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Everything posted by Redwing

  1. Fastwoman, Thank you for your insightful thoughts. What about the line that is blocked both directions on the charcoal canister? Will that problem only manifest in the fuel tank whoosh? Any other problems from that line to manifest? As to the main fuel red garden hose, do I know enough (me and my manual), to do this replacement? Or is this something that I need to wait for the gentlemen coming to look at her, to do it? Maybe they need to see RB in this condition, unchanged, hose not replaced? Your not knowing which is RB's biggest problem, will that be figured out by the gentlemen? Do you have any idea about what it will take for me to be able to drive again? Hmmm, that sounds like a question with no answer. Actually I bought RB 12/1/14. It took her 3 months to get to me, March '15. I was able to drive her, unconcerned and very happy for 2 months until she started to be unreliable. Since the first of June, she has been difficult, with me, by me not driving any more shortly after. I am exceedingly sad that my beautiful girl just sits. You can understand how I am depressed at not being able to drive her. It has been a long time with not much driving. Deep sigh. Thanks for all, to all of you. I am so in debt to you. Jai
  2. Whoops...! I did not see Site's message before going to do the testing, and missed the URL he suggested. Aghhh, I looked at the hoses coming in/out of the fuel pump itself. Those, even though red and wrong, were not the hoses I should have looked at. Did not take off RR wheel. So that will have to be done later. No wonder the hose I looked at was wrong. Glad did not try to put filter there, it felt wrong, and it was. Hahaha
  3. Thank you Johnathan for your input. Battery was not dead. Started right up, before letting to run till dying. But seemed to not be running well. Didn't sound smooth, maybe missing? Ran for about 30 minutes + -- before dying. Tested for after engine dies with starter fluid, using the little hose pulled off the carbon canister, the other end. Starter fluid directly into manifold. Repeated the starter into the manifold twice, just to make sure. She totally refused to start both times. Nothing. At this point in time, Chip checked the full pump, and it was not even warm, no heat in it. The test I have listed in my notes as vent system. Dunno if that is my name for it or not. Take off fuel line from charcoal canister, then try using breath, to see if air goes through it. Answer is no. Not for either way. Air line apparently plugged. Could not install the little clear fuel filter. The hose was just as long as the filter, no room. BTW, that hose as well as the other one running from fuel filter are the same red, non normal hoses. Perhaps more garden hoses. The one for the little filter was to be 3/8 inch but it was far larger diameter. Some one sure did a Mickey Mouse on her, several hoses and more too. Could not complete yogurt test. Another time. Could on change oil. The nut on the oil pan was so tight Chip could not loosen it. He was afraid if he put a come along on it, that it would snap off. In checking the oil, it had gone way down to the lower end of dipstick. Curious, as it does not seem to be leaking on the new rocks in her carport, and I just checked it not long ago. Anyhow did not want to use the Devo oil and mix it with whatever is in there, I just added the Q. State 10W30 I had. And knowing it would be dumped as soon as the plug is loosened. Oh, there is a large hose coming through the firewall that goes to a canister. From there it goes (having been spliced) to the front of the car where it is not connected to anything. We are thinking that it at one time was connected to the AC compressor. Found in the manual, but for AC they do not number the things pointed out, so we could not figure the canister name out. But it was blazing Hot! In the manual, it looks like that the hose was split with others coming off it. But all that is there is, a single spliced hose that is dangling near the compressor. And the belt is still connected to the compressor too. We were discussing why both of these things were awry. Makes no sense. Seems like they would have just removed the hose, and unconnected the compressor from the belt. Why leave it connected so the non working compressor is turned all the time. But we left them as is, so when the guys get here to look at her, she will still be exactly as she was when dying on me. That is the extent of what we did today. It got too hot to be out working in the heat. But she did perk up and started running when we were finished, no problem! Please, if you can diagnose anything from what was tested, let me know. When she was running, it was music to my ears!!! I want go for a ride!
  4. The run engine till it stops test is done. Starter fluid into (canister line) into manifold, the car Will NOT start afterward. The car ran for at least 1/2 hour before stopping. The fuel pump at that time was NOT hot at all. The AC compressor, which is not working, is still hooked up to the belt. No hose hooked up to the compressor. Next is the yogurt cup test. Let you know.
  5. Ahhh, good idea. Yes I have 1 set of hemostats. Will have to rummage around to find another set. Sounds like a perfect solution. All "country boys" around here wouldn't be caught dead without their knives. Sharp ones! So I am sure Chip will be bringing his. What about getting the oil and that filter changed too??? Thank you both for the excellent ideas.
