Everything posted by sblake01
Bull Run rally
Okay, I guess I'll be able to sleep at night now........
Mitty This Coming Weekend
Those were actually my comments. I'm not really looking to communicate with him nor am I looking for an education on the Phillippines. Nor am I looking for a reason he says he's from the Philippines, if he's not. He's here, on this site, I'm not there so that's really on him. As far as him not having a Z, in his profile it says 'none yet' under the catagory of Z cars owned.
Bull Run rally
TomoHawk, why don't you ask? Since 16 of the 28 previous posts in this thread are yours, obviously you are the one with the most interest.
Crazy Question
Yep, I'd have to go with the consesus here. You had to expect these kind of comments since you refer to is as a 'crazy question'. I'm sure that if you really wanted to do it, it could be done. The only question would be.......why?
1978 280z black pearl?
I don't want to open this up again. I'm just curious why that same logic doesn't apply to a BPE.
Car back from Maaco....Pictures attached
What's with the resurection of the dead threads?
1978 280z black pearl?
Careful with that or we might have sit through the explaination again.....
Mitty This Coming Weekend
Looks like posts got deleted here.........
wanted fender mirrors for c110
I don't think that was really the question. Go back to the original post and look at those mirrors. Really a useless point, however, since the thread is over three years old!
Mitty This Coming Weekend
What? And miss his comments? His comments are the absolute epitome of someone who doesn't get it, more so than our contributor from Cleveland. full house has no Z, obviously has difficulty with English, has links in his posts that have very little, if anything to do with Datsuns, much less Z's, but he always seems to come up with clusters of meaningless comments from time to time. You'll notice that I use one of his in my signature.
1975 280z wont start?
Are you being 'hypothetical' or is that really your advice? You're saying to replace things one by one until the car runs? Where's this 'common sense' you speak of in that or any other spectrum? Ever heard of troubleshooting? Less costly and eliminates the replacement of working parts:stupid: (mechanicle=mechanical in your world, I'm guessing.)virtualorgasm, I wouldn't worry much about finding sites for any of the cosmetic or aftermarket stuff until you get the mechanical end of things sorted out. It takes time, and you'll learn. Just watch out for some of the advice you get here or anywhere else. It's usually not worth much more than you pay for it:)
Mitty This Coming Weekend
Rather long drive for you.................
Few Questions about my 79 ZX
I'd forget the theory about the newer battery. A 79 280ZX electrical system is just not that sophisticated. I had some problems with the warning system back when I first bought my 810. I solved it basically by cleaning the connections in the circuit. You could look at the Body Electrical section in the 79 280ZX FSM and that should give you some direction.: http://www.xenons130.com/files/1979%20280zx%20FSM.zip
NYZCC Club Website
Is this the link you meant to post? http://nyzcc.org/forum/
Xado motor oil?
No need to explain. That's your opinion which you are entitled to. I was just giving mine. I've seen and read about most of the 'engine ovehaul in a can/bottle' products. I choose not to use them. If you want to use it, use it. What? Are you a spokesman for them? Don't answer me directly as I'm done with this.
Xado motor oil?
By your description it kind of sounds like an additive to me...... Those two statements would make me rethink the use of this stuff. You used the phrase "snake oil" in your post. If you really feel that way about this stuff (as do I) then why are you even contemplating using it?
new part = very high idle
Because that's what an air regulator does. Sort of like the equivalent of a choke on a carbureated car. 1500-2000 is too high however. It sounds like the flap is out of adjustment and opening too wide. Refer to the factory service manual.
76 280z wont start..
Start by reading this, especially the EF section: http://www.xenons30.com/files/FSM/76_datsun_280z.zip
Hello from an original owner of 260 Z
I did mean the entire swap, distributor and module.
BMW locking gas cap in a 240Z
Looks to me like that cap might fit a 260Z or an early 280Z (the one's with the larger diameter filler neck) but I don't see it fitting anything else.....except maybe a BMW:) Well, the story did originate on zcar.com. It certainly wouldn't be the first questionable thing to come from there.
Hello from an original owner of 260 Z
I would think in terms of future failures with that E12-05. Beezee's modules may or may not be the same as yours but new ones are virtually impossible to find and expensive if you do find them. I'd go with E12-80 dist. preferably from a 1979 ZX. The module for those can be replaced with a GM HEI module wihich is inexpensive and plentiful. It takes mimimal electrical skills to accomplish. That Mopar setup looks kind of 'rocket-sciencey' to me.
Still won't run!! I need help..
Let me see....how can I say this diplomatically? I can't! That's 'Mickey Moused' or 'ghetto' as they would say. That's a modification rather than a repair. The proper repair there would likely have been to replace the electrical part that goes on the back of the ignition tumbler or, at least, probe the circuit to find out where the signal is lost which would still in most cases I've seen lead to replacing that part. Rather than suggest such half-assed 'repairs' or throw parts at the problem like the author of this thread has done/is doing, and then give up because it still doesn't work, it would be far more beneficial to actually listen and learn about the car you're working on. Otherwise you really have no clue as to what's wrong.
Clutch throw out bearing replacement
Never gave it much thought. I've always used a bearing driver with the appropriate insert.
For me, more accurate would be a look that you either choose to accept or not. The look of most modern cars will never grow on me.
Datsuns 240 zx 1971
Come on, do you really think your post qualifies as any kind of help?