Everything posted by Redwing
Jai's Status
Hi, I went to the mechanic I use to get oil change. At 3,003 miles since roll over of 1,000,000 when it was last changed, I drove for 1 year. Pretty good eh? I use the KM filters but it did not arrive yet, it's due today. So will go back tomorrow to get the oil change. At any rate, Pete looked at the door. He easily and quickly fixed it. I don't understand but his words were that he just "rolled it over twice, shut the door and then it worked"! Whatever he did, I am very glad!!! A quick easy fix. I'm now at the body shop and they are balancing the wheels and adjusting the downward looking headlight. Now as to the hinge possibly breaking. Does it look inside the white circle that perhaps someone welded it, maybe a lousy fix for a cracked hinge? Is that weld marks? Again I don't know, maybe my thoughts are off. I do know that when RedBird was prepared for sale, before I bought her, whomever it was used the cheapest methods possible. I have found lousy work on her, that I don't think the original owner would have done. The good parts on her are really well cared for good. Thanks for all the help, you guys are the greatest. Jai
Jai's Status
Upon enlarging the door hinge, it looks like it may maybe coming apart. See what you all think of this photo with the area circled. Thank you all... Jai
Jai's Status
Ok... I made a mistake, or... it may have changed. Key in door lock does move the inside latch post up and down. But, it has no effect on the door opening or closing the door tightly. Photos of the door with the 1/2 inch opening showing how far the door will go, showing wider gap at the top and thinner gap near the bottom.. Back edge and front edge. No this is the drivers door, repair was on the right side. Yes this started after the repair but I have been assured that they did nothing to the drivers door. Curious eh? Wonder if they leaned on the door, putting pressure to the mechanisms. Then photos of the hinge and striking plates, before anyone asks for them. Thanks for all the comments, Jai
Jai's Status
Mark, That is why I am thinking something in the process of the door closing is amiss and perhaps not the lock itself. But maybe both. Aghhh, my tube of graphite powder is among the missing. Grrr... I'm taking RB tomorrow to the body shop to get the headlight adjusted, as it looks down. Also they are going to balance the wheels. Left over from the repair stuff. Perhaps I can manage to get someone to look at the door and give me a clue. It is not anywhere near the repair they did, so maybe not. Thanks, Jai
Jai's Status
The door will not close the last 1/2 inch. Makes me wonder if one of the hinges, etc, have loosened up? Keeping the door from making a good connection. But if that is true, would the key still go in the cylinder? Which it does not. I will try the graphite powder I have on hand tomorrow and report the results. Thank you...
Jai's Status
Key will not go Into lock I do have powered graphite I will try. Thanks
Jai's Status
Hi all... My driver door lock failed, and I'm unable to lock the door. Key will not work either. So, I need a door lock, or pair, as the right one has never worked, I have to open it by pulling the lock up from the inside. This is a big problem as I will NEVER walk away from RedBird leaving her unlocked. So I am stuck home until I can get it fixed. I have searched on eBay and called all the parts places I can think of. The 2 on eBay are both over a months shipping time away. I do need to get this fixed before then. Money will not allow me to buy one that is $155 from the parts store. So... my question to you is, anyone have any idea where I can get one for my 1976 280 relatively fast? Please share if you do. Thank you, Jai
Pay it forward!!!
Thanks Mark. I have an FSM, thanks to Johnathan Russel.
Jai's Status
Hahaha... At least if you were driving that Lincoln you would have been surrounded with a lot of steel. Cycles on the other hand leave you bare to the road. Maybe that's why your Dad went from drinking to full blown alcoholic. Think?
Are these chrome strips original
Cliff, Is that a chrome piece going on top of your rear bumper, from left to right? Or blue, hard to tell. My rear bumper and the front too, both have split rubber on those spots. I need to find replacements, but first for the front that the body shop will pay for. It is very very chewed up, worse than the back one. Looks like it was trimmed with a chainsaw. Thanks, Jai
Jai's Status
Thanks for the compliments all. I need to tell you what a great body shop Redbird was at. It was Ken's Car Star. In case anyone is interested, it is located at: 3518 Cleveland Highway, Dalton, Ga. 30721 One thing I am amazed at is the quality of the paint in matching the older with the new. You guys know how bad red is to deal with, and it was done just perfect. They, ahem my neighbor, is a master at painting. I couldn't be happier with the work on RedBird. Thanks my friends, Jai
Jai's Status
That's too cute. Now I'll for sure have to look for the movie. Thanks... Jai
Jai's Status
Thanks Cliff. She wins everyones hearts whever she goes. But did not win in the dog show. That's ok, she is the Queen Of Hearts.
