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Everything posted by dogma420

  1. if the offset is correct for a Z, 7.5" rims will fit no problem whatsoever.
  2. so the antenna you're frustrated with is from JC Whitney....I would seriously consider getting your replacement from Nissan or I would purchase a replacement from Motorsport Auto...Whitney isn't known for high quality stuff, they essentially get the cheapest parts from their suppliers that they can....the MSA antenna is much higher quality, should give you years of pain free operation...my 72 240z has the original antenna (so its Nissan OEM) and it still works perfect...so it might just be a bad experience with JC Whitney. I'd do like others here have said...just have your stock antenna in the down position, but have it disabled and go with the glove box or rear window antenna and try that. But DON'T get rid of the stock antenna hole...you'll regret it, unless you're going to modify your car extensively. Enough! Have a great weekend, all!
  3. dogma420 replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    So Americans pronounse the striped horse Zebra as ZeeBra Do Aussies pronounce it as Zed Bra? Heh
  4. That antenna would look good, but in a different place...probably in the center on the roof, either right before the hatchback....or at the front (top of the windshield)...if I were you, I'd just spend the $80 on the modern electric antenna that replaces the one you have now, hook to modern radio, it goes up / down depending upon you turning on your radio. At some point in the future you're more than likely going to regret changing the antenna, cause I know that I if I came out to see your car, and you were selling, I'd walk away for the antenna being changed (unless the car was THAT good that I couldn't refuse)...you get what I'm saying though. Peace,
  5. dogma420 replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Man, that bottle thing is kick arse! I love it...you aussies/kiwi guys rock...I'd love to have you put paddles and floats on your zed and drive over to Oregon, USA and sample some of our tasty micro beers! It's not a surprise that Americans say Zee cause the alphabet in America has the z pronounced Zee, and I think that's where it comes from. British people....is saying Zee for Z an American english thing? I would think that UK people would say Zee for Z as well, but I've heard some blokes type Zed before, so I don't know! Take care everyone, great thread...heh
  6. dogma420 replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    a 240z is said two forty zee in America...everywhere else its a two forty zed and when just saying 'z' they say 'zed' that is how the alphabet z is said...esp on that continent out in the boonies, heh. in typing they should just type z but phonetically type out zed...its a cool name anyways, so I don't mind...I'm actually getting the license plate '72 ZED' so I really do like it.
  7. It says right in the description that it has a ford 9" solid rear end (which makes sense if its dragged)... ...but the shaving...even if lead was used, this body is gonna have a bunch of cracks on those seams near the headlights, rear taillights underneath, and the line under the door where the quarter panel attaches (at least the paint is going to be cracking)...it is real obvious this rig doesn't drive anywhere! It would look trashed pretty quickly. The wheel assemblies look like they went with ford spindles, so that's why the hot rod wheels are on there (cause of the ford 9" rear end). The suspension/motor setup would look sweet on a stock 240 looking Z!!!!!!
  8. dogma420 replied to marximus's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    just curious...what is the original color...ie. under dash, etc... Zs are definitely best when left with the original color. I'd have to say Red110 (orange) is a great color! (see avatar) Later,
  9. dogma420 replied to The Wingnut's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Carl, Do you know anyone that makes a higher output alternator for our 240s? Like a new one, not made for another rig, but specifically you ask "I need a high output alt for my 72 240z?"....I am sure there are other years that might work, or other cars' alternators. Have a Zed day man,
  10. check out Motorsport Auto they have the antenna you're looking for; they also have a lot of other good parts...request a catalog when you order your antenna...I'd just call their 1-800 number, describe what you want, ask how much and shipping, and get one...the catalog is free if you order something and it is definitely worth it...pretty sure the antenna you're talking about is relatively inexpensive (or at least fair market value). Have a Zed day!
  11. dogma420 replied to mrcow's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    my bad guitar, I phrased that wrong... Have a good day
  12. Real stupid question, but is the rotor installed in the dist? Just a thought.
  13. dogma420 replied to mrcow's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    "If you work out the power to weight ratio of both cars theres not much in it. The shorter stroke of the L24 allows it to rev easier, giving it a more sporty feel. 280Z had power steering? If you tool out all the mod cons like that and air cond, you could get the weight down." This just plain isn't true...the 240 weighed much less, and with smog restrictions on the 280, the 240 had more power stock. That is just a fact. No, the 280 didn't have power steering...even if a 280 has no air conditioning, the chassis shell weighs more (more metal reinforment for added weight stress), the bumpers weight a lot more, the components under the hood weigh more, the interior weighs more, the electrical harness weighs more, the front turn signal configuration weighs more....although they share the same exact look on the outside, they are not the same, not even close. Even the carpet that covers the rear strut housings weigh more than the vinyl covering the 240 strut housings. The 'interlock' junk on the seat belt system in 74/75 weighs a lot more than my lap belts in my 240...so even the seat belts weight more....i could go on and on...but they are not essentially the same vehicle. They are welcome on this forum, but if someone is asking which one to get, they should be given a straight answer, from someone who's owned both types.
  14. dogma420 replied to mrcow's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Guitar guy says "IMO, 240, the older the better. " This isn't necessarily true...with the exception of the low vin 70 240s, the best Z is the 72 240, they got all the bugs out of the Series I 240, and then did too much govt stuff in 73. The 72 is the way to go if collectors high value isn't your cup of tea. Only the lowest vin 70s are really going to go up in value....a 70 in the 5000 vin area isn't going to be worth anymore than my 40000 vin 72.
