Everything posted by sblake01
What kind of headers are these?
Which also means that it is not a 240Z header, as advertised unless that 240Z has a 280Z engine.Not such a good deal if it doesn't fit......
Where do you keep your Owners Manual?
If you place the 280Z manual as far to the right as it will go, the door closes with no problem. Mine's been that way for the 12+ years I've owned it. Mr. Hawk has brought this up a few times over the years but I just don't see what the problem is. As far as the GTO goes, that's just one I looked at. Sweet deal but it's an automatic so I'm still looking. It is one of the colors I'd take, however.
Gas Tank - vented or not
Turbo and non turbo would be the same where emission controls are concerned. Here's a link to the FSM if you don't already have one: http://www.xenons130.com/files/1981%20280zx%20FSM.zip In case you need the turbo suppliment: http://www.xenons130.com/files/1981%20280zx%20Turbo%20Supplment.zip
Gas Tank - vented or not
You need to look through the emission control system section of the factory service manual. The carbon cannister/fuel tank vapor vent/vacuum release valve/check valve are areas to check for the problems you describe. It would be easier to read than to explain.
What kind of headers are these?
Round or square ports? That's about all you really need to know.
Where do you keep your Owners Manual?
In the glovebox. Again, don't try to answer me TomoHawk. I'm just answering the question and can't see your actual posts........
A/C 240 72 rebuilt and cooling performance...
Did your AC tech use the Freeze12 pressure/temperature chart when he charged your system? The readings would be little different than the chart for regular R12 since the Freeze12 charge requires roughly 10% less by volume. I'm guessing also that Arne has nailed it. Performance drops as ambient temp rises = undercharged. It's kind of a 'feel' thing so I can't say exactly what the readings should be. A rough estimate would be 34-37 psi on the low side and 140-150 on the high side @ 1500rpm. The ambient air temp must be taken into condsideration. The effects of a condenser fan are marginal and would really only be noticed at idle.
New Hot Wheels 240Z
Nope, never!
New Hot Wheels 240Z
I bought the black 510 but passed on the GTR. Most all of my die cast and other models/toys are 'classics'. GTR's, 350/370Z's, etc., or any Ghosn era Nissan just don't fall in that catagory for me. There's 6 240Zs, 3 510s, a Cedric station wagon, a 1936 Phaeton, a Z32, a Z31, a 280ZX, a 280Z, a Mid-4, an L320 pickup (in the case), a Fairlady 1200 (on the case). Also in there is an old Zippo Datsun lighter from when I used to smoke. And a Jada 240Z and 510.
Setting Valve Lash Issue
I use a remote starter to rotate the cam. Though it probably does no harm, the thought of grabbing the cam with 'vice grips' just doesn't appeal to me.
zg mirrors drilling measurements
Alan's comments in post 15 of that thread are spot on and probably apply even more today than they did then..........
How to determine your paint colour
The next 240Z
There will be no 'next 240Z', whatever that means. The present state of the economy and of the auto industry just aren't conducive to such a thing nor would it appear that any of them are attempting to accomplish such a thing. They're just hoping to sell cars.
1978 280z black pearl?
Not sure if I get that last sentence unless it's just the assumption that since shipment repair painting was available for all Datsuns then it would also have been available for the Zzzap and BPE. But I've never heard of any of them being completely repainted for the purpose of a color change. That wouln't even make sense because that would indicate that every Zzzap and/or BPE would be a repaint?
Anyone else have this happen to them? LOL
Oh, I'm still a car nut. And it's not really a loss of interest. I'm just changing my focus to something a little newer. Ever since I drove a 2005 Pontiac GTO I've wanted one. 400 hp, 6 speed, ABS, traction control, etc. I had planned to get one and keep the Datsuns but really don't have the room for 5 vehicles so I've decided to slowly downsize. I don't really work much on my Datsuns anymore anyway. Believe it or not they don't need anything. And like Doug said, I can drive them anytime but I don't drive any of them all that much. It's just time for a change. I've been around Datsuns and owned Datsuns longer than some people have been alive. I'll be over 60 when this transition is complete (God willing, I'll still be here).
Can it be saved?
Read it again......he's taking about his transmission not his engine.
1978 280z black pearl?
The first one has the factory option alloys and the second one has aftermarket wheels. My point was that neither the Zzzap nor the BPE came with anything other than hubcaps unless they were ordered. Wheels were not part of either appearance package.
Anyone else have this happen to them? LOL
Well, unfortunaltely for me, I don't really feel that urge anymore and that's a large part of why I'm gradually getting out of the Datsun hobby.
1978 280z black pearl?
I believe I get your point but I'm not knocking the rules. It's just that the statement about the wheels is flat wrong and it's not really clear whether or not the rest is accurate. But if that's what they go by, then that's what they go by.
1978 280z black pearl?
Where did the ZCCA get that from? The wheels were optional and not part of either 'package'. Never heard anything about them being done in Long Beach. Were there more BPE's than Zzzap's?
1978 280z black pearl?
I don't think anyone knows much about them and there's a lot of personal opinion and heresay floating around. I don't think there are any definitive answers about these cars since they really weren't that big a deal back in the day. (my opinion) Carl used to sell them and I worked at a dealer where they were sold at the time. I don't think that makes either of us an 'authority' on the subject since all we knew was what Nissan told us at the time. (I know that's true for myself and I'm assuming it would have been the same for Carl). We may never know the 'truth' about them. I don't reacall ever reading, hearing, or seeing anything that would indicate that they were available anywhere other than in the U.S.
Shes new to me - My project 280z
I find it interesting the we send them to Hybrid based on engine swaps but Hybrid sends them here because Hybrid doesn't have the much patience when it comes to answering things they've already covered......
1978 280z black pearl?
Wow! That gives me hope for when I sell mine. Mine is in similar condition, not convinced about the mileage claim and I have documentation for mine, it doesn't appear to have AC which mine does, we know it doesn't have power windows, non stock steering wheel and rims, and my asking price will be less than where this auction is now and I don't have a reserve.....
Bull Run rally
I won't even dignify that one with anything other than to say 'some people don't watch crap on TV, critique it, and then make snide remarks what they find that other's don't share their opinion. It must be a strange place....the world of 'Thomas Magnum', 'Tom O. Hawk' or whoever you are. Entertaining is the last thing I'd consider you to be. Annoying would be tops on the list, however. Stick a fork in me, I"m done and you'll be ignored by me from now on!!! I wonder how many ignore lists you're on already.
Bull Run rally
Snappy retort.....but you're the person with the most posts......YAWN!!!