Everything posted by sblake01
Interested in the Pinks Z: Want the motor? Details within...
Wasn't even worth watching the '1979' Datsun 280Z lose.
Help Please
I couldn't get past the three things I mentioned before I was in complete (IMO) disagreement with the quote.
Help Please
Side pipes, 'Vette styled hood, truck/suv wheels, I guess the only thing missing is a sunroof.
Is a tight dipstick that important?
I put an o ring on mine. I don't know the size but it came out of a o ring set my wife bought for me and it's just thick enough to seal the dipstick to the tube and tight enough so that it doesn't come off when you remove the dipstick.
1969 Toyota Corona Mark II Coupe
I didn't own mine for long so I don't really remember a lot about it except that it was and automatic and the 510's would run away from it.
1969 Toyota Corona Mark II Coupe
Not really familiar, but I had one back in 73 or 74. It was a cool little car. This is not the one I had but very similar. Even the color.
Off topic for the A/C specialists here
When I deal with a system that has a leak as slow as you describe, and I don't feel like tearing it down, I just use a can of Redtek Proseal. If yours uses three cans in 11 years, that stuff will stop the leak for longer than you'll probably own the truck.
SU carbs with metal oil filler caps?
IIRC, my 1600 Roadster had metal damper caps.
Off topic for the A/C specialists here
I've seen it go anywhere from about 5-25 bucks a can on eBay. The price is much higher in the shops, usualy about 35-60 bucks a pound! The only time I've seen the old cans go bad is when they develop rust and leak. The freon itself doesn't go bad as long as the can's integrity is intact. I charge systems from a manifold and tank rather than from cans. The old cans require a different type of can tap than the ones they use today. What specifically did you want to know about charging an old system?
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
Well, I've owned many Datsuns over the years. For some reason, Bosch Platinum plugs perform okay in the carbed, non electronic ignition cars I've owned, but not in the EFI cars. I've done tests, mpg, CO, etc. and the NGK plugs just perform better. I you do a search on this you'll find that this is the general consesus though others might list other reasons.
Low VIN # on eBay
I've always loved the term 'surface rust'.:classic:
Speed Racer Movie
Yes, it is. All I meant is that somewhere around post 25-26 it changed from movies to models.
Speed Racer Movie
We've been on the hyjack trail for at least 15 posts now. I, at least, find it more interesting than the original topic. Apparently, so does the original thread starter.
Common v8z problems?
Not to mention that V8's can twist the unibody to a pretzel as can a strongly built 6. The best done V8 swaps I've seen had been sub-framed.
Speed Racer Movie
Yep! I actually paid $3 for that one at a yard sale. It's missing a passenger (left) side mirror.
Speed Racer Movie
I'm not much into boats, just old cars and trucks and an ocaisonal motorcycle.
Speed Racer Movie
Speed Racer Movie
Speed Racer Movie
Here's a few Mach 5's, Shooting Stars, Racer X's etc in 1/18 scale: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?sofocus=bs&sbrftog=1&fnu=1&from=R10&satitle=speed+racer+diecast+1%2F18&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&bs=Search&fsop=3%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&a39=-24&a6=-24&a56=-24&a25260=-24&gcs=1380&pfid=1700&reqtype=1&pfmode=1&alist=a39%2Ca6%2Ca25262%2Ca56%2Ca25260%2Ca3801&pf_query=speed+racer+diecast+1%2F18&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=92407&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=
A choke on a FI engine?
He said HEADLIGHT washer not windshield washer. ZX's don't have thermotime switches as that function is in the ECU. If you've ever seen a 79 and up ECU it has that warning on it that it not be used in a 78 or earlier car due to the possible damage it can cause to the system and the ECU itself.
Arrangement of taillight bulbs
I'm not sure I get that. :squareeye
Condenser on 280z Alternator
Your hookup looks basically the same as both of my cars except that my condensers are mounted on a seperate stud, above the "E", rather than with the black wire.
Buy Car Insurance Online-- A Few Tips To Get You Started
More spam. We seem to get a lot of this crap lately.
Difference between 280z and 280zx
What about the 66 Fastback, K motor, four speed GT? I had one of those a few years back until it got stolen.
Fuel Issues.. After getting bad Gas
I knew he meant the fuel rail, after all it does kind of swirl around like a thin elongated trumpet body but leave the fuel rail alone for now. How did the Seaform, fuel filter and fresh gas work out? It almost sounds as if someone mischeivioulsly put something in your tank.