Jai's Status
A WIN AT BLACK BEAR FESTIVAL... Wow what fun we had! It was a long day, Lissa and I were exhausted. I just sorted the photos and chose which ones I wanted to share to show the days experiences. Thank everyone again for all your help. I need to ask about the headlight tho, kinda looks like something is missing. A chrome ring around it? Also, I have spotted some parts that could be put into the blank area where the rubber corner goes. Have to research the name. Thinking they could be painted red, as they are not chrome. Please chime in on these questions. I need to have something in that hole. The body shop says they will get the needed parts that did not come with the bumper. So that is good. Jai
Jai's Status
Hi all, Redbird is finally home! After some pushing Quality sent the bumper yesterday, and it arrived today. I had suggested very strongly to them that their error in not sending it before and after it was paid for, was a poor business practice, and it needed to be sent overnight. Cannot say for sure, but that was a quick shipment from Virginia. At any rate it is on RB. It is not perfect, but it is not awful either. The left and right rubber corners did not come, so they will be searched out and added just as soon as they are found. As well as the rubber strip going from side to side. Off to the Black Bear Festival bright and early in the morning.... Thanks for all folks... Jai
Jai's Status
Hi all, I'm leaning to going to the Black Bear Festival without a bumper, and explaining to the judges the problem with Quality. I think showing her sparkling pretty and clean will have more sway with the judges, than having a ghoulish grin with the torn up old bumper on. It will all play out tomorrow if the Quality bumper arrives and if it is as good as they sold it for. If no on either of those, we will show up sparkling without a bumper. Thoughts? Thanks all...
Jai's Status
Mark, I don't know about a Discount from Quality if the bumper is not as they said. That will be between the body shop and Quality to determine. As to the bumper removal after the show, fixing it, and re-chromed it, yes the body shop/insurance company will cover those charges. I don't know if the '76/'77 bumper guards are interchangeable. I hope someone else can answer that. Thanks all... Jai
Jai's Status
A bumper off one of the cars in Cleveland is not happening. The owner has said he is not interested in selling any parts, wanting to keep them all to make as many complete Z's as possible out of them. Back to square 1, waiting to see what the bumper from Quality looks like when it gets here Friday. Rex has said if it is not perfect that I can have them put it on anyway, go to the car show, and back to have it taken off and repaired/re-chromed after that. I think this is the best compromise I can come up with. I have gone nuts trying to locate others. I have run out of other options. Anyone have any?
Jai's Status
UPDATE... I spoke with the owner of the mass of Z cars and parts in Cleveland, Tn. that "thumpgun" has been involved with. IF a great condition bumper is among them, and they will send photos of it to Rex at the body shop, Rex will send a worker there to pick it up. This is really big! The owner is attempting to get this information now. He can't do it himself, as he is in FL and won't be back to Cleveland until tomorrow. But he will let me know asap. Second choice is that if I have to accept the dented one from Quality, Rex said he can have it repaired AND re-chromed! I can get it on for the car show, and return it for those repairs afterward. Light at the end of the tunnel. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers! Jai
Jai's Status
At this point I do not know what is going to happen. The one from Quality is guaranteed. If it is no good, no way will it go on RedBird, the body shop will send it back. If I cannot find one locally in the next 2 days I'm afraid we won't be going to the Black Bear Festival. What a shame! I wouldn't want her to be shown incomplete. I just don't know what to do. I'm very upset at Quality!!! Jai
Jai's Status
Making a big announcement!!! Quality parts should NOT BE TRUSTED! For one thing they said the bumper from them, that Rex at the body shop had agreed to buy and sent them a check last Tues, was supposed to be in PERFECT CONDITION. Now they called me today and said there are 3 dents in it, AND by the way... it is still sitting there, sniff... they whined, the carrier had not picked it up yet! What??? Well why not??? No follow through? Livid I was! Now they are saying it will be Fri before it arrives here. Grrrr! That leaves me no time at all to do the few things I had planned with RedBird. Tomorrow I'm telling Quality that I have written this, and because of their dropping the ball, I think they should overnight it. It is not my, or the body shops fault, that this has happened! Only their ineptness! I'm thinking that the over 30,000 folks on CZCC will be very interested in what has happened to me. I do not want to take her to the Black Bear Festival Saturday with no bumper, or a 240 one. I wish to keep her as original 1976 as possible. There is a maybe option with "thumpgun" and those parting cars he is involved with. They are just over an hour from me, but I have no way of transportation to go get one if they have it. This truly has made me upset and sad. If anyone has an idea I would love to hear it. Sending photos of the bumper Quality is sending. Jai
Jai's Status
If I have time after getting RedBird back with only 2 - 3 days before the Black Bear Festival, I thought I would try to put some white lettering and black dye on my front carpets. Anyone have suggestions for products I can get locally in my small town? Or difficulty in this effort? Thanks, Jai
Jai's Status
Yes yes yes! Thank you so much! Who is in this photo? Ja
Jai's Status
Michael the painter at the body shop,... who is my neighbor, just sent me these photos of RedBird in the paint booth! Isn't she lovely??? Jai
Jai's Status
Posted in error.