Everything posted by sblake01
Ordering paint by the paint code
Like I said:
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
I could do that but it would probably be more representative of the types of music I'm into rather than the general membership here.
"Other" Datsuns...
I forgot about the 1200 or (K)(L)B110. I much preferred that car over the B210. That's another on I'd own under the right conditions. Small, nimble, economical and the potential is there as are many of the parts if you wanted to turn it into something more.
Clutch slave return spring?
I believe 8/71 was the cutoff date for the type A trans that would have used the spring on the release lever.
1976 mule...need help
That's your problem. The tank/lines get clogged with sediment that builds up from the old gasoline just sitting for all that time. The tank and lines will need to be cleaned before the system would be able to generate enough fuel pressure to run properly. The fact that you were able to start car with fuel poured into air intake, but the car would stop when out of fuel tells me that you were getting spark. If that's no longer the case then that problem would lie somewhere in the 'replacement ecu, transistor, condensors, throttle position( on intake) regulator,coil' that you've installed.
"Other" Datsuns...
Don't forget the 810 (though most have). The 610/710 didn't really catch on as a successor to the 510 so the sales weren't as expected. They even revived the 510 (sort of) in 1978 but that one didn't have the IRS. It was badged as a 510 but it's actual model designation was A10. It was even less successful than the 610/710. B210s were rather a rather lackluster econobox, at least the versions the US got. The F10 (had one of those) was the first FWD Datsun in the US and it had some built in problems such as shift linkage, clutch linkage, etc. I wouldn't subject myself to the ownership of another one! As far as the earlier Datsuns (you mentioned the 410) they were miserable little cars that you'd just have to love to own one. My 320 pickup falls in that catagory. They're cramped, noisy, underpowered, hot, miserable little cars. That being said, I have no plans of getting rid of mine. If you like Datsuns, you like Datsuns regardless of where they were on the automotive scale in their era.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
I'll use 'Datsun Dog' for a while. I really wish this thread would hurry up and run it's course.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
There are so many more imortant things in this world to worry about......
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
When I posted the picture I had a general idea of what kind of comments I would possibly see and I'm okay with it.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
What webpage were you looking at???????? I don't take offense to much that's said here really. If I did, I'd say so, believe me. I was just being silly, as you said, like some of the others that posted pictures of their wives. Now, I might be offended at being referred to as a 'skinny white guy' since as you can see, I'm not skinny and the rest speaks for itself.
Gas/Amp dashboard gauge from a 74
And in the other post I probably should have said 'Le merde n'est pas trop profond.'
Gas/Amp dashboard gauge from a 74
That's about it...trial and hopefully not much error.
Ordering paint by the paint code
I think that was done so that the collapsable spare, etc. would fit in the 77-78.
Gas/Amp dashboard gauge from a 74
You know, you can adjust the float so that it reads higher or lower by carefully bending the arm in small increments until you reach you desired reading. Bend down if it reads low or up if it reads high. That is, if you are certain that everything else is in proper working order and it"s reading incorrectly. So, Vous n'êtes pas vraiment dans la merde. (pardon if my French isn't so good)
Ordering paint by the paint code
I did paint them the original color. I'm not talking about matching the faded original color. In all three cases that you see in my sig. picture, none of them were matched from the paint that was already on the vehicle. They were mixed from the formula that the particular factory color code designates. Any good paint shop can do this. But, I hate to say this but sometimes giving an opinion in one of your threads makes me feel like I'm arguing with a sign!
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
For anyone who doesn't realize, that is my beautiful wife, and much better half, Daisey. I don't mind anyone saying that she looks 'totally hot', I agree, though she is quite modest about her looks, and considers herself to be much deeper than all of that. And we've both been black all of our lives. Never thought that that was of any more signifigance than a persons gender, national origin, etc. when traversing websites. I agree with much of what you say, Rockr69, except that I wasn't involved in the 'offensive rhetoric'. My comments in that thread had to do with the 'text' lingo and general socializing in a technical thread. That part was moved to another thread and this probably would have all died out by now had it not been for this thread.
Ordering paint by the paint code
And you're of the opinion that a can of the original color would match any better?
Ordering paint by the paint code
What would you use a can of original paint for if you could find it? It wouldn't match your car anyway after all these years. Color matching actually would be better for touch-ups etc.
I want an original key blank
That glove box lock set doesn't appear to be for a Z. At least, not a 260/280. That's a single side key like the one for my 64 L320 PU but it doesn't have a locking glove box.
77 280 alternator and volt regulator puzzle
I want an original key blank
I doubt that your ignition is from a truck. But, if it won't unlock the doors, it's been changed. 78s have 'right side' locks and use a single key for everything. So just take the key you have that starts the car and the locks (both doors, hatch) to the locksmith and have him set those tumblers to that key.
Message to the GUYS of CZCC
Just think of the havoc I could create on this site if that was me......:devious:
Iacoski Z Design Study Hits The Intarwebs
angry asian...cartoony proportions....kit car looking front end....another FLOP... Nothing more for me to add!
help want 240k
You're going to have a looooooooong search then!
I want an original key blank
If your key is exactly as the one you linked to in that the grooves are in the same position as the one shown, go to a Nissan dealer and order KEY00-00055. If yours is the mirror image of that one, order KEY00-00056. They won't have the round head but they will be Nissan keys and are as close as you'll get to original without searching forever or spending a fortune. The look like this: