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Everything posted by sblake01

  1. Does your 260Z have the large bumpers? If so, essentially that car is a 280Z without the EFI and thus has the suspension of a 280Z rather than a 240Z.
  2. sblake01 replied to JerseyJoe's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    I have the spacer/metal flex fan on my 320 but I'll stick with the fan clutch/stock fan combo on my S30 and 810 simply because they work, they've never caused any problems plus the fact that I have three vurtually new fan clutches as spares to use on my cars.
  3. sblake01 replied to Sailor Bob's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Harbor Freight sells a valve spring compressor for under $10. I have one and have used it several times with no problems.
  4. sblake01 replied to scotts pearl's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    36463-E4100 is the part number. Don't know if it's available. Check the number with a Nissan dealer.
  5. sblake01 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Beer Football and Beer Beer Turkey and Beer Nap........ John, you were blessed. It just wasn't your time to you to lose your house and for that I'm also thankful. And I pray that that time never comes. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
  6. Turn the ring counterclockwise. It actually holds the sending unit rather securely and there isn't much pressure there. IIRC, the seal is an o ring or at least it is on a 280Z.
  7. sblake01 replied to scotts pearl's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    What number is the item you're referring to?
  8. sblake01 replied to astewart's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    This is from the 78 FSM:
  9. sblake01 replied to GILDIA's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yep, both of my cars have allen head screws replacing the security screws. I really don't think the security screws would do much to prevent your car from being stolen if that was really Nissan's intent for using them.:stupid:
  10. sblake01 replied to ramsesosirus's post in a topic in Interior
    The speedometer and tach can be removed without pulling the dash unless you have a dash cap. It's easier if you remove the tach first. That will give you easier access to the speedo cable and tripmeter cable. It's just a matter of getting under the dash and removing the screws that hold them in place and pulling them far enough out to remove the electrical connections. A little tedious but nothing like removing the dash!
  11. I've got that same thing in an 8 page pdf. Don't know where I got it from but obviously it came from the same original source. I'll try to download it into tech section. EDIT: The tech section won't take pdf files.
  12. Interesting, and somewhat helter skelter. Unless you do b.i.n., the auction ends on Nov 30 and you have until Dec 1 to pick up the stuff. I'd want to see it before I bought it. You'd need something with a lot of space to haul all that stuff. There are lots of much better ways to market this stuff.
  13. It looks like a dash cap in the picture.
  14. Depending on the type of double sided tape used, it can be removed, without damaging the paint or the emblem, by carefully applying heat from a heat gun. I know from experience that this works with the 3M Acrylic Plus attachment tape.
  15. That's CZCC member fairlady66's car. It's also in the classifieds here.
  16. The pillar emblems come off from the outside. All you need to do is pry them off gently with something that won't mar the paint.
  17. These two posts should help. This thread was about a 72 but the info would also apply to a 73. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=274417&postcount=15 http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=274380&postcount=3
  18. sblake01 replied to scotts pearl's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I'm sorry but you and I will never agree on that. I know you sold Datsuns at one point and I too worked for Datsun for a year or so but the only time I've ever seen the term 'Black Pearl Limited Edition' is when you have posted it. Black metallic paint was an extra cost option, period. Nowhere on the invoice, that one or the one for the car without the SAP, does it say 'Black Pearl Edition' or 'Black Pearl Limited Edition'.
  19. sblake01 replied to scotts pearl's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    This has been discussed before. If it came from the factory with 638 paint but without the SAP (Sports Appearance Package which consists of the accent stripes, rear window shade and dual racing mirrors) then, IMO, it's just a 1978 280Z with black pearl paint which Nissan did build. Others will say it's a BPE without the SAP. My answer to that would then be - is my 1978 280Z the 'Blue Metallic Edition'? On a side note the so-called 'BPE wheels' were not part of the SAP, they were just a factory option alloy used on the US 260Z/280Z. The mirrors and louvers were also options on non BPE 280Zs. <a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/dftu2h.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  20. sblake01 replied to zfreak72's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    What's your location, Anaheim or Aliso Viejo?
  21. sblake01 replied to GILDIA's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    What's a refaccionera? I thought Spanish for locksmith was 'cerrajería'. EDIT: Never mind....I guess you meant REFACCIONARIA as in parts store.
  22. sblake01 replied to g9m3c's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You'll probably have to use a pair of small precision pliers or jeweler's pliers to get it out. Be careful not to bend the float stopper.
  23. Kind of like a Datsun 810........
  24. John, that basically fills in the blanks I left with my post.
  25. Although it sounds fishy, it's missing at least one ingredient for me to call it a scam. Had the guy offered to call off his other deal if Mike would come up with a little more cash, maybe then........

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