Everything posted by sblake01
Ever removed an L24 head? I have a question.
Need them for what? He just wants to use them on a stand. If they're in the junkyard that's really about all they are good for anyway. Or would you use used headbolts on your engine? I wouldn't.
Hard to start when warm Idles Rough- 75 280Z
If that was the case, I would think that it would run noticeably rich all the time. Try checking the fuel pressure while it's running and then turn it off and see if the pressure holds or goes away. If it goes away, you most likely have a bad fuel pump check valve.
Gas Mileage for '73 240Z
The highest reading I've achieved in my 78 was 27.53 and the low is 19.08 under normal conditions. It dropped to about 17.5 when I had a bad EFI relay and 16.8 when I had a bad cold start valve. I know this thread is about carbed cars but I was responding basically to Hrududu
Wheel comparison
I also lke the ZXT wheels. They'd look even better if you could somehow finish them with a treatment something like the Panasports. They'd be unique looking with a more gold look and a polished edge. From personal experience, I can telll you that polishing wheels is no easy task. I've done it. I did the 'Iron Cross' wheels that are on Proxlamus's Z. Lots of Panasports and slots around. Polished and refinished ZXT rims would be different.
SP411 wagon in Auburn, WA
I wouldn't mind an RL411SSS. Same body but they had the R16 roadster engine with dual su's.
SP411 wagon in Auburn, WA
I've seen that one before. It's kind of butchered up with that L20B motor in it. Should have a J13 which is considerably smaller so I imagine there's been some cutting to make it fit.
Inner shifter boot
Miles, could you look for one for Datsun 200B? My Japanese is not that good, like nonexistent!
chuck norris died of heart failure on sunday, RIP
Oh, I know that it's a liquor type aperitif but that's about all I know about it. I read about it years ago in college but my recollection is quite vague.
Inner shifter boot
Did you try Rare Spares? I've bought stuff from them like window divider seals, door belt seals, etc. for my 810 coupe. No one else seemed to have them. I'd like to find the same item your're looking for but for my 810. I'll bet they're similar if not the same.
Are all F54 blocks and P79 heads the same?
No. The 810 and 910 (Maxima) used an L24E. They are front sump engines and would require machine work, and the oil pan and pickup from a Z in order to fit them in a Z.
This engine,That engine...
The only reason I made my comment is that Ezra mentioned swapping engines. We weren't really comparing 240Zs to later S30s. Just engines.
chuck norris died of heart failure on sunday, RIP
Jason, what's the signifigance of 'La Fee Verte'? With my weak French, all I can come up with is 'the green fee'. Is that it? As in golf? Just curious.
This engine,That engine...
Where did you pick up the notion that a L28 is slower than an L24?
Brake Shims
The suffix has been superceded. 41085-A0100 and 40184-A0100.
chuck norris died of heart failure on sunday, RIP
That's what I'm saying. Read the aricle. It's on a spoof site. Geez!
Patrol On ebay.
They had a pushrod type, OHV 6 cylinder known as the "P" engine. Just under 4 litre (3956cc), 145hp, 7.5 comp, long stroke, basically a 'torque' motor.
Patrol On ebay.
Here's a cleaner one. This one was at the Japanese Classic Car Show in Long Beach. An original engine and trans for one of those might be tough to find.
chuck norris died of heart failure on sunday, RIP
Actually, I think that Jason has been had.
Thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty and counting…..
Several times, Guus.
From good to bad in .1 seconds
The locating pin on the front of the camshaft.
From good to bad in .1 seconds
Ya think???
Go Panthers!!!!
Too late! 34 to 7, six minutes to go.
Touchdown Seattle
27 to 7, 3:15 to go in the 3rd.
Go Panthers!!!!
Whoever wins that game will have their hands full with either the Broncos or the Steelers. No favorites here, just an observation. We don't have pro football in SoCal.
Stolen Corvette Found 37 Years Later
I posted that article a couple of days ago in the thread about the stolen and then recovered Z32. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10671&d=1137622828