Everything posted by sblake01
- Help identifying parts
300zx guy with a 280z!
Welcome fellow TRS member! I think you'll enjoy this site. I have for almost 8 years now.
turbo motor on ebay
Jenny, the benefit of the the doubt can sometimes be a good thing but with Al Allen's reputation, my advice would be to err on the side of caution. I've had a couple of bad dealings with him in the past that I won't repost here; they're noted somewhere in the 'bad eBayer' thread. He's also had several other eBay user names in the past that aren't included in his "many good customer reviews".
Leak down testing, and valve job?
Sarah, I'm glad I saw this post about your other post. It saved me from posting an almost duplicate post in this thread
Starter problems, AT or MT starter??
That's a gear reduction starter. Notice how the drive is offset from the body of the starter. I'm not sure I'd want to buy a used one of of eBay, however.
Need help removing taillight trim
The original post was over 3 1/2 years ago and was apparently satisfactorily resolved over 3 1/2 years ago. The only reason your're seeing it again is because a spambot chose to respond to it.
Need help removing taillight trim
Spambot: http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/
Starter problems, AT or MT starter??
Those both appear to be gear reductions starters. The gear reduction starter actually became standard on the 78 280Z and 810 and continued through the 83 280ZX and 84 RWD Maxima.
Is there a 1980 280z t top ???
That's a ZX here too.
Is there a 1980 280z t top ???
Our ZXs were called 280Zs in Australia also.
Is there a 1980 280z t top ???
I had all of those wheels on my 280Z at one time or another. Swastikas, Iron Crosses, Turbo wheels, and I finally put the so called Black Pearl wheels back on it.
Is there a 1980 280z t top ???
No but there is a 1980 280ZX with a T-top.
triple SU's vs 6 carbs.
On another note, I do recall Dr. Donn Vickrey buy haven't heard that name in years.
triple SU's vs 6 carbs.
Isn't Marc Sayer the guy that was editor/publisher of Z Car magazine which eventually became. Z Car and Classic Datsun magazine? In the process of changing over from a regular magazine to a cd, they collected up the subscription money and then dissappeared. I am one of many whose money they took with them......
1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
I don't see why not. Although the 77 is externally regulated and 78 in intenally regulated the fusible link setup is the same for those two years. I use 78 as an example becaue I know the 78. I don't know how the ZXs links are setup but the 78 and the 82 (non turbo) both use the same LR160 alternator.
1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
- Voltage Regulator Question
My guess would also be ground since there doesn't appear to be anything insulating that solder joint from the body of the regulator.- 1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
IIRC, there is a location tab insinde the turn signal part of the combination switch that lines up with a hole in the column.- 1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a Duramax one of those that is set up like my GTO or my wife's HHR in that only shows the voltage on the 'Driver Info Center' or whatever it's called when either you select the voltmeter or when there is a problem? Were talking about a 280Z voltmeter that shows constantly.....- What Z is this?
See post #11:- 1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
Also, with an ammeter, the charging signal is routed through the ammeter behind the dash. That presents a possible fire hazard should either wire or the gauge short out or catastrphically fail in some way. At very least, if an ammeter fails, you no longer have a charging signal to your battery. If a voltmeter fails, the car keeps going, and the battery contiues to charge, the only problem being the non working gauge.- 1977 280Z Voltage gauge "Always On?"
I think you'd be in the minority. An ammeter can only measure the amount of current to the battery for recharging purposes while a voltmeter directly measures the entire charging system's performance. Has any auto manufacturer even equipped a vehicle with an ammeter since the mid 70s?- Z Car Dot Com Was Sold?
Don't ever tell Tony that flat tops are no good........- Is what i found worth anything?
According to Nissan Parts.cc, that part number would cost $71.31 with a list price of $93.58 if you could get the through Nissan.- Ignition problem.
If it's stock the 78 should have the large transistor ignition module behind the passenger side kick panel. - Voltage Regulator Question
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