Everything posted by dogma420
Air Cleaner Orange?
100% sure. Red 110 looks Orange totally. Exact match with the air cleaner. I told them to mix me some red 110 paint, and it's an exact match, didn't even say it was 'orange'..... Attached is red 110....believe or not i guess
Air Cleaner Orange?
I would say it's Red 110....Datsun Red 110.....and no, its not red, but Datsun's orange (like the Z in my avatar) is red110. You can just pick up a spray paint can of red 110 from Jochem's Auto parts in Manitowoc, WI.....try to have him mix it thicker, he likes to make it thin....it was like $10 bucks total for a custom color (red 110 is the color of my 240)..... http://www.autotouchuppaint.com/ that's jochem's sight....highly recommended for Datsun touch up paint....although it's rather thin, so I just fill one of the testor's old thinner paint vials (for model airplanes, etc) full with this paint, let it sit, and sift the thinner that seperates on the top of the paint out, and this makes it much thicker....perfect touch up paint, and only $10 for a custom can(could be more now, this was like 3 years ago and I still have a bunch left).....
White interiors?
yeah, your 280 is persimmon....nice looking for a 280 by the way....kinda odd how Nissan thinks orange is red...(red110).... All have a good one.....
Taking screws off suction chamber?
well, the float bowls will have to get full of fuel, and also make sure the pistons go up and down smoothly by hand....that's really all there is to it....might take a few cranks to get the fuel level up so it'll start, might try starter fluid too....
White interiors?
the orange in your avatar car is Datsun Red 110....that's its official name.
White interiors?
My 72 is orange ext / white interior, white is nice cause non zed heads didn't even know they did white...search enough you can find all the white stuff, it all costs a lot more though. The confusion on the orange/white vs. red/white is that my car (same color as avatar) is red110, or Datsun Red, which, , is actually orange. So if someone says red/white (as the dork did who sold me my rig in the paper) I was surprised when I showed up and it was orange..... Keep it white, it looks much better, and its cooler in the heat as well.
Taking screws off suction chamber?
Yes, what seerex said.... The oem screws can be loosened with a phillips or a standard....use a standard to break em loose, works much better than a phillips.
Carbs on, next step vacuum hoses
for passing emissions, you can get an adapter so the 74 flat top air filter housing fits, i know ztherapy.com carries them. other than for emissions, i wouldn't use the 74 air filter box, it sux just like the flat tops. Good luck!
Battery weakens when engine's hot
the hammer thing is for the selonoid. by definition it has a plunger in it, and it gets stuck. hammer when hitting the starter is actually losening the plunger in the selonoid. no effect on the starter itself.
Valve adjust - hot or cold?
every motor is different on the differences of hot and cold clearances. You can check the clearance hot, and then cold and minus the difference when doing the valves cold. Since every motor is different, its recommended to do them hot.
exhaust smoke
what is 3 in 1 oil? Would normal motor oil do the job on the ring test?
'74 260Z 4BBL Intake
4bbl wouldn't be recommended....the fuel has to turn 90 degrees to go to the motor (as opposed to a v8 where it doesn't) go with 2 SUs, the fuel goes in a straight line. Don't know of anyone that doesn;'t eventually want to get rid of their 4bbl eventually off of their z.
Fuel line OK for coolant?
really doesn't matter, just make sure it's sealed up. Heating up the manifold really isn't a biggie....i've had it blocked up and open, but I do know that stock hose will kink right there. Get it from MSA, at least I did a couple of years ago.
MSA Turbo Exhaust Install
Do the coating yourself and save $$$$$ http://www.jegs.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=3895&prmenbr=361 Works well did this myself. Question as well--- I use the 3 into 2 msa header....what does everyone think of this setup vs. equal length 6 into 1?
replace the tranny gaskets where the shifter comes through the tunnel, also check the window glass rubber felt gaskets.
Battery weakens when engine's hot
I'd say clean the battery terminals, and use a hammer when the car is in this situation and hit the selonoid a couple of times, this will unjam it and tell ya more.
Carbs on, next step vacuum hoses
Something to think about.... If at all possible, make the early Zs air filter box work with your emissions, as the air horns built into it are optimized for the round tops. The square air horns on the 74 air filter box hurt the early su's. Just 2 centz...good luck.
Pistons stick out
Hey, where'd that 350z kit come from for the 240sx? That's pretty coooool
Replacing brake master cylinder on a 72 240z
Thanks a lot. --Dog
Swapping 280 to a 240
Electric fuel pump wiring on a 240 isn't an issue; at least for me, my early 71 240 already had the wires / place for bracket to bolt on in the back....just went to the junkyard and got a pump/bracket off of a 280z and bolted up and snapped wires together. Works perfect.
71 240 with 350 Chevy
only problem with the motor that far forward is there has got to be severe bump steer....the motor is riding on the front wheels excessively....that is why having the distributor under the latch is such a superior setup. Would hate driving this rig all the time.
Help with a MSA clutch master cyl
Just trying to brainstorm here, I get a new msa clutch master cylinder, it's been installed for about 2 years. The black res. cap has never really fit well, and will just slide out if you pull up on it, without any twisting at all. Looks like a design defect. I would like to make it seal better.... ...has anyone solved this problem? Thanks in advanced, Dog
Carb set-ups
What makes you blame the SUs normally is some other tuning item that goes out of tune and then the fuel/air mixture gets messed up. The path of fuel from jet to valve is almost straight for a SU, whereas it has to go down and then up and in with webbers (2). I got the su videos, great stuff. SUs really only have to be tuned and balanced once per tuneup. If you are tinkering them anymore, then they are leaking at the throttle shaft/worn out or something else is out of tune. You won't be able to sync them if anything else is off too much.
Replacing brake master cylinder on a 72 240z
Help, if possible! I have never replaced a master cylinder before....done all the other items on the brakes many times before.... Can anybody explain the procedure? I just bought a new m.c. from MSA. Thanks, Dog
FS: Electric Fuel Pump for 74.5 260z
Almost new Nissan OEM electric fuel pump for sale, very expensive. Make offer.