Everything posted by Redwing
To Dream the Impossible Dream (Redwing's Z cars)
Thank you
To Dream the Impossible Dream (Redwing's Z cars)
God bless you, and thank you for your kindness. Question tho, if the door plate says built in 10/75, is it a 76 model? I bought it as a '76. The photo of the plate is in my gallery. Also, I just put in my gallery, the photo of the door plate from my 240Z. It says 10/70, so is it a '70 Z?
1971 Redwing - 240 Z
From the album: RedBird 1976 280Z
Door plate. -
To Dream the Impossible Dream (Redwing's Z cars)
Hardway, and all... You are exactly correct on everything you have said. I might add that RedBird - 280, came to me with her original title showing she had been a one owner car in Arizona. There apparently had been an owner that never registered her, just handed on the title along with her after somehow getting her to Miami. She has a new (to her) hood, apparently different bumper as fastwoman noted, and a few other things that suggest she had been damaged. Oh, she started life as a light silver blue, shown by under carpets and spare tire well, that are all that pale blue. When she was changed to a Redhead, I don't know. But I am happy about it! As to dear Redwing - 240, your assessment is right on. I would Love to get her in hands that have the ability and $ to get her in great condition again, and will Love her. I really think she is beyond me to do, but rather than see her disintegrate into the dirt, I will make efforts to turn her around myself. Selling her to someone that can and will is my super choice. I will part with her for Loves sake, and for Her. She is complete except for one thing. RedBird 280 had a shift knob that was broken, so I took the knob off Redwing 240 (that I had used driving Redwing her 256,000 miles). And put it onto RedBird 280, so I am still driving with it. Love it! I have high hopes of retrieving the wood steering wheel off Redwing 240, to put on RedBird 280 too. That would be so special for me, having part of my beloved Redwing still with me in the closest way possible!
To Dream the Impossible Dream (Redwing's Z cars)
Oh God bless you. I know I need all the help I can get.
To Dream the Impossible Dream (Redwing's Z cars)
Dennis and siteunseen, Thank you very much for your input. I need to explain. Once I was told about the $13-15,000 figure for getting Redwing going, I knew that would be impossible for me to do. So I went hunting for another Z that I could afford. I had some $ due to a friend leaving me a partial life insurance payment. I repaired a lot here in my home, as I knew this would never happen again. Then got RedBird. In Miami, friends knew someone to go check out RedBird before my buying her. They discounted her because the AC does not work. She was driven and passed the check. Then she was shipped here to me, with a stop over in Jacksonville where my friends mechanic went over her in detail, plus removed 2 small rust spots. That was $1500. She got here around Mar. 1. I went in orbit, she was everything I wanted. Drove wonderfully.. I did have to get a new rack & pinion put in as she started eating up her RF brand new tire, and could hardly turn steering wheel at 0-5mph. Then it was determined that the brand new wheels were ruined by whomever, by putting them on using the nuts that came with the original steel wheels. Causing the holes to be chewed up, which made the wheels roll eliptically and ruined them. So, a set of new wheels and one new tire was purchased. Then, the mechanic showed me that the bushings were crumbling, a box full were purchased and she is running with red bushings front and rear. Great, but those repairs, plus labor, shipping, and paying mechanic in Jacksonville, totally exhausted my $ savings for repairs, etc. I did what I thought was right. When hot weather arrived, I was horrified when she started the stalling, stopping routine. This started around June 1. As of last week, it got so bad I cannot even get out of the drive, so she now sits snug in her new carport (built just for her) , and I am stranded here at home. I joined this group looking for a way to fix her without turning her over to the mechanic who does NOT normally work on Z's. I know better. After much reflective thinking and praying, I came to the conclusion that fastwoman told you about. I hate to sell RedBird, in case my resurrection of dear Redwing fails. Then I would be out any $ I would have from selling RedBird, and no Z to drive. I hope all of you can understand my thinking. I really appreciate the suggestions all of you have given me. You are a great group!
Redwing's disconnected wires
Ahhh, thank you Parcon.
