Everything posted by sblake01
1977 FSM not helping.
I would suspect the switch on the back of the ignition where the harness plugs in.
Any advice on lowering 72 Z?
Why the duplicate threads?
Internet Etiquette
I fully agree with point you're making. I recemty got jumped on by a fairly new member on something very similar. In fact, 5thorsemann and psdenno came to my defense. I forgot to thank them so....thanks.
need help removing the steering wheel!
Beautiful '77! ebay auction in CT
If that was for the 77 I'm sure he would have taken the money and ran.
A Car For A Museum or Leno?
Ended at $24,100.00 Reserve price not met.
Meet 72 OJ
You're really not chatting, you're typing. It's really a bit annoying (my opinion). If that's 'getting with the times' I'll pass, thank you. That might even land you on a few ignore lists.
HELP i cant find he fuil inj relay
A Car For A Museum or Leno?
A little over a day to go. I don't see it going much higher.
December 7
I think we're discussing different points. My comment had nothing to do with history. If he hadn't entered he wouldn't need to exit. Remember the thread sat for four days without a comment and this will be my last one in it.
December 7
Not sure I get that..........
A Car For A Museum or Leno?
If he really has $80K invested in it, he won't take 21 or even the 25 that Ted mentions unless he's just desparate. Less thatn 1/3 of his 'investment'? IMO, he'll be keeping this car.....for a long time.
December 7
Then, why didn't you? Rick comment was quite simple, easily understood and really didn't need to go where you took it....
Official Introduction
So you've owned 16 cars by age 23? You should easily pass my count. I'm on my 51st but I'm...shall we say...a bit older.
looking for a fuse box replacement
Last time I checked, MSA only had replacement fuse boxes for 240Z's.
looking for a fuse box replacement
The maxifuse setup I reacll discussing here in the past is actually used as a replacement for the underhood fusible links.
voltage regulator location on a '78?
Not from 1978 and later.
Quick Revving L28
I just noticed how badly I botched the word in that last post, twice:facepalm:. c-u-r-m-u-d-g-e-o-n :stupid:
Quick Revving L28
Hey John, I'm 10 years older than you. A crumdugeon? They're really not bad people. I always loved author Jon Winokur's take on crumdugeons. Sorry to do that to your thread, Ted but once people began analizing each other rather than the L series engine, it was already off topic anyway.
Quick Revving L28
John, I'm fairly certain that wasn't in response to my comment but, just to be clear, my comment wasn't aimed at you or even at this site but rather car (or other) sites in general.
Quick Revving L28
Sorry, double post.
Quick Revving L28
Also, it seems like those arguments seem to initiate/escalate when certain individuals are involved.
A Car For A Museum or Leno?
A). Leno drives his cars. . It's a 280ZX.
What do you guys think of these injectors?
I would think they'd be better since he says that one of his is stuck closed. I can test them and clean them with my pressurised canister/cleaner and test tools which will tell me whether or not they open and close and that they flow fuel. I've always been curious about how these shops can match flow or flow a set of these old school injectors.
78 280Z pass side mirror? Cannot find any!
The guy I'm talking about, Al Allen, is based in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. You're talking about Dean in Northridge who is a stand up guy. I bought some stuff for my roadster from him back when he had just opened his shop. I had forgotten about the similarity of the two business names.