Using steel wool is VERY aggressive, and unfortunately you may have damaged them beyond repair. Forward pics of what you have and I can likely give you some direction. The bright aluminum layer on this coating is VERY thin. Any significant dulling is the direct result of exposed temperatures. So, even if it is able to be polished, its a moot point as its just going to dull again. If its dulled as a result of oxidation, then that would be no problem and is recommended at least once a year. In general to polish bright Ceramic Coating you want to start with a NON ABRASIVE aluminum polish first. I prefer Flitz liquid polish but you can use any. If that doesn't get it you can step up to a LIGHT abrasive. Chances are if this hasn't done the trick, nothing will. If you had to remove some debris off the tube you could step up to steel wool, but chances are you're going to burn through the bright layer......