Everything posted by sblake01
When Installing Rear Wings???????
Youngest and Oldest
I'm 55. I remember seeing a member named "LesD" in the birthday list recently who had turned 88. But IIRC, his one and only post was for the purpose of selling his car.
240K's X 3 plus Prince Gloria at outer Sydney Wreckers
This thread came contains some answers to ddufty's question in case anyone is interested. I don't have an answer on the other wheels (Skyline or Silvia) as mine was a US car and simply had a D in the center. http://new.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18082&highlight=40300R4671
Introduce yourself to the class?
Why not just put up a gallery on this site? It's easy to do.
The bill was passed???
I have considered moving out of California. But, we just bought a new house, probably the last one I'll ever buy. I'm 55 now and by the time it's paid off I'll be 85. So, I guess I'll just have to play the game every two years. We have three vehicles that have to be smogged so actually I play the game 3 times every two years. If anyone knows a way around it, please tell me!
My new 280Z
Well, I've got a lot of info on them if you ever need any help. I've had my 280 since 1997 and my 810 (very similar drivetrain) since 2003 so I've probably come across most anything that can happen with them. What year is your 280? I'm a little better with 77-78 but have worked a little with 75-76.
Your First car.
I remember Lion's. It's real name was L.A.D.S. Lion's Associated Drag Strip. It was in Long Beach IIRC. I also remember Fontana Dragraceway (I still have two trophies from there), Iriwindale Raceway (the old drag strip not the circle track), Orange County Dragstrip, and we even dragraced on the old Riverside Raceway. Sadly, those as well as others, are long gone. 'agemeansnothing', you're probably our youngest member! You ought to have that Z fixed up real sweet by the time you can legally drive it!
My new 280Z
Quite a few, including myself.
Your First car.
- speakers
fresh air ducts?
The floor vent control? That's on page 36. We're looking at the same manual.
Your First car.
1958 Rambler American. The ugliest thing you've ever seen! Paid $50 for it and bought it from my grandmother's friend. It ran fine for about two years until my brilliant uncle borrowed it and it overheated on him. He cooled it down by hosing off the engine with cold water. Needless to say, that poor little flathead 6 went in to full cardiac arrest! EDIT: My 810 is my 45th car since that one!
fresh air ducts?
Check post #16 as I have added an attachment showing the ventilation system for a 78. We also talked about that earlier in this thread.
fresh air ducts?
TomoHawk, here's a better picture of that control I was asking about. My car doesn't have it although the scan comes from my owners manual. There's no spot for it in my car so I know that it didn't get removed somewhere prior to my ownership. Must be in cars with factory air and mine has dealer instaled air.
My new 280Z
The battery terminals should be on the side that is away from the firewall. If they are not, you have the wrong style battery. The pos terminal is still close to the body. You just have to make sure that it is properly held down.
Not so new
Real cars, Bill. Models don't count! :laugh:
SoCal - Upcoming Events
I'll be at the last three. I'm driving the 810 to the AbsoluteZ show, the 320 to the Japanese Classic Car Show, and the Z to Doheny. I'm also going the Chino Corn Feed run Aug 20 in the 320 to meet Mr. and Mrs. Chino.
California Crackdown on Modified Cars
No problem. I was just making sure I was worthy of belonging to such a distinguished group.
MSA a/c kit.. anyone have experience with it?
Is that the A.R.A. system? Sankyo compressor, etc.?
Sheet Metal Shrinking and Dent Bumping
Actually, 'bastard' is the correct name for a particular type of file. (I work in a hardware store)
4" Exhaust Tip Too Big?
I don't consider it bling. Remember it's a 280. Big bumpers, big tip. :classic:
California Crackdown on Modified Cars
I know I said I was done with this thread but I'm just trying to figure out how I became a criminal just by being retired. :classic:
4" Exhaust Tip Too Big?
I prefer weld on, stainless steel for my tacky exhaust tips. :classic:
MSA a/c kit.. anyone have experience with it?
I think that the hardest part of the installation would be fitting the evaporator under the dash. Having had the experience of changing the evaporator in the Z (dealer installed) and the 810 (factory installed), I can imagine that installing one would be harder. Installing the condensor, compressor, receiver/drier, double row crank pulley (if you don't already have one), and routng the lines shouldn't be that tedious. However, as an certified MVAC tech, I have had some experience with a/c systems.
4" Exhaust Tip Too Big?