Everything posted by sblake01
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
Good to hear that you're okay over there.
240SX rear disc
Bo knows!
Any opinions on: thecarcover.com?
Here's a little more about them if that wasn't convincing enough: http://toolhaus.org/cgi-bin/negs?User=thecarcover&Dirn=Received+by&ref=home
10-23-10: Stance of the Union (Sacramento, CA)
ALL Import Car Show September 5 in Newport News, VA
Quaker Steak & Lube is the actual name of the reataraunt. It must be a chain of restaraunts. I've never been to the one in Newport News, VA, (in fact I've never been to Virginia....) but I've been to a Quaker Steak and Lube in Canton, OH.
Engine water drain plug
And I've been around so many of both, I guess I got them mixed up.
Engine water drain plug
The drain one your 240 is in the same location as in Nissanman's picture. Pretty much the same for all L series engnes, 4 or 6 cylinder. That picture won't help your friend and his Fairlady roadster since those engines are different.
Here we go
The link that John gave is for S30's. Since your car is a 280ZX (S130), you need to look here for the 79 FSM: http://xenons130.com/reference.html
shredded tire
You know that's actually an older song than you think. Jazz musician Kai Winding first recorded it in 1963 and then Irma Thomas recorded it in February 1964 so the Stone's version is actually a cover since it came out in September 1964.
Wiring diagram... 78 280Z
It all makes sense to me. I don't need a lesson in automotive theory. I've been around cars a while and even have a few automotive certifications. That wasn't my point. Evidentally the logic of my previous posts don't make sense to you. Be that as it may, why use an OBDI compliant ECU like the 7730? Yes, it's better than the ananlog JECS setup but why not go to something OBDII compliant? Either way, you'll have to add components to facilitate the use of either system and though the 7730 would be less costly and easier to set up, the OBDII system would be far more tuneable. I have three different tunes, besides the stock one, that I use on my GTO. And it takes less that 5 minutes to change from one to another. Can't do that with a 7730, at least, not that quickly or easily. One other thing. If you're ultimately going to use the 7730, wouldn't it be more important to know it's pinouts rather than the JECS pinouts since you'd be removing that system anyway? This is really more rhetorical than anything else and I don't really need the answers since I don't ever plan to do such a conversion. And if I was, I would do my own research and development/fabrication etc. Just stuff to think about. I'm done with this one. Like Steve said, good luck with your experimentation.
shredded tire
I've been told that the moisture in the normal compressed that we generally fill our tires with can also contribute to that delamination and that filling your tires with nitrogen can slow down that process. Even using a moitsture filter on your compressor (as I do) will help but, over all, time is the enemy.
Wiring diagram... 78 280Z
No flame war unless you start it. You've talked about putting snow tires on a Z, putting a 455 in a Z, and now putting a GM ecu in a vehicle that it wasn't designed for. This could likely be done with the appropriate research skills and expense but I doubt if you'll find anyone who had done such a swap here. Plus you didn't say the year of the Z you are working on. Pin arrangements differ from year to year, 75-83. Your prior posts were about a 70(?). And it's been almost 6 years since you last posted until yesterday. You can see how one would come to the conclusion I did. Would you like me to reference your previous posts?
Exhaust Smell Gone
Seriously?? If that's all you got from reading his post I think you need to go back and read it again.............
Erratic volt gauge
Isn't that what I said?
Erratic volt gauge
Could be any number of things. Bad guage, bad connection(s), failing voltage regulator. You'll need to run some tests.
Wiring diagram... 78 280Z
"Do not feed the troll" It's based on your previous questions.......
Wiring diagram... 78 280Z
shredded tire
The actual age of the tire is probably more important than wear. I've always heard that if they are 5 years old or older they should be replaced regardless of how good the tread looks.
shredded tire
Looks like a simple case of tread separation. How old are the tires?
needs this car working
I use both of those sayings but, to me, they mean different things.
81 280zx
Of course, now that elijah and his post are gone there's a big hole in this thread's continuity.......
my NEW 500$ 240ZZZee!
The spoiler would probably also go with the part that gets jacked up and thrown away:)
81 280zx
Guys, the OP, Ed, hasn't been here in almost a year. The only reason this thread came back is beacuse a spambot, elijah (post #4) brought it back.
valve spring compressor
Glad that worked out for you. I've had my valve spring compressor for so long I don't even remember where I got it. It's either a no name or the anything that identifies it has long since worn off. It might even be a Harbor Freight item though it looks very similar to the KD 3087.
Transmission Help--4th not working
The automatic trans used in the 260Z is a three speed, 3N71B I believe it's called. No S30 ever came with a 4 speed automatic trans.