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Everything posted by sblake01

  1. sblake01 replied to Zedyone_kenobi's post in a topic in Electrical
    Is the gauge pegged all the time or just when it's running? You can use a multimeter to test the alternator. If it tests out okay, the gauge is bad.
  2. sblake01 replied to Darbji280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That light blue was likely applied by a PO. If you make a table out of it, use lexan not glass unless it's really thick glass. (ask me how I know!)
  3. My 'green' days started to fade at a young age since I have an older brother that is quite mechanically inclined. I hung around him while he was working on cars from the time I was about 10 or 11. The second car I ever owned was a Datsun 510 and I applied what I absorbed from him and honed my skills (such as they are) on that car. I've spent more time on the EFI Datsuns than any of the other cars I've owned. I guess in all that time a person is bound to learn something if only by accident:).
  4. That airdam replaces the front valence and bumper. It mounts where the valence would go.
  5. sblake01 replied to Darbji280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I think the basic gist of this thread has been lost..........quite some time ago.
  6. sblake01 replied to scotts pearl's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    The 280Z owners manual says to do the first adjustment at 1000 miles and every 12 months or 15000 miles thereafter. Keep in mind that this is for a new car so you can disreagard the first adjustment. Intake-.25mm(.0010") Exhaust .30mm(.0012")-Hot.
  7. I did mine 10 years ago with Duplicolor and it's still shiny. Preperation is the key though I don't know about primer, I didn't use any.
  8. Make sure you take all of the precautions for a car that will sit for a while. Especially fuel stabilizer.
  9. I too have used Dupli Color with good results so I can also attest that it's not 'garbage'. Did you clean the panels thoroughly before spraying? Residue from stuff like Armor All and 'turtle wax interior shine' will affect the way the product works. There's an old saying-----'It's the singer, not the song'
  10. sblake01 replied to jthill3's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Here is the correct operation. Tail ligts-both top bulbs (two on each side ) Brake lights-outer top bulbs (one on each side) Turn signals-both bottom bulbs (one on each side) There are only three bulbs in each housing unless you count the back up light.
  11. sblake01 replied to zwhore's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Come on! The man posted this two years ago, hasn't answered in this thread in almost two years and he hasn't even been on the site for 5 months. What would you call dead? You guys need to look elswhere. zwhore ain't answering!
  12. sblake01 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I just picked up three of the Hot Wheels 'Datsun Bluebird 510' at the local Target store. They must have has 15-20 of them so they're out and around now.
  13. sblake01 replied to BOMBAYBOB's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I believe you asked this question in another thread all the suggestions and diagrams are there. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32310
  14. sblake01 replied to zwhore's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I thought that was what I said.
  15. sblake01 replied to zwhore's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I wonder what is going on with these cars. The thread is a couple days short of 2 years old and zwhore hasn't posted on this site in about 5 months.
  16. You can bolt the eccentric on from a car that has one but does your head have the area cut out for the fuel pump arm?
  17. sblake01 replied to Weasel73240Z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I thought that was only true on the early cars, i.e. the ones that were originally fitted with a type A trans.
  18. sblake01 replied to clsspfla280z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Mark, I'm hardly a king but I appreciate the comment. I guess I've been around these cars long enough to learn what works and doesn't work (at least for me) and try to pass on that info in hopes that it helps someone. Thank you for the holiday wish and I wish the same for you as well as for anyone who reads this.
  19. sblake01 replied to clsspfla280z's post in a topic in Introductions
    MEZZZ's response was faster than mine but his link doesn't have a 78 FSM.
  20. sblake01 replied to clsspfla280z's post in a topic in Introductions
    No the water temperature sensor. If it's bad or has a bad connection it will allow the car to start and run when it's cold but won't allow the fuel mixture to be lean enough to ren properly once the car reaches operating temperature. The test procedure for it is on page EF-32 in the Engine Fuel section of the service manual. If you don't have one you can download it here.
  21. I was actually saying not to use the stocke EFI pump with carbs.
  22. sblake01 replied to clsspfla280z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Check the connection at your temperature sensor and the temperature sensor itself. Also make sure you have a good connection where the harness plugs into the Air Flow Meter. (Thanks member BOMBAYBOB for that suggestion)
  23. I don't know, .1 liter is what, 3 oz? That much probably clings to the gears, etc. even when you drain it. Two quarts should be fine.
  24. The stock EFI fuel pump is regulated to 36 psi. Unregulated, it will put out more than 100 psi which, though I'm not sure, may be well over 200 gph. I'd use an electric fuel pump designed for carbs in your case. Less chance of problems.
  25. Same from the 1981 280ZX Factory Service Manual, 2.0 Liter-4 1/4 pt. 5 speed only-no 4 speed in 81.

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