Everything posted by dogma420
Rear Sway Bar mount
Suspension Techniques Rear Side Sway bar mounting point (already there for other markets) (this is a 10/71 240z)
Front Sway Bar
nice car but way over priced
Thanks for the reply Ron, I understand your position a lot better now. No I'm not trying to start anything here either, just a fast typer thinking as he types...so apologies if my tone sounds really bad in these posts. I was talking about Bambi Killer when I mentioned Carl...he's a great source of info and most of what he says should be considered great info and not something to even question....that's all I'm saying about that.... What I consider a 'normal' restoration would be to go through and make sure 100% no rust...no bondo....repaint (enginer and interior compartments as well)....nothing broken (if its replaceable)....could be a daily driver but more than likely garaged and a weekend driver only. NO frame off resto with this kind (which makes the 100% no rust very hard to do, but I would think that would be a goal). A councours would be a rotisserie (sp) or an acid dip (like 26th Z) and everything done exactly like a Zed that just came out of the factory door...and I mean everything...like having yellow paint on top of the shock tower bolts....this car would normally get 1st place in stock class no matter where it is being showed would be considered the 'councours' (sp) resto. I am not into cars very much...in fact if teleportation was invented, I'd get rid of them all, including the Z (because she'd be angry that I'd never drive her)...I would of course try to sell it to someone on here if that happened.... I own it cause since its 33+ years old, there is always something to do on it, its a challenge doing it with barely any money...and the car, with my suspension techniques sway bars added last year drives just like a go-kart with no suspension....i mean with original never replaced shocks/springs and the sway bars, this car is fun!!!! I plan on getting a set of the tokico illums and springs with one of those deals on E bay, getting some 15" rewinds (cause the price MSA is selling them for looks good)...I'm currently working on a 280zx block that I want to put into it....then I'm going to drive it a few more years....then I'm gonna restore it probably on a rotisserie (sp) and have fun doing that. I am not really into Japanese cars, but the Zed is imo the closest to something American from the same era in regards to simplicity and ability to work on...I simply despise working on cars of today...(and have them worked on by my mechanic friends)... It would be great if one day this car appreciated to those levels of $33+ but I really couldn't care, cause like you, its worth to me personally more than whatever I could get for it....but geeze, at those figures, my rig should be worth at least 8,000 and I just know nobody is going to buy it for that...I have been offered 3,000 on the street on the spot before (and declined) but I don't know....I just have never heard of any standard Z selling for that much, I don't know why anyone would buy one of the dealer restored ones (for $30k), when they are basically not a clean title technically...I guess if you aren't someone like us on this forum and don't know a lot about Zs and you were rich you would buy one for $30k. The way I see if is if when 26th Z gets his vin 26 car completely done (and he's a judge at these shows so he knows exactly how to make this rig look) that car should be worth at least twice as much as one of the factory rigs...at least to someone in the know. and I mean if there was a vin 27 factory restore rig versus 26th Z's vin 26 restored by him...the factory cars are just not in the same league. Just my .02 dollars. ps. I don't eat at Wendy's...no fast food for my beer gut...go watch the movie Super Size Me and you'll know what I'm talking about, heh. Ya all have a Zed ful weekend, I have to go home and drink some Bridgeport IPAs...!!! Beandip and EScolon (sp?) know what I'm talkin' about!
nice car but way over priced
Quick question Ron--- If you were selling your BRE replica on Ebay, what would be your reserve price?
nice car but way over priced
Who are you Ron? You sound like a young ricer IMO If Carl says someone he knows what trying to sell a car...take his word on it...he isn't someone to disrespect in this forum. I LOVE the illuminated heater panel on the 73...I wish the 72 was like that...but the 2.5mph bumpers would have to go.... Do anyone think that BRE racer would go for 100K on here?
nice car but way over priced
If a car is put on Ebay with a reserve...that doesn't mean that is what it is worth...most of those auctions end with 0 bids for a good reason....nobody buys them...I mean the 'factory restored 240z' aren't even considered a real 'concours' cause they are considered part of that program...there was one on there a month ago for $30k reserve with 0 bids at the end. The best over 100# z in the world, you name whatever it is, could be the #1 resto in the world isn't going to cost over maybe 30,000 to PURCHASE...of course it is going to cost more to restore, I though that was inferred. If you sell one right now like that, you're going to lose money everytime. Just show proof of someone paying something like that.... I would like to see it...cause saying it would go for something and it actually sellingfor it are 2 different things. Selling an original 72 for 12k has nothing to do with saying ANY z would fetch 38-50 thousand.... <<quasi-restorod 240Z. Dogma I think you need to re-evaluate. Oh, and enjoy your lunch.... PS, I know that Gerry Mason's BRE 240Z could easily sell for $100k, if it were for sale.>> never said anything about a quasi restored z, whatever that is....no I don't have to re evaluate...enjoy your lunch means you're getting personal, but I don't know why....just show me proof of a 38-50k Datsun transaction... I agree that the BRE car would fetch high prices but that is one car with a rich history...that isn't a normal 70 concours restored Datsun 240z which isn't going to get 38-50k.
