Everything posted by sblake01
Looking for wheel spinners for Libre's
The ones I have wouldn't fit then.
What is the worst part of this club
He's here, post #3.
Looking for wheel spinners for Libre's
What is the inner diameter of the holes in your wheels. I have a set of four two ear knock offs on pedistals with 70mm o.d.
1st time poster with a questions
So far it seems to me anyway, that the man is researching, not selling. And like it or not, vintagecarman, it does come off as commercial and rather spammish as this subject matter appears to be the only thing you've posted on this site. Don't be too put upon by the responses. Many of us have been here for a while. You're fairly new. If you are legit then you are legit. Time will tell.
What is the worst part of this club
No need to apologize to me. Like I said, I realize that this site isn't designed to please me or any other single individual. A ZX is just not my preference. Nor is it my preference to discuss anything other than the S30 in any detail on this site. But there are similarities between the ZX and Z especially in the EFI system and I don't mind sharing info that I have acquired in that area. The comment I made about bad or misguided advice was just a generalization and wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I tend to stay away from advice based on 'I've heard that ....', or 'my uncle said', or anything not based on actual experience. We had a thread with the old guy that had the 810 that had problem that I have encountered and solved on both of my cars. I gave him the solution early in the thread, even sent him the part yet the thread went on for pages and pages with all kinds of speculation including many things that could not possibly cause the problem he was having. But the man never did what I suggested and decided that the car was too much for him which was probably the truth. It's all part of the diverse tapestry that makes this site what it is.
They made a 74 240Z???
Yes, my bad. I was speaking of the US market. We only had the 260Z for the one model year, 1974 but it was produced until 11/74 which would technically make the later ones (8/74-11/74) 75s.
What is the worst part of this club
Too many ZX's, people comming to the site with the sole purpose of selling things including cars as we had in a recent thread. Some of the bad or at least misguided advice I see given to others who post a problem that I've dealt with and solved. Also, things like people posting their desire to go 195 mph or whatever it was on the streets. I think it was Darryl Waltrip who said 'don't tell me what your gonna do, tell me what you did. Anyway, those are only minor anoyances and I can turn my head to them. After all, this site wasn't designed to please me. On the plus side there is enough of an exchange of good information, history, etc. that far outwieghs the annoyances. I love the Carl Beck, Chris Wenzel, Alan Thomas debates/discussions. Bill Ramsey's country naivety, etc. Like I said, the long list of pluses outwieghs the short list of minuses.
240Z in Houston Craigslist (11/70)
Hey, and Accel Superstock Coil! I've had one of those on my 78 280Z since 1997 and it came off my 510 upon which it had been on since 1990. Still works fine after all these years.
They made a 74 240Z???
And it's not even a typo. He really thinks it's a 240. Look at the rear plate. On another note, 260Z's were made through 11/74, so technically there is a such thing as a 1975 260Z.
Wrecking 240K and Datto 1600
I'm Back!
Is this what you're looking for? Mine is like the attachment I posted but I think your 76 would have this one. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-280z-Air-Cleaner-to-Air-Flow-Meter-Boot-NOS_W0QQitemZ220020618616QQihZ012QQcategoryZ46101QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Is there a name for this??
Actually, it's called 'ASSY-COVER-INSTRUMET-LOWER RH'. Part no. 68870-N4200. I only know that because when my car got stolen in 2001, the bastards broke it and I had to replace it.
Rear speaker boxes
There are no speakers above the towers in a 78 280Z. They are just behind the doors and below the side windows.
Injector wires
Well, after testing it that way, I did put them back in their original order.
I'm Back!
When I needed one, I managed to find a good one at the junkyard but that's kind of chancey. Here are the part numbers. Both are listed as up to 4/77 and the second number supercedes to the first number.
Rear speaker boxes
Here's a link to the MSA 79-83 ZX rear panel. I always thought they were kind of pricey, both their speaker boxes and MSA in general. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/SP/50-5353
Injector wires
Injector wires
But, like Steve (zcarnut) said, it doesn't matter which one goes where. It doesn't even matter on the idividual connectors if you switch the two wires. I did the BMW connector upgrade on my Z today as I did on the 810 about 2 years ago. Just for drill, I intentionally mixed up the wires and it made no difference.
Injector wires
You know, you're right. It's been a while since I did anything with the injectors other than chaning the connectors. Too late to edit my previous and useless post.
Not a Datsun..But it's Japanese!
Any Datsun roadster, even an old 1500 would kill it in most any type of competition.
Injector wires
That's a good question. I learned years ago from a friend who owns a Z shop to mark the connectors 1-6. I can tell you which wires go to each connector. 1 (37-15), 2 (38-33), 3 (40-32), 4 (41-14), 5 (55-30), and 6 (56-31). Those numbers correspond with the ECU connector.
Gas Cap For '72!?
Stant 10806. If you want the non locking type. You should be able to find it at any auto parts store. IIRC the same cap fits all S30 except 75-76 which had the HUGE filler pipe for whatever reason Datsun decided to do that. In 77, they went back to the standard cap. If you can't find it, heck, I'll send you one. I've got 4 or 5 good ones somewhere in this garage.
Does anyone have a fuel filter clip for an early Z?
According to the microfiche they are the same until the Z got fuel injection in 75. 16419-E4100 is the part number but I doubt if that will help as it comes up empty in the parts databases. Might try giving that number to a Nissan parts dept. and see if they can cross refference it to something else. If I see one on on of my junkyard raids, I'll grab if for you if Will doesn't find one.
My new mesh light covers, pics inside.
I purchased my window and door seals for my 810 from Rare Spares. They have some things that you couldn't find anywhere else and the prices and shipping are reasonable.
Search the threads. We've discussed this before. Without starting the debate again, I contend that flat tops can be made to work and I have done it. The kits are harder to find than they are for round tops. You'll find that in the discussions.