  15. dogma420 replied to mrcow's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    All Zs including our 240's have power brakes. I've had both, a full bumper 260 and my 72 240...the 240 is like a 60s car, the chassis just doesn't have that solid feeling that my 260 had....but it feels so much lighter, it makes up for it. For instance, the big bumpers add a lot of extra weight where you don't want it. The wiring harness when fully exposed looks like a rats nest from the 260/280 while the 240s is at least 10 lbs less weight (that's just the wires)...so that gives you a good example...the 280 is kinda like a 73 Mustang and the 240 is kinda like a 66 mustang...just so much less, before the government changed the car...but I've had both, and I'd do the older 240, easier to work on (contrary to what you've heard)...I am really good with a wrench, so that has something to do with it, and you'll have to sync the carbs etc...but there isn't a whole lot mechanically that isn't easy to diagnose when something goes wrong...with the EFI the 280 has a lot more electrical, relays, fusible links, etc. so when it breaks you had better be a lot better at electrical than me! Also, the 73 240z isn't exactly in the same category as the 70-72 240z, the smog stuff made the carbs horrible, so most 73's will have the older carbs on them, and also the bumpers, although they look similiar, have the heavier (not as heavy as the 280s however) mounts, they have shock absorbers for the bumpers and are designed to move in an accident, the older 240s are made to do that. A lot more to know, but right before work, that's my 2 cents Everyone have a z wonderful day!
  16. dogma420 replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "This thread again?" Pretty ignorant thing to say ....every question or every topic brought up in this forum has probably been brought up before and if the person just searched the forum, would find their answer...but it doesn't really matter, I'd be happy to answer their question. ....there's a website for just about every single thing typed about in this forum...its pretty obvious there are gas sites out there. I don't think they are as accurate as hearing a reply from someone that just got gas. Guess I'll skip it next time. :-) Everyone have a great Z weekend!
  17. dogma420 replied to sccabrian's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    One test that is really good that might fail even if you think they are sync'd is to cover one carb while running with your hand / towel. The motor should still run. Do this with the other carb, it should still run. A lot of times, I'm completely dialed in (at least I think I am) and then I do that test...and it fails... A great source for carb tuning is Z Therapy
  18. dogma420 replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here in Portland Oregon, it is right around 1.90 - 1.99 (and that's with the no self serve added charge) Still haven't seen over 2.00 (and that's all regular prices) 10 cents extra for the middle octane, 20 cents extra for the premium. The gas station where I get gas in Salem normally was 1.59 for regular 1 month ago, now it is 1.89 :-( And it's true....crude oil barrels just hit an all time high, and you should see an actual quarter increase in gas price almost overnight. Just in time for Spring / Summer.
  19. dogma420 commented on Fun_in_my_z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  20. dogma420 replied to broken74's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    no need to insult tomohawk here, heh. He wants to do an automatic that looks like a manual shifter he doesn't have a clutch because he has an automatic.
  21. dogma420 replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    jack up the back of your Z, slide some of those red ramps under the rear tires....use a large 1/2 inch drive ratchet, and put a pipe on the end, about as long as a baseball bat, and that'll give you enough leverage to get off the most stubborn check plugs...you'll need a 3 inch or so 1/2 drive extension too to get over the mustache bar.
  22. dogma420 replied to zx260's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    excluding the early early 70s 240z (which you'd get if you're into having the highly collectible 240), the 72 240z (series 2) is the best Z there was. The rear diff's halfshafts' geometry is at the proper angles (they moved the diff back a couple of inches)...there is some unibody reinforcement, they redid the vents in the back, moved them to the quarter panel pillar instead of through the hatchback vents, they also gave you 2 cubbie holes in the floor to store tools/jacks instead of the black plastic doo hickies behind the seats...they kept the round top SUs Mainly because I didn't find a low vin 70 240z, that is why I have the 72, and an early 72 (late 71) model. They're all good though...if you go with a later year z, they are heavier, but feel a lot more solid when driving (I've had a 260z big bumper and 280z as well). Peace out all...have a good Super Bowl....Go Pittsburgh! (oh, they lost :dead: )
  23. hey guys, fill me in...I have no cable/satellite and have bad reception....don't watch much TV...I know about the motorcycle dorks on that chopper show, who is Boyd? I had no clue this was a real person...
  24. I don't know if anyone has ever brought this up, but Boyd Connington has a range of billet wheels that they will make for a Z...correct offset, 16-19 inch diameter, also wider than you usually find....7-10 or even I think 12 inch width. A reasonable size is approx. $250 a wheel. check them out, and please let me know what you think, cause instead of panasports, this might be the answer...I emailed them and they said they can make z wheels with correct offset for 70-78s. http://www.billetwheel.com/home.html
  25. dogma420 replied to Dlorence's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The 4 barrell will be more reliable in regards to the choke and having to sync the SUs.... But the path the gas has to travel between the 4 barrell and the motor is all messed up when you compare it to the SUs. the Su's have almost a straight path from carb to engine...the 4 barrell fuel has to go down, then sideways, and the intake has unequal lengths the fuel has to travel. Less performance. I read somewhere that basically unless your cam is extremely high rise, the SUs are essentially as good as it gets (including the stock air filter housing)...nissan did their homework on that one. We're talking round tops, by the way!!!!!! Peace out, brothers

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