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Everything posted by sblake01

  1. No offense taken, Ben. I just knew I had seen these rims on a few cars here (US). There was a lady at the Mossy Nissan show last year with a 78 like mine. It had those rims on it and she said they were original. Here's another picture of a US ad showing a 78 BPE with those rims.
  2. I have seen these wheels on cars here in the U.S. plus here is a scan of an U.S. 1977 Datsun sales brochure showing a 280Z with the same rims. (Please excuse the fold in the brochure)
  3. Aren't those the same as the 280Z factory alloys for the U.S. cars?
  4. sblake01 replied to frank13's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Half price sale at the Fontana Ecology also. They've got a set of 15" ZXT 'swastika' rims I've had my eye on. Don't really need them but if they are still there I'll get em!
  5. Actually, Albrect Goertz did not design the Z. His design became, more or less, the Toyota 2000GT. The Z design was an in house design. Read up on the 'Goertz myth', it's a fairly interesting story. Look for it on http://zhome.com.
  6. I have a gallery saved on my computer. Sean's picture is in it so he must have uploaded it somewhere other than 'Member Mugshots.'
  7. Back in the day, I owned both a 70 and a 72. I purchased the 70 new in April of 70. When the 72's came out, Pomona Valley Datsun from whom I purchased the 70 made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They gave me virtually what I paid for the 70 in trade for the 72! They must have known something then because I always felt that the 70 performed better. I was in my early 20's then. I wish I could recall the vin's for those cars but I'm lucky to remember last week at this point! The 70 was red w/black interior and the 72 was red w/tan. I recall everyone thinking that I had changed the interior rather than buying a new car. It seems to me that the 70 was made in 2/70 but I'm really not sure. Which one was better? I don't know. They were both good.
  8. It's on the drivers side of the trans next to the vacuum diaphragm. It has two wires coming out of it.
  9. sblake01 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Introductions
    This is not about my Z but it is a 'Dad and Datsun' story. In 1980, just before Chrismas, I came across the 1964 L320 pickup that I still own to this day. I had spent all of my money on Christmas shopping and even though the PO of the truck only wanted $100 for the truck, I just didn't have it. My dad loaned me the money. The truck actually ran at that point except for some electrical gremlins. I tinkered with it for a couple of days and had it driveable by New Years Day (1981). By the middle of January I had reached the point where I could pay him back. I drove the truck over to my parents' house. My dad did not understand why I liked the truck or Datsuns in general. When I offered to pay him back the $100 he said, "Keep your money, just think of it as a Christmas present". He passed away of a stroke on January 25, 1981. That truck was the last thing he ever gave me. That is why I'll never sell it.
  10. I'm sorry, Chris. I guess that came off a lot stronger that I meant for it to.
  11. I don't get it!? Is that some kind of Austrailian joke? I have been trying to pick up on it throughout this thread and I still haven't . . . 21 pages later!
  12. sblake01 replied to Victor Laury's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Victor, I feel your pain. It happened to me in 2002. I got it back but I don't drive it as much anymore. That's why I bought the 810. Remember we talked about 810 coupes last year? Anyway, I use the 810 as my daily driver and only use the Z for car shows and taking my wife to lunch on Wednesdays. It's a shame that one has to be leary about enjoying something that has so much effort put into it. I hope yours comes back in as good a condition as mine did. They took my stereo, speakers, some tools, and garage door remote!? Allstate more than covered it. My prayers are with you and your Z.
  13. I have always liked them. I bought a set from the junkyard for ten bucks each (Pick-a-Part half price sale) and polished them. My plan was to put them on my 810. When I saw how they looked polished, I decided to put them on my Z. That coupled with the fact that the Z is garaged and the 810 resides in the driveway. Many cats in the neighborhood! I think they look good especially when you consider the cost.
  14. sblake01 replied to allknowingbald1's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Carefully unplug the two wires that attach to the brake light switch. You'll have to kneel down and look up towards the top of the brake pedal. The switch is easy to remove if need be. Jump the two wires that connect to the switch. If the brake lights come on while the wires are jumped, the switch is at fault. Make sure that the switch isn't just stuck. I had that happen on my NX when I had it and simply sprayed around the button withe contact cleaner and worked it loose. If it turns out to be a bad switch Motorsports had them (about 10 bucks) and Victoria British has them (about 7 bucks) and I think Nissan still has them (25320-89910) but I don't know the price.
  15. I plan to replace the heater control assembly and A/C switch in my 78 280 before the summer. The plastic part that opens and closes the vent is broken and the switch doesn't always turn off the compressor. I have the necessary parts but just haven't got around to it yet. I also hope to finish the interior in the 810 coupe.
  16. What a great idea to post pictures of our wives, girlfriends, and signifigant others! And, lucky for me, they just happen to be the same person. She is my third wife, and after all these years of trying, I finally got it right! I not only love her for the person she is, but for the person I have become since I have known her. We've been married for 7 1/2 years. Wish I had found her a lot sooner!
  17. That 'branch' is where the hose from the cabron cannister connects. That's how it is on my 78 280 and on my 79 810. It evidentally gets vacuum from the intake for both the carbon cannister and the vacuum advance.
  18. That hose should be connected with a T in the line that goes from the distrubutor vacuum advance to the front of the throttle body.
  19. sblake01 replied to lan240's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Bambikiller, don't you mean that one wire connects to the spade connector on the solenoid and the other connects to where the POSITIVE cable connects to the starter?
  20. sblake01 replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Is that supposed to be a Ferrari replica or a Daytona Cobra coupe replica? Either way, it's not the real thing. And, imho, it ceases to be a Z. I guess that Bruce Lee murals or picnic bench wings are 'better.' At least the car they are on can be recognized.
  21. I live near both of you Chino 240Z and ZHadMan. I'm in Fontana since 2000 but have lived in Pomona, Covina, West Covina, La Verne, and Upland. I was born in Portland, Oregon and moved to Los Angeles at age 5 and to the progression of cities mentioned above starting at age 10. I married Daisey in 1997. She is my second wife. Third if you count an anullment at age 19, I don't. I was 47 years old when I finally got it right! She is my support; for everything! We are on the same page. We have similar goals. As for birthdays, Christmas, etc., I need no material gifts because I have her. She is very supportive of my Datsun hobby even though she doesn't fully understand it. How could she, I'm not sure I do. She has willingly accompanied me to every Datsun/Nissan event I have attended since we've known each other. She even owned a Sentra whe I met her! I could go on and on about her but I am trying to keep it related to the gist of this thread. My wife is the reason I get enjoyment from the things I do. That includes owning the three Datsuns we own as well as the ones that have come and gone since we have known one another. And by the way she still drives a Sentra, only a newer one.
  22. sblake01 replied to datto_240z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    If my memory serves me correctly, I believe they also made a twin cam crossflow head for the L series 4 cylinder engines. Both are long since out of production and virtually impossible to find as well as the ancillary bits and pieces that go along with them.
  23. sblake01 commented on Mark Schue's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection

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