Everything posted by sblake01
E-brake boot question
Don't let Tomohawk confuse you during your learning stage. 280zs did not have vinyl.
E-brake boot question
I don't know how you inferred that from mlc240z's statement. Anyway, 280zs have snaps that are affixed to the carpet as Z excellence stated.
Flying Car
At least the flying Pinto could get higher up in the air than that. Until the crash.
Searching for 240z part
Nice hijack, guys.
Flying Car
They tried this in the early 70s with the AVE Mizar. If you know the story you might recall it as the "Flying Pinto". Unfortunately, the story had a tragic ending. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVE_Mizar
It's Xmas !!!!!!!!
Help need a Part Number
Could it be 24023-N3600 on page 54-5? 6/73-7/76.
New here...
That kind of line almost always turns me away. "The AC is fine, just needs freon", or "It just needs a tune up", etc. Take a battery with you and a can of fresh fuel with you when you go to look at it. If it doesn't run, you're just buying a parts car and from the description, $300 woudn't be a bad price even if it doesn't run.
ebay USA 1971 KGC10 Skyline GT-R lookalike
At that BIN price, she'll most likely be back again and again.
Caster Adjustment Kit
When you say 'caster' do you mean 'camber'? If you mean camber adjustment, kits are available from MSA. For caster adjustment you would need adjustable tension rods and I don't know who makes those for a ZX.
'72 240Z quit...
I have no experience with Webers on a Z but I do have a single side draft 40DCOE on my J16 powered 1964 Datsun L320 pickup. I went through problems similar to what you describe until I removed the vaccum advance and put a solid breaker plate in the distributor.
Alternator belt replacement help
I had a problem finding one for my Z. I went to this old, store front type auto parts store up the street, you know the type that is just crammed with stuff some of which looks like it's been there for years. The old guy that runs it got out a fan belt measuring tool (haven't seen one of those in years!) and measured it, length, width, and pitch. He then went in the back for what seemed like 20 minutes and came back with with a perfect replacement. A Gates brand belt too, not some no name replacement.
Gas dripping at rear after fill-up
Under normal circumstances, a simple question wouldn't generate some of those responses. But we rarely have normal circumstances here. Having droped many a gas tank in my time, I'd say don't do it unless you need to. If your car hasn't sat for any substantial length of time and doesn't exhibit any of the symptoms of a clogged tank, just replace the vent hose a move on.
Gas dripping at rear after fill-up
The discussion only 'evolved' after you (post 9) took it in that direction. You can answer me if you wish, but I am done here.
Going to California
We're (Chino 240Z, myself, bobc) actully about 400+ miles south of where you're going to be. Brushie and Enigma are right in the area, however, though Gilroy is about 35-40 miles east if I recall correctly.
72 240 heater fan (honda mod) stopped running today...
There have been many posts/threads on this subject. This one states which blowers can be used. There are other posts/threads on the actual installation. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/search.php?searchid=363738
78 280z wont run
Not trying to sound like a 'doom sayer' but I'll bet your car wasn't sitting for 15 years when you developed that problem. I'd like to reitererate that you tank is most likely toast and that's what you need to look at. After I had my tank cleaned the car fired up and has been running right ever since with the original, untouched fuel pump. Check into the tank first. My experience says that your fuel pump is probably okay.
Rebuilt my combination switch today
My 'switch fix' was done pretty much like bloxman's and has 'held' for about 8 years now. Besides, aren't you talking about a ZX? There are a handful of people here who could probably tell you the color codes for a ZX combo switch but we're mainly talking about S30 switches here. Why not just get the correct switch? I don't know about where you are but I pass by plenty of ZX's when I'm at the local junkyards. Toggle switches? I think you might end up having to work that out on your own.
what is the TRUE definition of "Series 1"
Nissan (Pomona Valley Datsun) bought it back from me a little over a year after I had bought it for what I paid for it. Some dealers, Datsun as well as others, were doing that with certain cars back then. Obviously, they knew something that we didn't. My brother had a Boss 429 and Ford actually bought his back for more than he paid for it. I bought a 72 later in the year with the money. Don't remember the vin of the 72 and I really didn't like it as much as the 70. I haven't been able to find it (the 70) on any of the lists or registeries.
78 280z wont run
Because it's still in the tank! Trust us on this one. If the car sat for fifteen years, you either have to clean or replace the tank.
78 280z wont run
Fifteen years of sitting will cause a lot of crud to build up inside the tank and lines causing a loss in fuel pressure. You will most likely have to clean out or replace the gas tank. I had to do that on mine and it had only been sitting for four years.
what is the TRUE definition of "Series 1"
I never said that I would have expected them to be the same price. The ads spoke of the low prices of their cars compared to anything else in their particular market. The ZL, 432, etc. would not have fit in that marketing strategy, no more than the Bluebird would have fit the 510 market, as they would have cost more. I bought a 240Z (#488) in early 1970 because it was the only sports car I could afford at the time. I wanted a 'Vette. That's how my interest in Datsun began.
Alternator belt replacement help
Maybe your setup is different but wouldn't that just remove the fan? Are you talking about the bolts that hold the fan on the clutch fan assembly? And there's only four bolts. Removing the four that hold the clutch fan to the water pump is easier, as Arne said.
what is the TRUE definition of "Series 1"
What I do remember about the 240z, as well as other Datsun advertising here is the US, it that the price of the car was always something that was stressed in the ads. If the ZL, the 432, or the ZG had been built for the North American Market, it probably wouldn't have fit into those parameters.
Cold Air Intake
The one screw holds it quite well. Better than when I had the two thinner clamps. I just like the longer tube and having the filter in the center in an open area behind the grille rather than behind the left headlight.