  6. Hmmmm, ok, I will have to get some of the screw clamps first, and wood clamps. When she stopped and I had to quit driving her, I had just put $20 in gas in her. So she has something more than half a tank full. Had I known all this was to transpire, I would not have put much in. In a nutshell, gotta be careful so that gas doesn't escape. As to the fuel filter in the engine, can those clamps be re-used? I am not going to do this maintenance alone, for the first time. My friend Chip was to come last Saturday, didn't make it. He is planning to be here in the morning. We will do as many of the tests as we can, and perhaps get the 2 filters in, plus oil, filter changed Fastwoman, me too on the ignition parts. I want to have help with the first round of all this work. Sure having a good time reading the service manual. Couldn't stop last night until 1:30. It sure is thorough. Even learning some about my meter as I read. It is not here yet, soon. I am glad the manual is sharing info on it, as I never have used one.
  7. I have another thought. I was reading online about the vapor/stalling problem. Someone mentioned that he had replaced the fuel filter and pump in his 280 Z before it was diagnosed. By doing that, the gas tank problem with the garbage floating around in it, buggered up those 2 new parts before diagnosis. He was lamenting he had to replace them again after cleaning out the tank. What would you say if I don't change any parts, (except for adding that clear fuel filter), and even go so far as to not changing the oil and filter until after R.B. is diagnosed?? Then also clean out tank before adding any expensive parts. She is just sitting, going nowhere. I would imagine the spark plugs and new F.I. wires (if needed) would be ok. I am thinking, I really have to keep a handle on $, so I don't need to buy parts twice! That oil and filter is expensive (for me). I had to buy 2 gallons to get 5 qts. But I guess you know that. Hehehe Add to that, the synthetic dielectric grease, and it was over $70. Eeek!
  8. I know. I have ordered some of those parts you mentioned from Harbor Freight. They are: All metric - 3/8 in ratchet, 3/8 10 piece socket set deep ones, 3/8 10 piece socket set regular size, (no extension) (no 1/4 size ratchet, sockets, or extension) 2 pliers, needle nose and regular, both vice grip. No regular pliers. My son has my Dad's tools, the silver ones that have a round hole on one end, and the other end is a "c". All sizes. Sorry I forget what they are called. And he has pliers and screwdrivers. I have asked him to share some with me and he said he would. Note you might find interesting. My Dad was deaf in one ear so the army would not take him in the war. I was born in Illinois, and the army sent Dad and us to Miami so he could work on the airplanes there. He got Craftsman tools and had his name engraved on them. That was early 1944. So his tools are that old, 71 years. Guess that is why Craftsman gives a lifetime warranty, they last! Cool eh? I bought from H.F. the tools I thought best, what I would need. I got the things that Bill would not have duplicates of. The kits from H.F. did not have good reviews on them, nor the screwdriver or pliers kits. It was talking on how they bent or came apart. So I avoided them.
  9. It varies I think by the air temperature. Usually in the morning she will start fine. But later in the day, she seems to want to gasp and not be willing to start or restart. Sometimes will. A week or so ago, I had driven a few miles when she just shuts off. Coast to a stop, and try to start. Wait 15-30 minutes and she (used to) start again. Last time I took her to town, a big 5 miles away, she did that 3 times before I got to the store. Then only once on way back home. The next time I tried to take her out, she grumbled and did not really want to move, but I won out and she went 1/4 mile. Would not restart then, nor hours later when I tried again just before being towed home. Then a repeat of that, but only maybe 1/8 mile out. The last time I tried to leave with her, in the cooler air of morning, she did not get out of my long drive before she stopped and refused to start again. Nor later. We pushed her back into the carport. I forget why, but I have successfully started her for just a few minutes recently. With no sign of chugging/ gasping then. So it has progressively gotten worse to the point I just know if she manages to go a couple of miles, she will do this again and need a tow truck now. So I have not even tried. If this description is not enough, just ask more what you want. Thank you for your interest and help!
  10. Thanks. I am going from ground zero, I have no tools except a hammer. They should be here today or tomorrow.
  11. Johnathan She will start now, but will quit whenever she decides, 1 block, 1 mile...+ --. No reliability at all. So this is done after she quits, right? Best to do is start her and let run until she decides to quit, right? Then rush in and do this test, right? My needle nosed pliers will be arriving in the next few days, and when the are here I will do the test as you described to me. I will let you and all know the outcome! Thank you...
  12. Ok siteunseen, I see your mark on the photo. One question for the hose when pulled. Is the hose removed from the manifold end or the other end? Ummm, what I am really trying to ask is once the hose is pulled, does the starter fluid go directly into the manifold, or from the other end of the hose? Squirting into the hose end, for it to travel the length of the hose to the manifold? Using a straw natch. Thank you, Jai
  13. Johnathan and FastWoman You both have given me different ways of using the starter fluid to check my engine. Johnathan's way seems far easier. Fastwoman's way is a much more detailed way of using the starter fluid. I am wondering if both have the same results? If so, I am leaning towards using Johnathan's way. Asking for imput from you? Any warnings? Thanks to both of you. Jai
  14. Today, things are coming together. In the mail I received my Electricians wire cutters, and my neighbor drove me to Advance Auto where I got my Delo oil (that had just arrived), and my silicone dielectric grease. The oil filter has not arrived yet, nor a few other things. I am so excited! Reading my service manual, and learning-learning-learning! I have Johnathan to thank for the book, and several necessary parts I will need. His gift was so perfect and right on for me! Thank you again Jonathan. Y ' all take care in this heat to protect your body. Jai
  15. Redwing posted a gallery image in Member Albums
  16. I know the hood on my 280 has been replaced. The paint is peeling off the inside showing gold paint under. It is misaligned, showing by the crack on the left side is wider at the end. Also it hits the post that is on the catch when closing, have to wiggle and re-shut it to get it to close. Not all the time though. The door plate says build date of 10/75. Not having the louvers, I guess it was an early '76 Z,, confirmed by the door plate. I wish that she had the lovures, might help her with her heat problem.
  17. That's really cool. Is the hood on the 280 that much different than a 240? Guess I will go out and take photos of RB and RW and compare them side by side. Can't move them together yet. Jai
  18. Is that this club? I have an idea on the photos, will try again soon. Thank you
  19. I have worked all afternoon trying to get the photos to you. My camera has a difficult time getting the photos to the tablet. I figured it out, and now cannot do it again. Poop.
  20. Took notes and answering you all at once in this post. Great on my hot gun. I am planning to do Only the tune up kit and oil change before Steve and Chet get here. Just so all of you understand, I would not attempt anything without your blessings. I had thought of the connectors, but changed my mind. I will Not change anything you want to see as is. To buy the hoses while getting the parts store to help, I need to have her running to do that. It has to wait. Diagnose problem('s) has to wait for the guys. But will photo requested parts, to get a head start on it. Steve, the 2 hoses that are like the main big one, are they the red ones too? Worry not folks, I have no intention of buying any parts. These that I have, are known needed things. The butt connectors, I'm thinking - tell me if I am wrong, will be needed. And the type you shared with me are all from Hong Kong. So shipping is about 3 weeks, I know from having ordered other stuff from HK. Knowing that, should I order some of these, the ones you shared that photo of - the 3 type lot, now? And, I only order parts that are free shipping. That is except the oil filter. I went ahead with it, because of my transportation situation, and wanting to get the oil change done. I am very savvy about shipping fees. Still need to know size diameter of wires. I'm off, on a galloping horse and a mighty " Hi, Ho, Silver." Blessings, Jai
  21. Hi all, I hope your 4th celebrations went well for you. Mine was quiet, watching TV with my dogs. Ha! I have ordered some parts. Due to a mis-communication on my part, I jumped the gun in my eagerness, may have ordered too quickly things possibly not needed. Here is what I ordered: Tune up kit- spark plugs & wires, fuel filter, distribution cap & rotor. Ebay #151737279936 Electricians tool - Ebay # 331578159594 Wire harness repair kit - Ebay # 231225142945 K &N oil filter - Ebay # 331581372144 I will be picking up the oil on Thurs. when it comes in - Chevron Delo400 150 Plan on using this oil (for first oil change anyhow, as the oil in RB is so black) and FastWoman says it will do a good job of cleaning out the mess. At that time I will get the starter fluid, since I have nothing to drive, and have to go on Thurs. anyhow. 2 questions. What size butt connectors do I need for the black wires, the spider web on my engine? Amount? And, what size and amount, for rest of wires I might need to replace connectors in engine? Get a kit with all 3 sizes? I have no idea. I have a heater gun I used for embossing on paper, but have no idea (it is pretty hot), if it is hot enough to shrink the marine/waterproof butt connectors. Or should I just get the clamp on ones? Ideas? And...I have seen 3 spark plug sockets I am interested in, but do not know about size for RB. Snap On - used, 3/8 drive universal(fits my ratchet), with a 5/8 swivel. Ebay # 231613879676 Kobalt - 3/8 drive, 18 mm 6 point, socket only. Ebay # 330914026270 Performance Tool - 3/8 drive, 14 mm socket only. Ebay # 281721031198 Any ideas which would do best for me? New photo of engine. Hope it is in better focus. That is it guys, give me your opinions. Thank you.
  22. Siteunseen... You are so funny!!!
  23. Note: Redwing is going to move to be undercover. My 12 X 20 (tarped) car shelter is to be moved for her. It is now at a bad place, with very tall pine trees. You know the kind, break and/or fall with stormy weather. It will be put next to RedBird's carport, so they will be happy together!
  24. Sorry I made a mistake thinking the first post disappeared.
  25. Everyone... You folks are Just Wonderful. I am so amazed at your offers to me, and truly bless your sweet hearts! Yes I will wait for you all, using my neighbors and son for trips to wherever, or borrowing vehicles. I am much at peace knowing I will not have to put her in the hands of a non Z person to work on her. You all are an answer to my prayers. Thank you...

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