Everything posted by sblake01
Most cost effective LSD 240z swap.
That I'm not sure of but they were R200s. And torque is probably more crucial than HP where these failures are concerned.
Most cost effective LSD 240z swap.
Your prerogative to disagree but I'd trust my first hand experience over what I read on HybridZ. I've helped no less than four people change out blown R200s to solid rears in V8 Zs.
Wrapping the rail
Once again, there is no functional need to wrap the fuel rail on the EFI cars but if it makes you feel better then...go ahead.
Most cost effective LSD 240z swap.
I recall from your other posts that you intend to put an LS1/LS2 in the car at some point. Bear in mind that those engines can easily spread any of the differentials mentioned in this thread all over the highway........
efi to carb swap?
From what I recall in your other posts, you're having difficulty getting your car to run right as it is now. I really don't think swapping out your engine for an unknown engine with a Holley carb it the answer. About all that will accomplish would be creating a different set of problems to troubleshoot. Who would be doing the engine swap and set up?
Wrapping the rail
He's talking about a z with EFI. There's really no reason to wrap the fuel rails on the EFI cars other than looks.
Datsun Z questions
I was being facetious. I know of many other 280Z(X)'s as well as other 10+ year old cars that run like new.
no idle screw?
Steve, is that turbo or non-turbo? Only asking because the the thread jack (post 2) EDIT: Just looked it up-that's non-turbo.
Datsun Z questions
Both my 78 280Z and my 79 810 coupe must have been in that 'very rare' catagory then because they both ran how they were designed to run, never failed a smog check, got the advertised gas mileage (maybe even a little better), started, stopped, etc. like they were designed to without any non factory modifications. They were both purchased from the original owner and were well cared for before I got them. Maybe I was just lucky....
Might of Killed a Gremlin
You must be really excited! You've posted this in at least four threads.........
no idle screw?
Found what? The idle screw?
no idle screw?
The non turbo has an adjustment like Nissanman posted. For '82 turbo z' you really need to read the manual as the turbo cars are totally different. The have an idle control circuit the senses the conditions and adjusts the idle accordingly. Much easier for you to read it than to have me try to explain it here. I noticed in one of your other posts that you have a couple of other incorrect notions about the ZX turbo engines (they don't have a cold start valve like the non turbo engines, for instance). Read the manual and you'll find the answers. Here's a link to the 1982 280ZX Factory Service Manual and one to the Turbo Suppliment.
Had my car appraised.
That sounds about right. The agreed value on mine w/Hagerty was $14k, and though I thought my 78 was pretty nice, yours is nicer. I paid $168 per yr. but that also included my 64 L320 Pickup (valued at $8k which I always thought was optomistic but they accepted it). My age probably also plays into the seemingly lower cost.
Before I Port my Z I will prove it on a 4 cylinder first
Oh, please....................
mustang vs any z
A Fox body convertible isn't really what I think of when I think of a Mustang but then again a 280ZX isn't exactly what comes to mind when I think of a Z.......
Radiator Overflow Reservoir
Always had one in mine.
Please help!No ones on 280ZX. Fuel pump problem
If his is a turbo, the ECU wouldn't be at all similar to the one in a 78.
Radiator Overflow Reservoir
In the almost 7 years since his post, I would think that he's probably found one......long ago. You really need to look at the dates before you respond since many of your posts seem to be answers to posts that are old enough that either a solution has been found or no one really cares any longer................
Thermostat temp '77 280z
MY black gold.Help rust on cowl.how to fix
Re read the thread.........
Fan & Timing Belt both snapped, Coolant Host burst
There's the faint scent of 'troll/bot' in this thread.........
Fastest Car You Have Ridden In?
I just looked at a ZR1 the other day while getting my wife's car serviced. That thing is a beast! 638 HP, will run in the mid 10s in the 1/4, go 7.20's around the N-ring and still DD it.
Fastest Car You Have Ridden In?
The fastest car I've ever been in is probably the 2005 GTO I presently own. The governor kicks in a 158 mph in 5th gear and it actually starts to slow down in 6th due to wind drag. I, however have never driven it that fast but I have had it up to 130 a couple of times in short bursts as well as trapping in the 1/4 mile at 111-116 mph the time we took it to the strip last June
Anyone else into cameras and photography?
Pretty sure the I Pad has a USB port so anything can be connected to it. It would look just fine. The graphics are realy good on those.
New tires=empty wallet
Oh, gotcha.....I guess it would help if I read each post....