Speed dependant click
when you are decelerating, tap on the gas, so you're making the car jerk...if you have a bad halfshaft u joint, you should hear a good clanking from the rear....also if you shake each end of each halfshaft, it should jiggle...they really don't make much noise once the diff is pushing on the u joint and its in motion. I have had to do the u joint replacement a few times....something is rubbing on either the driveline, a halfshaft, or the rear wheel assemblies...keep us updated!
nice car but way over priced
Valuations and reasoning: the most valuable 240Z's would be original race cars with history ala, Bob Sharp and BRE 240Z's; I would speculate values upwards of $100k. Followed by all original low mileage cars somewhere around $38k to 50k, followed by very good restorations (in the low to mid $30k range).Then Early serial number cars below 500, then 1970 240's, 71 /72 240's, then 73's. This is complete hogwash...there is no such thing as a $38k to $50k 240z...26th Z could gold plate his 26th after concours restore and it still wouldn't be worth $50k....this isn't even my opinion. A perfect low vin Z could possibly worth around $15,000 if it was original never restored garaged, and has only like 20k miles on it...or about the same price if it was concours (sp) restored. If anyone disagrees, I would like to know more (in other words give me proof) as I would love my Z to be worth this much, but I have never seen this. This could be the case in the future (but even Wendy's value meal items could cost $3.99 each as well).
nice car but way over priced
ya know, I find it humorous to even start a thread on a such an overpriced car....it isn't even work looking at with that reserve, why bring it up....imo
240z Bumper Pricing
yes carl...i like mine like 280z bumpers...
240z Bumper Pricing
Kinda strange how bigger isn't better when it comes to boompers, but size does matter when....
Suggestions, Anyone ???
that is definitely a pretty color, and a pretty car! She's a beaut! I've never considered a sunroof, if only because the curve of the roof is perfect as it is...if the sunroof was basically a rectangle cut, with the inside portion being the roof (to keep the curve) then I might consider....something like the old Porsche 944 had.... Good luck on this project,
Problems with MSA SS Clutch Line?
yeah, but not necessary using plumber's tape on plumbing Just .02 dollars
All copper header collector gasket??
That is interesting....I wonder if they really work.... did you get one? do they cost a lot more? They make it sound like once it's installed you won't have to replace it (believe that when I see it).... If they did work, wow, I'd get a set next time...
240z Bumper Pricing
no matter, why would you put 260 bumpers on it? they just won't look right and are kinda like slappin your z in the face and dousing her with water! You should seriously consider just waiting...enough time, you'll fine a front and rear set of 70-72 bumpers in good condition for $100-200 each...maybe even less...I have seen some with minor 'dents' or that need chroming, for $100 set...but alas, not since I've wanted to get a front....
Will just said he has some.
best economical swap
kinda off topic, but speaking of gas mileage, was reading about 'prius hackers' who have found that non north america Toyota prius' have a button on the dash where they can disable the gas motor for small 2 miles trips (no faster than 35 mph) to the store...for a max of like 10 miles... ...well these 'prius hackers' are installing that button, installing extra lithium ion batteries, and an electric plug...and they are plugging in at night and using the rigs as electric only that will still do highway speeds for something like 100mph range... kinda interesting...ugly car though..imo
best economical swap
I'd say go buy a 89-early 90s Nissan Sentra, and dump your Z...i mean, i don't know of many 6 cyclinder sporty cars that get 20mpg like my Z.... an old 240z isn't really the car to have if its your only car, imo... I know someone who has an older sentra, and its a Nissan, and gets good gas mileage. But its ugly lookin'...maybe a 240sx? or 200sx? those don't get any better gas mileage than my L24 6 cyl though.
Z Ladies are hotties!
that zchicks site is quite comical...their garage stuff is installing brake pads / bolt exhausts on new 350z's.... :knockedou
Suggestions, Anyone ???
If you weld...and are in the states, I'd recommend finding an Acura Integra or Honda Civic/Accord in the junkyard, and cutting out the electric sunroof...know someone that's done that and it looks good...but he didn't do it in a Zed, don't know if it'd fit.
Problems with MSA SS Clutch Line?
It's not too long...doesn't matter how long it is....just put it on without the washers or anything else...anti seize i guess, but if its torqued, no problems....mines been on 2 different slaves for 4 or so years, never a prob. (I have the MSA one)
Honk if you drive a Z, or Where's the love?
I always wave, and always get a wave back....if I'm at a stop light, and there's 2 lanes, and I'm lined up, always a very small drag (like through the light) ensues, with me beating them most of the time...(have never been up against a 240, usually a 280z or zx)....but its pretty rare to see a 240 in Portland that isn't a piece of crap nowadays...in fact, I've only seen 2 or 3 in the last 12 months (besides mine). And mine isn't driven during the winter.
Need 73 3point seat belts for my 72 w/ lap belts
Dr Rich, Thanks for the suggestion but I'm going to wait for 73 belts. Thanks.
if you designed the new z...
The problem is, the 350z really isn't a Z, other than Nissan trying to sell the name to people...its like Def Leppard or Metallica changing their music just to sell more albums (selling out?).....ya know, well we got popular doing one thing, but now that we are recognized, we can sit on our laurels and by lazy....(and yes, post-pyromania and post-and justice for all) are lazy efforts, IMO....just like badging this car a Z. They should've named it something else. the low overhangs are just what the industry is doing right now...doesn't help the car at all....I know lots of old Z owners that would agree. Makes it look like a VW Bug though. Lots of old Zs with lots of overhang drive/performe just as well as this new Z. The thought was it looks like a Audi TT sort of when it came out...well it still does. I just think that having the old car is cool; I never really wanted to think about them coming back with a new Z anyways....there's too much rehashing of ideas anyways (Hollywood movies anyone?).... Just my .02 dollars...oh and by the way, I think that new Mustang does look pretty good, much better than before.....when the 08 shelby cobra jet mustang comes out, that would be something I'd consider getting.
Boiling fuel?
You said your whole fuel system was replaced/refurbished.... Have you ever taken down your gas tank and cleaned it? It doesn't sound like this is the problem, but I would do it...replace all the hoses as well. As a way to get you back on the road, I'd just take out the electric pump and use a mechanical for now....better than not driving her. I have a good 6 cylinder and have always just used the mechanical...no probs. I'd at least try it.