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Everything posted by sblake01

  1. sblake01 replied to Mike's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bkecause of my detachment from the Datsun hobby, I didn't know of Victor's passing. He was a good friend back in my Datsun days. Like the Datsun hobby, I also lost track of Vic as wall as the many other great people whom the hobby brought into my life. Vic and I go back to the days of 510 Again (The national Datsun 510 Club) if anyone remembers that. Forgive me if this video has already been posted somewhere on this site.
  2. Wow! A quote from almost 8 years ago. Back when I was still active and still had my Datsuns.
  3. sblake01 replied to Jeff G 78's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Sad news indeed. I knew John on this site as well as personally. I attended his Beta Motorsports/Vintage Motors car show on a yearly basis until about three years ago.
  4. sblake01 replied to matria's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm actually still here too! Well, occasionally. I ended up putting the FICD system in the car I mentioned above in post # 2 approaching 11 years ago. It was actually easy. I used the vacuum tank and magnet valves but I didn't use the vacuum switch. I tapped into the power line to the compressor so when the compressor was switched on, the vacuum went to the FICD and raised the idle. I haven't owned the car in over 6 years but the system was easy to figure out and worked flawlessly. Unfortunately, since I don't have the car I can't take pictures of the setup.
  5. sblake01 commented on vjones's comment on a blog entry in vjones' Blog
    I wish you luck. I owned an 810 2dr. from 2003-2009. It took me three years to find good bumper end rubbers. (I'm assuming that is what you are referring to as 'wings'). The bumpers themselves are impossible. Luckily those were in good shape on mine.
  6. G-A-R-N-E-R...........How does the Z have 60 years of history?
  7. Here's the New York Times article about him: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/business/yutaka-katayama-father-of-the-datsun-z-dies-at-105.html?_r=0
  8. Somewhere I have a picture of Mr. K at the car show in 1999 that I mentioned earler. Been looking for it since this thread began. Hope it didn't get lost in one of our moves. So far, all I've been able to find is a picture of me next to a life sized cutout of him at the Heritage Museum......I doubt that anyone wants to see that.
  9. I met him at the Classic Datsun Show at Doheny State Beach in 1999 and ran into him at various other events over the years. He will be missed.
  10. Al Allen is a crook. Do a search on his business, Datsun parts LLC on any Z car or Datsun/Nissan website, including this one, and you'll get tired of reading the complaints.
  11. I know where he lives......and he's been at it for long time. When he gets enough negative feed back, he'll just change his user ID:
  12. Those examples are more repurposing than recycling.
  13. I'm sure they do.....and like most of us, they just throw the tubes away when they are empty......
  14. sblake01 replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    The arms swivel and can mounted at various angles.
  15. sblake01 replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    No experience with a 911 but it mounts easily in a 1978 280Z:
  16. sblake01 replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I had a 5 panel wink mirror in my 78 280Z (as well as in the 79 810) for the entire time I owned it. Had no problem seeing out of the back window with it and it virtually eliminated any blind spots.
  17. My sister in Houston TX just texted me that she paid $2.35 there this morning. Best I've seen here in SoCal so far is $2.85.
  18. sblake01 replied to 240260280z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There are online stores in mainland China that will sell you a 'clone' Samsung as well as other brand phone comlete with the logos on the phone, packaging, etc. They do let you know up front that it's not the real thing plus they only cost a fraction of what the real phone costs. I've often wondered how they can get away with that.
  19. sblake01 replied to 240260280z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I learned about that with cell phones. They 'clone' most of the better known phones but appearance is about the only thing they have in common with the real item.
  20. No, they're not. The caps for the Iron Cross wheels are actually the ones shown in post 4. And those are the original blue center caps I was referring to in my previous post in the picture of the 280z I once owned.
  21. At that price, the present owner will own it for a loooooooong time.......
  22. I had a difficult time finding the correct caps for those wheels 11 years ago. Nissan no longer has them. I bought mine from Nismoparts.com back then but a couple of years later when someone else I know was looking for a set, nismoparts.com didn't have any more. And, they're not '240Z alloy wheels'. They were an optional alloy wheel for the 260Z/280Z most often seen on the 78 Black Pearl Edition.
  23. Where, where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? (I know, it adds nothing of value to the thread but I couldn't resist.......)
  24. sblake01 replied to Hunter260Z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Give this thread a read. Maybe not the best but one of many treads from the past that discuss the illustrious Mr. Allen: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/open-s30-z-discussions/32275-terrible-vendor-datsun-parts.html
  25. sblake01 replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Use ramps.........

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