wednesday, I drove to town, not a single miss-step. But when I was coming home, after dark, when starting her she started missing, chugging again, and was not responding good to the gas. Went less than 100 ft., and she stopped. No amount of effort would start her again. Even waiting for 25 min before trying again, no response. Just the starter turning over and over without catching. So, nothing to do but have her towed home. Now I am afraid to drive anywhere, for if she stops and won't start again, I will not be able to have her towed again. My road service will tow me for free once a week. I cannot pay for it. Well folks, my question of course is.... any ideas??? I am so sad, when she ran it was wonderful! Love driving Z cars! Thank you all for everything. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Just was thinking. The only non-stock part of Redwing is the muffler. So he will have to replace worn out parts, but nothing to undo. She is stock. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Oh Steve, Tim didn't say that to me yesterday. I didn't know. I am so happy to hear that, my prayers are answered. Thank you for all your assistance. You were the first member to offer to come for a hands on looksee to RedBird. All this success for me, is Laurels on Your Shoulders. The TRUE Southern Gentleman! Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Site, You have no idea. RedBird (the 280Z) attracts Sooo much attention in my little town of 3000. The cops all know me too, I'll never be able to open her up safely here. The man at Advanced Auto today, as I was backing out, yelled leave some rubber! I shook my head no, the streets were wet, and I don't do squirly stuff in wet streets. Hahaha Then when I left the Dollar Store, I had 2 men come up and discuss Z's, as we all have noted earlier. Such fun. Yes, letting Redwing (the 240Z) go withTim, was a far better thing than for her just to rust away. It was tearing out my heart. But I do have her (original, both) shift knob, and he will send me the steering wheel. So she in that way will still steer me on, to my many miles to go. Yay! Thanks for the fine compliment... Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Oh my goodness. I had a most exhilarating ride with RedBird yesterday! The ungodly time spent from 6/15 until now, vanished in a microsecond. I HAVE MY BABY BACK! Oh she is sooooo sweet! People were looking at me oddly, wondering why I was in the grocery store with a non-removeable $^!# eating grin on my face. My jaws hurt today. But I'm anxious to get to church, and then off to a promised casual drive in the local mountains. RedBird will be as happy as I am! I have some photos, but I apologize, they are mostly of my kissing my dear Redwing goodbye. I would have posted them yesterday, but the Internet in our area was down. I do hope that Redwing will still have a life, but if not, at least she will give life, like an organ transplant, to other Z's in need. I will miss her and the memories. But off now to start new memories with the Lady RedBird. Onward..... Again thanking all who had a hands on part in RedBird's recovery, AND to all the rest for being the BEST back up crew with advice and parts. I am so amazed at each of you, all of you are dear to my heart. This would not have happened without YOU. Rats, time to go, time is short. Will add photos later today. Sorry. Still grinning, Jai
Redwing's Car - An Update
Steve, Far out, you really did a great job explaining yesterday's events. I took many photos, I will post some this afternoon. I really need to get to the grocery store for chicken food. Must go early, the hens will start an uprising if I don't. Besides, RedBird awaits me, after the best repair job ever. I do not want her to wait, plus I am just as anxious as she is! Many thanks to Steve, Greg, Tony, and Tim for their hands on repairs. Plus many thanks to each of you that have offered information, and sent needed parts. One of the best things I have ever done was to join CZCC. Great friendship offered, as well as the continued assistance with my 280Z. It would never have been done without each of you!
vin number questions
Thanks Steve. The bottom one made sense as to Redwing. I missed by one month of having a '70 instead of a '71. Same car! Hahaha I am so very excited for you and Tim to work on my RedBird, see you both tomorrow. Have you heard if Greg is coming too? Jai
vin number questions
I went to Black Dragon just for fun to check on my 240Z vin number. This is what they said. I tried to copy it, but that wouldn't work.This is the first two entries they list: 240Z ******coupe****** engine******model year******prod date****** chassis number Yes********yes*********L24*********1970************10/69-5/70*****000013-021000 Yes*******yes**********L24*********1971************1/71-8 /71******021001-046000 My 240 I purchased new 1/71, the riveted door tag: Yes*******yes**********L24*********1971*************10/70***********HLS30-11904 She does not fit in their first line of production. Strange eh? Jai
Paint Selection
Love it Greg! Let me know if you will be driving it home, maybe I can get a looksee? Jai