Everything posted by dogma420
Ive lost heaps of these
My Computer adapter
2006 240Z >>?????
That Razor looks like a cross between the 350z and the Audi TT...kinda like a 'big brother' Audi TT.
May be a problem!
my bad...brain fart on it being a 280..... Agemeansnothing.....how old are you? if you're young it is ok...it'd be easier writing replies to you if we knew how old you were.
Age-Old Battle! 240Z vs. 280Z
Jayru, age means nothing..... It's been brought up a million times, I'm not going to write about it again...but a 240s is completely different than a 280z. It attracts a completely different car person. Besides sharing basic look of external sheet metal, not much else is an exact match. Emissions were basically non existent on 72 and older 240zs--more power. Less wiring, no bumper weight, weight is a lot less, so they drive completely different. Having owned a 240z, a 260z, and a 280z I can definitely say the 240z is the funnest of all of them. Less complicated is how I view em, so that's why I have one. nothing complicated like fuel injection...if I am having any mechanical issues with my rig, I can pinpoint the problem real fast. The 240z is essentially why this website even exists. The 280 people are along for the ride.
May be a problem!
heh...agemeansnothing....is that you pictured in your avatar (the picture under your name)?
May be a problem!
missing an oil cap has nothing to do with vacuum or oil pressure.
Small Turbo Cheap D.I.Y.
PS: My Grandfather was a dentist so i can't show my face on T.V. Ahh, laughing gas, now I understand....
Small Turbo Cheap D.I.Y.
gosh, why didn't Ford or GM think of that?
Allow me to introduce myself
get on the floor and use a flashlight, look at the firewall up under the dash...or the pillar between the side roll up window and the windshield...if you move the black vinyl back on this pillar, it should show the original color too... Welcome, and congrats on a great find--in my opinion, keep the original motor and do a full concours restoration on it--everyone on here would drool with the low vin you got if that was done.
Z specialites Hi Amp Alternator
you only need it for the headlights.
May be a problem!
i hope you got a good deal on your z
Detailing Engine Compartment
no louvers weren't a factory option...
new member and need advice, 240Z or 260Z?
aussie guy--we're talking about USA 240 vs 260...I think the mindset is a little different in Australia... Go with the 240 because you mention 'collectible'...get a 70, 71, or 72. The 260 isn't going to be nearly as collectable, if ever, in comparison. But if the 260 is something you'd like, the 73 240z is also a good choice, very similiar to the early 260 but without the increase in motor size. (same horrible stock carbs)--anyone serious about selling one of these 73/74 rigs is going to have had the carbs replaced with ones from a 70-72 Zed. (except maybe like California for smog purposes). Just .02 dollars.
I need a rebuilt head
78 280zcar... just cut the end off of the link he gave you. http://www.adccylinderheads.com/
2006 350Z Commercial
geeze will, somebody woke up with a case of the mondays.... just kiddin bro
Red-Kote Fuel Tank Liner
stand by for a write up using POR15 tank sealer...that's what I did to my tank... the stuff is like concrete. Got the tank boiled, and then did it all myself--approx $70 after boil and it's better than having someone else do it. Any I also coated the outside of the tank as well (do they even do that?)....the outside was worse than the inside...now my tank is the strongest thing on my rig! Before (right after getting it back from boiling): http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=15984&size=big&cat=500&page=5 After: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=16028&size=big&cat=500&page=2 I will get the write up done this weekend...I've been trying to get the pictures moved to an album, but I've been trying with Mike for months....I'll just do it with them in their current places....
dash repair
tomo---how about posting a current picture in your gallery...you only have an original exterior picture. how about a good interior and a good exterior picture.
New battery for ZX
okachuck....you're serious? You joined this forum to ask that question? heh.
Age-Old Battle! 240Z vs. 280Z
<<2222222228888888880000000000. Fuel injection all the way I don't like the 240's because everyone has one. Can someone tell me if this is good. I found out that the head on my 280z is a N42??????>> ??? Everyone has one? Like in who? If I ever do see an S30 out on the road, more than likely it's a 280z looking like it's near the end of its life. So in NM if I went there, everyone drives 240z's.... Odd because they made so many more 280's....
New Poll of the month!
There is a gal who has a new style VW bug with the color change paint on it....she has got to be a hippy chick...the car is perfect with that paint because of the implied hippy chick think cause it looks psychedelic. It would look just wrong on a zed. Remember, red 110 looks orange or red depending upon lighting...so it's kinda like color changing paint, heh. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14754&size=big&cat=500&page=6
2006 240Z >>?????
in Portland, (actually Sherwood) I know of a guy who lives in my apartment complex who got a 2005 350Z for $24,000 almost on the dot. Only a couple of months ago. I try not to think of it like this, but it STILL looks like a 2nd gen Audi TT, like the original Audi TT is the 'rounded' genre and the 350Z is the 'sharp lined' Audi TT.
Fuel System / Gas Tank Question
the pickup is 5/16" and the return is 1/4" (90% sure)...cause I just did all the rubber lines back there.
Rear Sway Bar Installation Kit NLA - now what?
yes, the silver colored mounts came with the kit. No it won't get way (well I guess it could)... Yeah, the copper piece was the way to go, I couldn't even get the plastic piece to go into the new fuel hose....