Everything posted by dogma420
locked out........
You obviously didn't read my post very thoroughly... You take two of your least used credit card style cards and tape 2 keys ...have them 69ing each other, tape them with scotch tape, and sandwich the keys between the 2 credit cards...never had any indentations of keys in my leather wallet.... Chicken, you ever have anything nice to say, rather than just reply with a crappy post?
first thing I'd do is ignore Chickenwafer We were all there at one time...you can read all you want about something but you know nothing until you start 'doing' it.... ie. you can learn to play piano by reading a book, but until you tickle the ivory it doesn't mean anything. 1st priority was to have passion about the Zed, now the rest is up to you. Welcome!
DeoxIT Who here has tried it??
FYI-- There's something called 'tuner cleaner'...it's at Radio Shack as well...it is like $2.00 or something....it is used by stereo repair techs to clean contact points..this is what I use, and it works great! Just FYI. I used it on my cargo door contacts for the power locks (cause they eventually don't work anymore due to corrosion on the metal contacts) one application and it hasn't had to be redone in 2 years...which is really good for these contacts.
Welding floor panels sealed with Por 15?
escanlon is a member...just search for any posts he's done, click on his name and select 'send a private message' or reply to this post and beandip will help you...escanlon and him did all of this on his rig.... ...which i went and looked at....man that car is smokin sweet lookin...the interior is absolutely clean enough to eat off of anywhere.
Test Fit
Those are Mexican Shadow Rims...heh No help man, can't see them. Use your flash (force it) and we'll be able to see them...forget the car, go closer to the wheel....if you force the flash, they will show up.
brake swap
Bambi, correct me if I'm wrong, but series A trannies are from Series I S30s (the very first 240z with vents in the hatch, 240z emblems behind quarter windows, plastic storage bins behind seats etc)... Like I said, these are ones that need modification.... I put a 78 5 speed in my 10/71 240z (series II--round emblems behind quarter windows, diff set back, metal storage bins behind seats)...it bolts up with no mods what so ever....you just pull out the 4 speed (B series?) and just put the 5 speed in its place...the tranny is identical in bolting up (we're not talking clutch components here)....but the body of tranny is identical in relation to the ends and the shifter location...the shifter goes through the hole in EXACTLY the same place as the 4 speed. The sheet metal mod (or the bent shifter mod) are when you put a later than A series into a Series I 240z (69/70/early 71)....
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Mperdue... The problem with that posting is that it defies logic....when I first found these sites, I don't consider myself a genius...but I did 2 things above all else-- 1. I found the tech articles and read them cause I didn't know anything about Zs 2. I found zhome (carl beck's page) and absorbed/read the whole thing Now I'm not a genius, but to come here and ask the most simple question, just looks plain lazy...to me it means you're not really passionate about Zeds....I was passionate, and I'm telling you, there is TOO much GREAT INFO to just PLAIN READ out there. I can see simple thread starters in 2 years having moved on and Zeds are not on their agenda anymore....That kind of posting, doesn't deserve a 'go search' response. There are plenty of other guys (like the guys who reponded to him) to help out. I think that someone like myself or bambikiller or 26th z, will, etc....all have the passion, and we learn by reading techy articles on our cars (we don't ask silly questions) because I think we find our passion doesn't allow us to just 'ask' when we readily can find the info, cause it IS ALL OVER THE PLACE...its real easy to find information, esp. esp. what should I look for if I get a 240z? what about a v8? hey what can I do to make this 6 cyl have more power? I think the passionate people about this hobby go and get this information, and they post something that is really unusual or interesting that at least at first glance doesn't appear to come up in search or isn't in a tech article on Zhome or this site, (or the other 10 sites I have bookmarked).... Comes down to passion and laziness... and like I said, there are plenty of people to respond to those threads. When bambi or 26th has in the past responded for the umpteenth time to that same question, why should they waste valuable time even typing 'go use the search'....that's pretty much inferred, i mean has anyone heard of google? just about every forum I've ever seen uses a search.... IMO, my .02 dollars.
thunking sound when letting out the clutch
Essentially, if you haven't replaced the front diff mount since the car was new....I would just go ahead and replace it first, (along with shaking the ujoints)...if the diff mount hasn't been replaced, its dead....you could almost bet the mortgage. An original or one you're not sure of is pretty easy to replace, and doesn't cost a leg either. Get the rubber mount, not the metal one, as the metal one will transmit that 'clunk' into your butt when your driving! (it is very much stiffer)...use the metal one for racing where you want less cushioning.
locked out........
