Everything posted by sblake01
lock repair/refurbish
That's pretty much my story also. Tried to learn locksmithing right after high school. Did it for about 3 months or so but it wasn't for me either. I even got to revisit it after I retired from Ralph's Grocery in 2002. I worked a part time job at ACE hardware for a couple of years and one of my duties was cutting keys. Big difference between a key cutter and a locksmith....
lock repair/refurbish
Not only 'dust shield' but also 'wafers' rather than pins.
The STIQ Reveals Himself ! ! ! !
Isn't that STIG rather than STIQ?
How to use Sea Foam in my 73 with SU carbs
Good question. When I do a fuel injector cleaning (pressurized cannister w/injector cleaner through the fuel rail), I change the oil and filter and fuel filter immediately afterwards. Are there any benefits to waiting?
What does water temp switch do?
You'd have to be more specific. One what? A water temperature switch or ???? For what year car? Fuel injected (280Z-ZX) or carbed (240-260Z)? Many things were discussed in this 6 years dead thread.
Need Advice
That would make it a late production or '74.5' model. Here's a quote from a Nissan publication entitled "Outline Specifications-75 Models". '
500 Megs Z car stuff is now over 800 megs
Click on the link and follow the morphing Z (twice): http://www.v8-240z.com/
Removing alternator pulley
Actually, I used the air impact on the pulley remover after removing the nut.
Removing alternator pulley
I've only done a couple of them in my lifetime. You need a puller and from what I recall, it would be so much easire to do it on a workbench rather than on the car.
Wink Mirrors
I like them. I had a 5 panel in my Z and in my 810 and a 4 panel in my 320. I was so used to having them in my cars that it seems strange to drive without them as niether of my present vehicles has one nor does my wifes car.
Z car specialty...
No, they're not. Mario and Elvan closed the shop a couple of years ago.
What is this valve ?
You can use one for an early 80s BMW. Had one on my 78 280Z for about 10 years and one on my 79 810 for 5 years. It's a direct replacement.
Micro Z cars
We started a thread about those in 2006: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23291
California Mirrors...Pics anyone?
Or they could be the 'copies' that MSA sells. It would be hard to tell them apart.
California Mirrors...Pics anyone?
I doubt that the ones that MSA sells are true Vitaloni Californian mirrors since the true Vitaloni mirrors are something like $80-85 each while the MSA version are $119.95 per pair. (hence the term Californian Style)
What is this valve ?
AAR=auxiliary air regulator, AAV=auxiliary air valve, AAR valve I guess is some kind of combinitation of the terms. All would actually be correct. Bosch calls it an AAV. They invented it. All that being said, we know what's being discussed here. I doesn't do the same thing as holding the throttle open a little bit. It has nothing to do with burning off the extra fuel from the cold start valve as that is basically a one shot deal. It adds extra air to go with the extra fuel provided by the temperature sensor during the warm up period. The amount that the flap is open determines the speed, slowing as it electronically closes as the coil in it heats up. You are right about plugging the hoses though. The reason I didn't think of that is because I never removed mine, nor would I have. Primitive, yes. But the more of the system you remove, the more you have to concern yourself with compensating for the fact that those components are no longer part of the system. My opinion is still buy an new air regulator (or whatver you choose to call it).
Bad A$$ 72' 240 Drag Car
Not true at all, at least not with that many 'reallys', but my response might have also been a bit caffinated....
Bad A$$ 72' 240 Drag Car
Just curious, as is your response. Ease up and welcome.
Bad A$$ 72' 240 Drag Car
How is it that you joined 1/17 and you're showing 62 posts in your user info, three days later?
What is this valve ?
That's entirely possible as mine were a 78(280Z) and a 79(810) and both were set up as I described. Also they were both California cars if that makes difference.
a/c pics
What is this valve ?
If I were you, I wouldn't bypass the heat block. The reason being that the housing under the AAR is the heater housing for the thermal vacuum valve. The termal vacuum valve allows the egr system to work while the engine is at operating temp. It really doesn't have anything to do with the operation of the AAR. Simplest (and best) thing to do right now is remove the bad AAR and connect the hoses together that run through it. That way, all you lose is the fast idle during warm up and when you find a new AAR, which would be my suggestion, all you'll have to do is put it on and plug it back in.
a/c pics
Somewhere the thread you're starting up here already exists. I just can't find it right now but I know this was done at least three or four years ago, pictures and all.
questions about a 240z
What is this valve ?
No oxygen sensor on a 77.....inadvertantly switching the thermotime switch and temp sensor connectors would cause that problem.