Everything posted by Redwing
Somethings wrong...
Thank you Dave. Does the cover come off easy? I looked at it and had decided that would be difficult. Kinda defeatist attitude eh? My mind is not working on all cylinders yet. Ha! I appreciate your help.
Somethings wrong...
Hi All, Before Greg left, he checked the fuses. It looked like the AC fuse was wonky, so he pulled it and because it was a 20 amp that I didn't have, he left the wonky one out for me to replace. When I went driving this morning, the freshly fixed and working turn signals did not come on. BUT when I bought the 20 amp fuse and put it in the AC slot, the turn signals started working!!! Now that is amazing. I'm thinking someone in their great abundance of knowledge somehow tied them into the AC fuse line. Is that even possible? Whatever, the AC and the turn signals both work now. I'm thankful. Then, leaving church, putting on my seat belt it jammed is the only word to use. It will pull out about 20" and stop. Nothing I can do will get it to release further. If I allow it to wind in it only goes about 10" before coming to a solid stop. So it will neither recoil fully, or allow me to pull it out enough to secure me in. So I drove home with it pulled across my chest enough to show the cops I have it on. Snicker. They are fierce about wearing seat belts here. I felt very insecure driving without my seat belt. I have used one ever since I had them installed in the '53 Chevy I drove when my son was small. He is 54 now, so that's about 50 years of being safe. Now, what magic wand can you offer to me to fix this nuisance? I can't drive long acting like I have it connected, plus not being safe. Yipes, help! Thanks.
Somethings wrong...
Hi All, Before Greg left, he checked the fuses. It looked like the AC fuse was wonky, so he pulled it and because it was a 20 amp that I didn't have, he left the wonky one out for me to replace. When I went driving this morning, the freshly fixed and working turn signals did not come on. BUT when I bought the 20 amp fuse and put it in the AC slot, the turn signals started working!!! Now that is amazing. I'm thinking someone in their great abundance of knowledge somehow tied them into the AC fuse line. Is that even possible? Whatever, the AC and the turn signals both work now. I'm thankful. Then, leaving church, putting on my seat belt it jammed is the only word to use. It will pull out about 20" and stop. Nothing I can do will get it to release further. If I allow it to wind in it only goes about 10" before coming to a solid stop. So it will neither recoil fully, or allow me to pull it out enough to secure me in. So I drove home with it pulled across my chest enough to show the cops I have it on. Snicker. They are fierce about wearing seat belts here. I felt very insecure driving without my seat belt. I have used one ever since I had them installed in the '53 Chevy I drove when my son was small. He is 54 now, so that's about 50 years of being safe. Now, what magic wand can you offer to me to fix this nuisance? I can't drive long acting like I have it connected, plus not being safe. Yipes, help! Thanks.
Z's only a mother could love thread
More oval wheels too... "Oh what a strange ride it has been..."
Z's only a mother could love thread
Looking closely... is that a fan on the far side of the 3rd passenger? That round thing. What is it? Jai
Somethings wrong...
So glad Greg came over in all this rain! THANKS GREG!!! Have to run a few days to make sure all is OK before returning the alternator. That's easy! Will have to check the A/C the way Charles has suggested, but it will be 10 days or so before that can happen. Bit of rotten news. Gmail decided to not sync my email, and they have no "customer care" to talk to. No choices anywhere near what my problem is in their "prepared help by text". But I finally sent an email stating the problem, and they will get back to me in 3-5 days. Nice eh? Anyway, no email coming or going, so don't send me any more love notes for a while!!! Hahaha.....
Somethings wrong...
Steve that would be great, thank you for suggesting it. We will have to get together when you have time and I have gas money. This month is unrolling like it is going to be an expensive one. I'll have to see after the alternator is installed, just where I am at financially. Ok? Thank you for the offer. Jai
Somethings wrong...
Dave thank you for your concern. I was in a jewelry class many years ago, when my friend who had hair long enough to sit on, got some caught in the buffing wheel. It snatched that hair out in a millisecond. Ever since then I am always careful with my long hair, that was traumatic to even see happen. Have a great evening, Jai
Somethings wrong...
How did the control switch get checked to find that out? That's a mystery to me. Thank you for mentioning it, I would never thought to check that part. We are getting some terrific wind bursts today. One literally blew open my front door (it has a faulty lock in it). Still that was some wind to do that. Hope you are not getting this bad weather that is charging across our 2 states. Yeek! Jai
Somethings wrong...
Dave, Greg will be coming soon to put in the new alternator. We will check your suggestion then. Thank you for this information. I just love it that everyone is so helpful with me in fixing the Redbird gremlins. Jai
Somethings wrong...
A FYI for you. The alternator is purchased and happily riding in the back deck of RedBird. I'm anxious to see what electric things will get better by just having a fully working alternator in her. I'm planning to take a little trip to Franklin N.C. on the 12th. This should be real fun. Best with A/C tho. Haven't spoken to Sam as he was very I'll so I left him alone for now. But... my new A/C is not putting out cool air. I turned the knob in the engine, switching it from heat to a/c. Nada! So, I don't know what to think. Any ideas from you folks? Could this have anything to do with the alternator not functioning correctly? I'm really showing my ignorance here. I was told the alternator has a host of things in it's application. I hoping that my electrical problems will all dissappear after it is installed. Probably way too much to hope for tho. Hah! Later guys. Add to this if you have ideas. Thanks alot!