Redwing's disconnected wires
Thank you two again. The AC system has been changed to R31a. The mechanic in Jacksonville tried twice to recharge the system with freon, which bled out overnight. I was never told if it started immediately after freon in. He decided to abandon it then. Interesting about the systems not doing the change effectively, but actually not surprising since there is about 35-40 years of progress. Fully understand about all the hoses etc disintegrating, again the years alone will do that. I would be thrilled for "basic creature comforts" with no complaints. Heat affects me physically, always has since childhood. Ebay has a complete upgrade AC system for my car, and others, for $895 I believe. Alot for me right now, but I wish. I will read up on it all in the FSM. I think since you said 77 edition that it covers 76 ' s too.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Thank you Steve I just keep reading, trying to figure out my beloved Z. I appreciate the info you have provided.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
The auto correct messed with names, sorry. Zinhead, any chance you can photo the improvments? Thank you.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Just have been reading older posts. 1) On May 14 Patcon listed "Oh my" about a Z for sale. 2) On May 15 idol - "bring a trailer" which opened to 3) Original paint 1973 Datsun Z Automatic scroll down to 4) On May 9 -Z in head posted this below My question is, could this info be correct for my 1976 Z? Zinhead "Reading these comments brings back memories of my silver/blue 260Z. The two strongest are lurid powerslides and standing in the hot sun staring at the engine while waiting for the fuel lines to cool. After opening the hood, you could get a sense of how long you had to wait by gauging the size and ferocity of the heat wave escaping. At the advice of a local Z mechanic, we removed the front mechanical fuel pump, and replaced the original electric pump in back of the car with a slightly more robust model. After wrapping the fuel lines in insulation, vapor lock ceased. Of course it was fall by then, so maybe the cooler temperatures had something to do with that. After selling the car, I always thought Datsun dealers started having Spring Sales Events in order to clear out their Z car inventory before vapor lock season started. In any case, this looks like a lovely car that that has been well maintained by a series of owners. I hope the buyer keeps it original as well." ????? Redwing
Redwing. Nice young woman needs our help.
This is Mr Spock, Deanna Troi, and Vienta Blanco, my Arabian horse, taken a few years ago. Only Deanna survives. Thanks sightunseen.
Redwing. Nice young woman needs our help.
This is Mr Spock, Deanna Troi, and Vienta Blanco, my Arabian horse, a few years ago. Only Deanna survives. Thanks siteunseen.
Redwing's disconnected wires
EuroDat Will the blue wire with the bullet connector that goes to the A/C compressors magnetic clutch, when reconnected maybe start the AC? Thank you
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
No starter fluid yet, that is after SS comes. Another friend & I opened the fuel line and it squirted 6 feet. But not having the tablet with me so I forgot to let it run out till it stopped. I reread your instructions later and realized I was wrong. So we will have to repeat that. That is why so much I need the manual, I need to keep looking at something I am doing. Not having a working pc, nor printer, I cannot print out instructions. Just have this tablet.
Automotive Photography
I am constantly amazed by folks saying "you must have a great camera, you take such good shots". I agree the subject and composition are most important, but also is the photographer! One has to be aware of the whole photo, not only the main subject. Have to learn about all the ramifications involving that.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
The good news is she does not seem to have a fuel problem. So I need to check out the coil next. Then if that is positive for being the culprit, I will need to know where and what replacement I need. Thanks all...
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Siteunseen... Thank you for you answer and the schematics. I do not see anywhere on the main diagram on the left, about the resistor for the tach with the blue and yellow wire coming from it. Where in the engine is that resistor located?
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Siteunseen... Thank you for you answer and the schematics. I do not see anywhere on the main diagram on the left, about the resistor for the tach with the blue and yellow wire coming from it. Where in the engine is that resistor located?
Redwing. Nice young woman needs our help.
Actually, Mr. Spock has left the earth last fall. Greatly missed. I had 4 siblings that I raised from 3 1/2 weeks. Their Mom was ill. Another brother left 2 years ago, several surgeries for bladder stones, which took him. I still have Deanna Troy and Capt Kirk. They are healthy but are to be 12 years old in July. Kirk is not in as good health as is my Deanna. They all were not deaf, but oboy the hair right now!
Redwing. Nice young woman needs our help.
Actually, Mr. Spock has left the earth last fall. Greatly missed. I had 4 siblings that I raised from 3 1/2 weeks. Their Mom was ill. Another brother left 2 years ago, several surgeries for bladder stones, which took him. I still have Deanna Troy and Capt Kirk. They are healthy but are to be 12 years old in July. Kirk is not in as good health as is my Deanna. They all were not deaf, but the 2 are now 12 years old. This is Deanna in the snow playing.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
How does one subscribe to the posts?
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Yes reading there as you mentioned. Still trying to find the one about bouncing (I think that is how he described it) back and forth in 1st and 2nd gears. That plus the clunk in the left rear shock, which happens to be a 2nd, maybe 3rd problem here. More later.
Redwing. Nice young woman needs our help.
No, that is Mr. Spock, one of my dalmatians.
Problems with chugging and stalling 1976 280 Z
Thank you for your good advice. I am sure the fuel tank needs attention, but I have to save up the $300 before I can do it. Also, I know there are other problems. Perhaps I can manage to work on them while she is not running. So glad I do not have anymore Dr appointments till Sept. I have been reading all sort of posts. On I read was someone complain about the chugging in 1st and 2nd gears. Sounds uncannily similar to my chugging. I cannot find the posts that are important to read again and use. Any easy way to do so? Battery almost dead, gotta go. Thank you again!