Everything posted by sblake01
Where is accessory relay for 77 280z?
Wayne, the 78 280 does have the fuel pump input and output contact points in the AFM.
California OVS Program--help save a 280Z...
If it's a California car, you can run it through the California DMV Smog test history. http://www.smogcheck.ca.gov/VEHTESTS/PUBTSTQRY.ASPX
Black rubber around headlight covers.
I once looked into that for my car but couldn't find any type of chrome edge trim that was flexible enough to work.
California OVS Program--help save a 280Z...
That 280Z, from my research, has had a hell of a time passing smog over its lifetime. How would you go about saving it and would it be worth the cost?
Ebay Description
And just a shade under a billion miles! Bill, I hope you plan to put the best running engine in the best body body using the best parts and get rid of everything else. About twenty five years ago I used to say I had 14 cars. But what good did it do if only 3 of them could be driven? The rest were just junk. 23 cars in storage? What's the point? EDIT: Carl, you beat me to it!
OT: Honey Bee to be hacked on Monster Garage
So, let me get this straight: A VQ35 in a B210 with truck suspension. The only question that comes to mind is...why? Maybe that's why I don't watch any of the 'cut, hack, and weld' shows.
Ebay Description
Well, it is fairly obvious that Mr. (or Ms.) tfm101 doesn't.
Ebay Description
No bids on this soon-to-be classic? Imagine that! In a 'few more years' this car won't even be a distant Pick-A-Part memory!
Sagamiko 2004 190R
sblake01 commented on HS30-H's comment on a gallery image in 04 Sagamiko meeting - Club S30 & S30 Owners Club of JapanAt the recent Mossy Nissan show, here in Oceanside, California, a guy had a silver one of these.(C10 I believe) He had recently had it imported from Japan. Beautiful car! It had factory installed electric windows! My highly optioned (for it's time) 79 USA 810 coupe doesn't have those nor were they available as an option.
cleaning out garage, engine and trans, etc
Planning another road trip, Bill?
figuring out rear end
It could still be a 79ZX trans since they are the same as 75-78.
What sensor is this?
The altitude switch, at least on my 78, is located under the dash. However, my car is a US 280Z. I don't know how that would differ from yours. Can you post a picture?
Opinion From The Experts
A 240K is a Skyline C110. Neat car but we didn't get them over here. I really think lexguy meant to post this in the 240/260/280Z discussion forum. I which case a 73 240Z with the description above is not worth 3K IMO.
Engine surges
I would start by losing the SplitFires and replacing them with the proprer NGK's (JMO)
Final Results 2004, and thanks for everyone's help
Congratulations! Are you the announcer for the Hooters Pro Cup on Speed Channel? If so, in the immortal words of Johnny Carson, "I did not know that."
Where is accessory relay for 77 280z?
Here are two scans of the two relay locations for a 77-78. I don't know of one called specifically the 'accessory' relay. Might you be referring to the ignition relay? The only other relays not show here are the floor temp sensor relay and the brake warning lamp check relay. What is the number on the side of the relay you bought? If it's 25230-89958 that's the ign relay.
What sensor is this?
Got pictures?
Headlight Covers
I have the MSA covers on my 78. At first I used the double sided adhesive tabs that come with them to affix the mounting tabs. They eventually came loose and I ended up drilling holes for them. If I had it to do again I would have used 3M double sided mounting tape. I have used that for emblems and properly installed it never comes loose unless you purposely pull it off. It's the dark grey stuff that is available at NAPA. That stuff comes in such a huge roll that I still have plenty of it and I purchased it 5 years ago!
The auction ended today and the winner got it for $2331. At that price I would have taken it.
Genuine Rally Clock For Sale!
No, it's the later unit from the 260/280Z Fairlady
Genuine Rally Clock For Sale!
It's gone! And Will is right.
What is a GS30???????
I beileve that the other letters were only on the dealer invoices.
Are '79 5 Spds any good?
Lots of inaccuracies on that chart. The gear ratios are different that what my FSM shows. The ZX trannys may have the higher mounting ears but the Maxima trannys don't. All of which is quite moot since the 79 trans was the only one in question.
Are '79 5 Spds any good?
The 'A' box is the early one with Porsche type synchros. The shift lever bolts on from underneath. The 'B' box has the shift lever held in place by bushings, pin and an 'e' clip.
280Z conversion
The site you've chosen to post the question on? (Sorry, I couldn't resist)