Dave, You made me smile! Almost forgotten how to these days. I am so glad to learn of you and the others on CZCC... truly understand about one of God's greatest gifts. No wonder the name for the species is God spelled backwards... Dog. These fine creatures truly are born with their vast gift of love intact. Looking for "their own" person to give it all to. We are so blessed by their life's action. Sending my comfort to you and your family. Take care all CZCC, give YOUR dogs extra attention this week. Just to make sure they understand how much we love them, trading that for their "All". Jai
EuroDat, Dear one, losing our long time friends is so so hard, I am grieving for you and your family. We are so blessed when these wonderful creatures share our lives, makes it hard to do without their physical companionship. The pain is so intense, even hard to breathe at times. Your great love for her in allowing her to leave her broken body behind is the ultimate gift to Kylie. She knows of this gift, and loves you even more for it. I can only assure you that time will take the sting out of the loss. It never leaves but is manageable. Try to focus on the happy times shared, those memories will live in your heart forever. Thank God. I do believe they are attached to us even from the other side. It may sound crazy, but instances of fleeting motion glimpses may be near you. They do not want to leave us anymore than we don't want them to go. Bless you and your family for giving Kylie such a good loving home. She loves you and is so thankful to have shared her life with you. Sending my love to each of you, Jai
Thank you Mark. As I said, I didn't know where I should post it. I get so confused when I have something new to say. Jai
Are you talkung to me? If so how. Do a copy and post It there?
Hello all my friends, I'll start by saying that I'm doing the best I can. Life is lonely here tho. Thanks for all your comments. Redbird is now having some problems and I don't know of where to put my request for help. The other night driving home in the dark my speedometer etc. dials were moving from bright to dim constantly. The headlights also were dim. When I got home the back up lights did not come on at all. Easy get around is to not drive at night. But I'm concerned that somewhere in the vast amount of wiring, something may decide to catch on fire. Not a problem for the moment, my wallet with all important things has disappeared. I last saw it in my purse at church, drove right home, and it is not there now. I did not stop anywhere, no way I could have left it anywhere. Sooo, dear RedBird is going nowhere while I am without a drivers license. No chances!
Newtonhubcap, Your post came up as I was trying to figure out what I was going to say. So sorry to hear of the loss of your handsome friend Darby. I know how they inch their way into our hearts to live happily there. What a difference that makes in our lives. Their love given is not available any other way. I believe that is why they are here, to show us how unconditional love feels. God bless them. That darned kidney failure is a very difficult disease to deal with. I found out Deanna had it after reading that Beneful... causes kidney failure. The guilt was awful. I have bad thoughts of those that make dog food for their most profit, no matter the dog health issue. I immediately put her on a total organic food. It helped, but she still lost after 18 months. At least I had her for another year in good health. I try to tell others to feed the very best dog food they can. Thank you for sharing and showing us your beautiful Darby. Jai/Redwing
Thanks for ALL of your sweet comments. She beat the odds, her vet said she was 1 of only 3 in her whole practice that cleared kidney failure. The time was fleeting tho, after 9 months it returned with a vengeance, pushing her beyond any options. Placing her pain and unhappiness as first priority over my agony of losing her, I released her to the heavens. But you know, we are given these amazing creatures to experience the love they give, they always leave before we do. It is hard, but...it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. That is their unselfish gift. There will never be another Deanna, but there will come to me an older dog that has been abused or abandoned, with a serious need to experience love before they die. That dog, when it shows up in my life, is the next dog I will adopt. I want to gift one with love, and care for it until it passes away. In Deanna's name, it's the least I can do for a fellow traveler on our beautiful Earth. Take care my friends...
A vast 40 year distance, making life good along the way with my Z's.
A vast 40 year distance, making life good along the way with my Z's.
Thank you Mark. But when I am stopped anywhere, by men wanting to eye caress RedBird, they are so full of her that I'm ignored. Hahaha... That's ok, I don't want to meet anyone with improper thoughts... The beat goes on,.....yesterday a fine young man was so excited to walk around her and eyeball her beauty, he almost salivated. It was so cute.
A vast 40 year distance, making life good along the way with my Z's.
Well, I for sure will never grow up. I'll mature, but never get o7d. (Don't even want to type that nasty word.) Hahaha... Thank you for your sweet words, I love it! Love folks appreciating my lifestyle!
A vast 40 year distance, making life good along the way with my Z's.
From the album: RedBird 1976 280Z
The original 1971 240Z, my Redwing, turned 100,000 miles in 1976. We celebrated with a toast of wine. A good day, life was good. Forward 40 years later to now, a 1976 280Z, my RedBird, turned over 100,000 miles in 2017. So we celebrated in the 40 year style, we toasted with a water bottle instead of wine. So I am now 40 years older too. Another good day, life is good. Thought you might be interested in this bit of trivia, my beautiful Z cars have/are carrying me thru a good life. Nice eh? - 40 years later
Oh she (?) is so wonderful, a beauty to behold. Congratulations. Would love to ride with you sometime, oh well... 2nd choice I'd love to hear the music she makes. Enjoy yourself!!! Jai
Chattanooga Cruise-in, April 1st
Cliff and Steve, we are missing you. Having a wonderful time in Chattanooga.