Everything posted by sblake01
Fusible Link Blows Before key turn key
A 78 280Z does not have a ballast resistor.
ebay seller
Yeah, that would be my main beef with Reddat. It's been a couple of years since I bought anything from him basically because of his inflated shipping/handling costs and the fact that he didn't disclose the shipping cost until the auction was over. Don't know if he still does that because, like I said, I havent dealt with him in over two years.
Hello Z Friends
Great to hear from you Vicky! I'm actually Datsunless at this point as I've sold them and bought a 2005 Pontiac GTO. In fact the 810 just sold today. The business end of the deal is done and I'm just waiting for the guy to come back and pick it up. I will ultimately buy another Datsun of some type. I've owned at least one for the most part since 1970.
Penetrating Oil Research
If I were to try this I'd get the acetone from a hardware store rather than buying nail polish remover. As Allan said earlier the nail polish remover is diluted acetone. Plus the hardware store chemicals are in larger containers and cost less per the unit price. That would be the best way to go depending on how much homemade blaster you were planning to make. Before I became a non-smoker, I used to buy Naphtha from the hardware store which is the same chemical in Ronsonol or Zippo lighter fluid.
index of 240Z print ads/articles.
texasz is the Allan of 'Allan and Roseanne Z-Car Stuff'. And he's telling you that that's the link. What more do you need?
10 vehicle + 1 240Z freeway pileup
You are blessed! It just wasn't your time. Almost like you and your Z were surrounded by some type of force field. My prayers obviously go out to those less fortunate than you in the incident.
A/C in 280z
I'm a licensed HVAC and MVAC tech. Everyone has their prefference, I guess. I've spoken with other techs and the opinion is fairly split. I go based on my own experience for the most part. I don't do much based on things that I've "heard". I've done some testing and plenty of research. But that would be another thread.
Testing Fuel Pressure Regulator
All three sides should hold a vacuum. But, as Carl said, I don't think that's a definitive test.
A/C in 280z
Yeah, basically. You can also lock up the clutch (a 9v battery will work) and spin it by hand and see if you can hear a 'pulse'. Both of those are what my dear Dad referred to as 'country tests'.
Need your thought on this car!
I thought you ware talking about Le Mans (as in France) with a typo until I did the research. I'd never heard of it.:stupid::embarrass:
A/C in 280z
I cap the hose ports and pull a vacuum through the service ports. Not an infallable test but if it passes that there's a good chance that the compressor will work.
A/C in 280z
Actually they used both factory and 'dealer installed' air in the 280Z. Ttiger's description of the hose differences is one way to tell the difference. Also if it has a 4 speed fan, it's factory and if it has a 3 speed fan it's not. I disagree with using R134a in a system designed for R12. I'm a licensed HVAC/MVAC tech. The R134a molecule is much smaller and requires higher pressure to operate efficiently. Both of those factors will untimately cause leaks. The R12 alternative I use is called Freeze12. We've discussed it here a few times. Do a search.
Fusible Link Wire Color Codes
The color codes are shown in this link: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html Not sure what you refer to by "Fusible Link Harness"
Datsun Scarab Info
Good to hear that she's okay. I met her and Scott and MSA a few years back and they were nice people. I was acoustomed to seeing her posts here which have thinned down considerably, if not ceased alltogether since Scott's untimely passing.
Datsun Scarab Info
Have you heard from her? If so, how's she getting along? Haven't seen her on the site for quite some time.
Need your thought on this car!
Hit it! (If no one gets it, it's a Blues Brothers refference..) But seriously, regardless of where you are, I think you could do better than that for $4K.
- Driveway4
- Driveway3
- Driveway2
These four in my driveway are the last GTO photos I'll upload here, unless someone asks for more. I do realize that this is a Z site!
280Z 05 GTO Engine.
That was his last post, 08-18-2006, so I rather doubt he'll receive your compliment. But I'll tell you what, since I now own a 2005 GTO and I know how it runs, that Z would be hella-fast since it's much lighter than a GTO!
- C
- A
My New (to me) GTO!
shifter bushings installation
Yep, if your type B shifter spins, you're really got a problem!