Everything posted by sblake01
83 280 Z Need Vacuum Diagram
You do realize that you're on what is predominantly a 240-260-280Z site, right? Yeah, there are a few members that have 280ZXs but there really isn't what you'd refer to as a lot of discussion here about them. Just trying to explain the lack of responses. Here's a link to a 1983 280ZX factory service manual and perhaps you can find what you're looking for in there: http://www.xenonz31.com/s130/files/1983%20280zx%20FSM.zip
280Z Spare Tire Options
I know the Porsche Cayenne uses a collapsible spare. They're roughly $500 at the Porsche dealer for the 17" and a little more for the 18" according to my cousin who drives one.
Does Anyone Get "This Connection is Untrusted" when clicking on the zstore
I get this one which I ignore since I've been to the site before:
71 Dealer insalled AC, What is it worth
I'm not sure I get what you're saying. I completely removed one system from a car and replaced it with another sytem provided by the customer. I assurme it was the so called 'MSA' system. The other one I replaced the Yorx compressor with a Sanden SD505, replaced the condenser with on from a 280ZX, and mounted a condenser fan on it. In one case I pulled everything out and replaced, in the other, I replaced the above mentioned parts, and some hoses. In either case, I couldn't give away the left over parts.
71 Dealer insalled AC, What is it worth
Your G37 has 'climate control' of some form if I'm correct. The speed of the air only helps to a point. Size of and number of orifices is also important. I'm an HVAC and MVAC tech and have done a lot of research on this. The G37 type system is far more efficient not only flows more air through larger openings/ducts etc. but creates more cold within the system itself. Larger hoses, piping, more coils in both the evaporator and condenser, etc. I've not had much luck modifying the old Yorx type systems to do much more than make the car 'tolerable' as you say. P.S.: I'll bet if you ran the vent temp test on the G37 at the point where the compressor cycles the reading would be similar to the readings I attached.
71 Dealer insalled AC, What is it worth
Yes. I've done a couple of them using a better condenser and a modern compressor, maybe even a condenser fan but that wouldn't appear 'stock'. You can get the colder but they'll never work as well as a system with a centrally mounted evaporator. Steve mentions that he gets mid 40s at the vent. That's okay but you really need to get colder readings than that to be comfortable in the hotter weather. Like readings below freezing that cause the compressor to cycle. Note the readings I used to get when I had my old 810 and my 78 280Z. The overall performance of those two old systems rival any modern system: P.S. I tried to sell a couple of those old Yorx 240Z type systems that were left here after doing a couple of conversions. Ended up throwing them away......
RB25 det swap wat to do?
- Chassis plate
An old musician like myself would know what a fetzer valve really is. About the only thing a wet swab might do is create a little extra distortion. Unless you're going with Irwin M. Fletcher's misuse of the term.....- Newbie
- parts
- Newbie
- Physical differnces between a 240 and a 280.
Oh, I have a very extinsive collection of animated gifs.- '78 280z door locks worn out
That is true if the internals are different. Generally, when I had them done I buy a used lock but the same type that was on the car. The locksmith I used (and still use) would essentially rebuild the lock while making it match the existing key.- Physical differnces between a 240 and a 280.
Welcome. If you search, you'll find that that's been discussed here more than a few times.....- '78 280z door locks worn out
A good locksmith can match that new lock to your exixting key. I've had that done several times with Datsun locks over the years.- Distributor needs way too much advance
I guess he meant in the rest of the world that speaks English. Even so, the statement still wouldn't be true.- Distributor needs way too much advance
One really doesn't have to reach outside of the the U.S. to find that seperation.......- Super clean black pearl on ebay
I don't think there's a debate on either car. The same reasoning would hold true for the ZZZap. There were even ads from Nissan that showed the car w/o the SAP and still called it ZZZap. The picture on the Midway arcade game shows a ZZZap w/o the SAP and yet the name of the game is ZZZap. I'm sure that Midway had to get some type of permission from Nissan to do that. We've been over it all before. It's only a debate if you want it to be: http://zhome.com/zcarfilesJPEG/ZZZapAd.jpg http://jdm-car-parts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/29165001.jpg- Carbon Canister?
Twist harder:- Super clean black pearl on ebay
Yes. They could be ordered without the SAP. It would still be a Black Pearl Edition.- Ignition switch difference, help!
I drill a hole in them and use a Craftsman 'Screw out' tool.- Super clean black pearl on ebay
Carl will disagree with you on that one. From a discussion about a year ago:- Ignition switch difference, help!
Those are for the 'key in' buzzer.- Super clean black pearl on ebay
Not true. Hubcaps were standard. That was an option wheel. Had them on my 78.- Went for a Ride in a Nissan GTR!
I wasn't going in to all of that. Remember, the OP was talking about acceleration. - Chassis plate
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