Actually I know what he did.... He locked both doors with the hatch up (hatch was locked while in the upright position. He was inside when he locked the doors, then left the keys in the ignition and crawled out the hatch and slammed it. I swear that's what happened. If you doors lock without being closed first, there is something malfunctioning with your lock mechanisms... I would recommend what I do...tape 2 keys (of your 2 cars) sandwiched between 2 credit card style plastic cards and put in wallet. I have never locked my keys in my cars when I do this! Just my .02 dollars.
uhh, Chris, you might wanna get 26th dipped again....
f#ck this sh#ts me............
The search function works just fine...not sure what everyone's issue with it is. It isn't unheard of to have to try more than one search (change your words, reword, etc)...It should be refraised as being: If this is the way the world works, and I don't know how to use a computer, then I would never get anything done. Honestly. I guess IMO.
Candy Orange, Fill in your profile information more in depth---like put where you are, etc...it will be really helpful,...in fact it is not unheard of for a member in your area to private message you asking if you want him to look at it! A '71 Z is a good rig to consider doing work to! (and the vin makes it sound like a Series II 1971 240z)... Good luck...and I wouldn't be thinking 5 speed or turbo until you got what you have right now working real well (and assess the rust situation...because if the floors are rusty, plenty of other places are already starting, I can almost guarantee it!) (unfortunately)....but almost all early Zeds have rust, so you have a lot of company.
brake swap
Series II 240z's the tranny will bolt right up. If your 71 has round Z emblems on the top corner panel, that's Series II. If it has a 240z emblem there, its series I and the tranny tunnel hole will have to be slightly cut to fit a 5 speed. Not very much though....
Supercharger on a 280Z
My pleasure! Probably the most informative post I've ever done!
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Alex, Calm down man...Carl was joking around....DON'T START flaming him, that's what you are trying to do.... He wasn't actually correcting their spelling...he was making sure others saw what Alfa typed....cause obviously you didn't see the sarcasm of the original post by Alfadog....others might have not noticed either That's why he did that....he wasn't exactly correcting spelling, geeze man.
Supercharger on a 280Z
Good news! the current sport Z magazine has an article you'd probably want to see.... A staff member is installing a supercharger on a 280z L28... http://www.sportzmagazine.com/Z_Preview.htm page 50..
- my 72 240z
- My 72 240z
- My 72 240z
240 vs 280 brake discs different?
I don't have an answer man, but I feel bad for ya. If there are 2 different part numbers for 240 and for 280 rotors, then it stands to reason that they are different though.... Take the backing plate off...I'm sure someone on here can send you some extras they have...then put em on.
why is my car so heavy?
I'm gonna bump this, cause its pretty weird post! I just put my Z back in my parent's garage (they have a huge 3 car garage with nothing in it) so I can't go take a picture of mine... ...Does Carl Beck have anything to say about this? Or 26th Z? How are these vin plates looked upon in judging, if at all? Just wondering, isn't there something about the gross weight in the glove box? I wonder if it always matches what the door plate says....
f#ck this sh#ts me............
Originally Posted by TomoHawk I also think the Boobs topic should be closed. As some people like to say, we are about classic Z-cars here. Boobs doesn't seem to be related to a Z-car to me. thx I like to browse through the older stuff to get ideas about mods or repairs, or suitable swaps. But unfortunately, if a topic is over a month or so old since the last comment, then people consider it closed, and if you post a comment, somebody asked why you commented on an 'old' topic. Well then, Boobs topic should stay open. 2nd topic, tomohawk, you're totally wrong...I have never seen anyone slam anyone for bringing something up in an old thread....do you have examples? The search works fine....ya'll might try searching an internet search first, cause a lot of answers are found on google when you can't find them here. Google is great for answers related to your Z.... Tom...where's your avatar? I miss it...and why are you looking for mods for your stock 280? 2 cents...I think the whole 350z issue everyone has would've been moot if they would've called it the 350ZX... just my .02 dollars. heh.
locked out........
I thought it was impossible to lock your keys in a first gen Z....how'd you manage that? You can't lock the doors unless they're already closed.... find a mobile locksmith in the yellow pages, its like $30 bucks. Sometimes you have to pay
"Interesting" Japanese Auto styling
LMFAO.... That's 70s style rice....where do I get one of those 10 foot exhaust tips?
What Did Datsun Do To You!?
Vicky--- Your car looks so cool in that avatar shot...until you said something about it...I though it was a toy photo'd on your desk or something! It looks that clean.... Carmunga-- Thats the ISSUE! You DON'T need 400hp in a 2500lb car!!!! That's the whole point! just put a cam in, shave the head, put a header on, get rid of the points, rebuild the carbs....possibly put rings/rob-main bearings and seals, and that DOESN'T COST a lot...maybe $1000 if you try... $1000 could get you around 250hp...this will beat a Camaro 400hp car just about every time... That's not a sales promo, thats a FACT. My stock 135 gross hp 2.4L beats at least 75% of all 1980s style 5.0L mustangs...so what could 250hp do? My LAST .02 dollars.