Everything posted by sblake01
1978 280z dead on #'s 3 and 6
At 59 years old, my need to prove anything to anyone, especially how tough I am, is years behind me. Not saying that I wasn't of that frame of mind when I was in my 20s-30s. Can't give you much input about that now but I do understand it and have experienced it. Here's a couple shots of mine:
1978 280z dead on #'s 3 and 6
Mine is stock and will probably stay that way. It doesn't need to be any faster for me.
Runs good, but won't cut off***
Are you possibly running an internally regulated alternator? Like one from a 78 280z/79 and up 280ZX? A 76 was originally externally regulated and that could be your problem.
1978 280z dead on #'s 3 and 6
So far, a skip shift eliminator, a drop in K & N filter, and a lightweight SLP Skid Plate. I've only had it since June 19th.
1978 280z dead on #'s 3 and 6
Here's a direct link to a 78 FSM: http://www.xenons30.com/files/FSM/1978%20280z%20FSM.zip
Dirty injectors!!!!!
No signal could also be a relay. If there is a signal and you've got fuel pressure it should run. Let us know what you find when you test it.
Dirty injectors!!!!!
If the car is running, they can be cleaned quite effectively on the car with what I mentioned in post #3. However, I doubt if dirty injectors is your problem. Somewhat unlikely that they all would become dirty enough so that none of them would inject. Do you know if you have a signal going to them?
Dirty injectors!!!!!
If you're talking about v8eter's method, I wouldn't recomment it. Does that even sound like something you'd want to do to your car?
- 76 ac motor blower fan
- 76 ac motor blower fan
Dirty injectors!!!!!
A 'little' crude? My method also unclogs them.
Starter groan
Yes, they do. The 78 was the first year to use the gear reduction starter.
Ignition timing way off
I'd go with #1. The only way the distributor could be 180 deg. off would be if the oil pump drive is lined up that way. Seems like a lot of trouble for the PO or whomever would have removed it to have set the wires so it would run that way rather than just put the pump in right. Make sure the engine is a TDC before pulling the pump out to realign it.
Ignition timing way off
Yes, it can.
Ignition timing way off
If nothing has been changed by the PO, and that is suspect based on other things you've said in the past, you would line up the notch on the pulley with the marks on the timing tab. An L series distributor won't go in 180 degrees off since it's keyed off centre. The only way for it to be off the way you describe is the scenario that Chris mentioned.
No more GM bashing...
Step back on it for a second: Do you think the 'New GM' has a chance?
Dirty injectors!!!!!
Pressurized cannister connected to the fuel rail with the return blocked off? That's how I used to do my Z and 810.http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=256648&postcount=16
Best location for A/C Serice Ports?
I have an ATCO hose crimper.
Another Z bites the dust...
These kids aren't doing anything to my name, bad or good: they're on their own. Three people in the front, one was a girl (a little macho type showing off perhaps), they were street racing (period).....They were idiots on many levels....I'm just sayin...
Best location for A/C Serice Ports?
I don't think there's any set place where they should be. Obviously, they should be easily accessible for servicing. As and MVAC tech, it's always been my pet peeve to find they they're behind a panel that has to be removed as on a Lincoln LS, or mounted on the compressor is such a way that you have to get under the car, remove the splash pan, etc. (also on a Lincoln LS). Whenever I do a custom system or mod a system, I put the service ports and components where they are easily accessible.
Installing Anti-Squeal Shims
They also fit on and touch the pad itself. The theory is to supress/dampen the harmonics caused by the movement of the pads along the pins during braking.
Installing Anti-Squeal Shims
In that illustration, #1 is a RH shim (41084-A0100) and #3 is a LH shim (41085-A0100). They, of couse, would be reversed if you were looking at the other caliper.
Can someone tell me if these wheels will fit.
Those 16s are probably front wheel drive rims. If so the bolt pattern is different.
Installing Anti-Squeal Shims
Did you put both shims on one side? Shouldn't have. Each side take one each of the two part numbers I listed above. Were the two you bought exactly the same or mirror images of each other?
uncracked 240z dash on CL- $600.00
I'd want higher resolution/bigger pictures showing more of the dash than those pictureds show..............