Everything posted by sblake01
ECU problems
What's the number on your ECU? I have one that's from a 76. The number on it are A11-600 000.
New Fuel Pump - need strainer
The Mr. Gasket filter is designed for carbureators and isn't rated for the fuel pressure that an EFI system puts out. The one from NAPA is likely much the same.
Aftermarket side mirrors
Those are the 99990-00113 factory option mirrors that were once available over the counter at Datsun/Nissan dealers. Yes, they were part of the SAP for the 78 Black Pearl Edition and the 77 ZZZap but they were also sold at the dealers for something like $14.95 a pair. They were listed in the 1972 240Z Coupe Accessories catalog and were probably available before then.
A few 'simple' problems...
Rick, I think you misundestood why I said that. I haven't worked much with the 280Z factory air (mine is aftermarket) but three lines coming from the one intake barb is not the correct hookup and likely why the mode doors aren't operating properly. The other lines pull from the magnet valves and the storage bottle. Splitting it three ways likely won't produce enough vacuum to open the doors.
A few 'simple' problems...
That's more or less what I said........
Bob Sharp Racing parts catalogue
This info is from the 'Datsun Competition Parts' catalog. I can't find a date on it but 1978 seems to be the newest year vehicle shown in it. No mention of the ZX but it does have the A10. According to the catalog 99996-E1029 is listed as an 'unground cam billet'. Also, your number for the strut, is it 54302-E4624 or 54302-E4621? If it's E4621, then everyone of those parts you listed are in the catalog I have. Here's the scans on the trans and diff: This is the cover:
A few 'simple' problems...
My car has aftermarket air so it isn't set up that way but looking at the diagram, it looks to me like there is only one line connected to the manifold. The others appear to be connected to the magnet valves which, in a round about way, draw from that one manifold connection.
Z still wont start
The fuel pump diaphragm and/or gasket are likely shot. I'd either rebuild it or replace it. Might be part of the reason it won't start.
lack of fuel pressure in '77z
I shouldn't work that way. Sound like someone wired it direct to the ignition circuit for whatever reason.
A few 'simple' problems...
Check out pages AC-6 through AC-13 in the Air Conditioning section of the manual. Alco page AC-62. The vacuum source is the barb on the intake manifold just in front of the EGR valve and brake booster hose connector.
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12
2008 Japanese Classic Car Show-Irvine, CA 9/12