Everything posted by sblake01
Are all paint reducers the same?
From what I recall from my days with ACE hardware, there are diffeent reducers for lacquer and for enamel plus there are slow and fast reducers. I'd make sure it's compatible with the paint your're using.
Random Screeching Grind at Ignition
Use a 78 and up Z/ZX/810/Maxima RWD starter. They're the gear reduction units and fit the earlier cars with not modification.
Complete 350Z catastrophe
I think that's the place where I bought the strut bar for my 810. I didn't have them install it however:)
'78 air flow meter question
No apology necessary. The ad is somewhat unclear. I looked at some of Python's other stuff, like their fuel pumps, and those ads don't have representative photos either. Their products are likely just fine but their advertising needs some work.
'78 air flow meter question
Just a follow up as to why I was skeptical which made me examine that Python ad. The use of a hotwire type MAFS requires a mcrocomputer type control unit and all the attending circuitry as opposed to the 'circuit board in a box' that the S30/S130 has.
Need body parts for our 78 280Z
He's in San Bernadino, CA, as am I, and I put him in touch with the guy that has the parts he needs which are in Upland, CA, about 20 minutes away.
'78 air flow meter question
Something strange there. It appears to me that only the first picture is an S30/S130 type AFM. According to the description, all they are offering is a remanufactured stock AFM. No 'digital guts'. Note that the first box says 'Air Flow Meter' and the other says 'Air Mass Sensor'. The other three pictures are of some other hotwire type MAFS and not the one in the description. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000CJY9T2/interactiveya8375-20
Can't get a spark!
I won't open up that argument but I will say this; as a liscensed tech on both macs and pcs, I'd never say never.
Need body parts for our 78 280Z
Either way, we've already echanged PMs and I've put him in touch with the person that has what he needs and is local.
'78 air flow meter question
The 78 was the first one to not have fuel pump contacts in it. However the earlier (75-77) AFM will work in a 78 because, while they would have the contacts, the 78 harness doesn't have the pins for them so it would have no effect on the car's operation since it's fuel pump doesn't use those contacts as part of it's circuitry.
Need body parts for our 78 280Z
I think I've got him taken care of as soon as he reads his private messages.
Shift lever and knob spinning together?
You like those things? I had them in my 810 for a while but didn't care for the vibration.
Can't get a spark!
That's the reason I save anything of importance on a seperate hard drive, away from the operating system. If the main drive crashes, I still have my files.
Need body parts for our 78 280Z
Then why post it? The fender is thrashed. Unless you have the skills, you'd have to pay for a 'really good hammer and dolly job' and that would cost more than a replacemnt fender. Patch panels for a 280Z fender? I've never seen them. mntndude, I might have a line on something. I've sent you a pm.
75 fuel take on a 78?
I was just stating that to be clear because there seemed to be some confusion in the thread.
75 fuel take on a 78?
There are two 280Z tanks. One for the 75-76 and one for the 77-78. The are NOT interchangable. Period.
How many HORSEPOWER vroom roooom!
He could have meant rear wheel hp as opposed to flywheel hp which is how they were rated regardless of which method was used.
Can't get a spark!
With electronic ignition, I would suggest an inline spark checker. Using the 'old school' method can send a spike through the system and damage the module.
New Fuel Pump - need strainer
Also posted in the other thread: I also ran into that problem with Autozone but I'm persistinent enough (believe me when I say that!) to get a refund. I had three of these pumps fail in less than a year, as I said, one on one of my cars and two others that I installed on other peoples cars. No mention of the screen was made at the time of purchase; only when attempting to return the defective pump. I don't know what to tell you other than steer clear of that pump.
Collectible Automobile Magazine 240Z feature!
Mr. K is either 99 years old by the way we measure in the US or 100 by Japans method. It might have been his 'personal car' at one time but, as you say, Gable's kid actually owns it and while this makes for a good story, I'll bet Mr. K hasn't driven or had much else to do with it in years.
Collectible Automobile Magazine 240Z feature!
All the cars in the DHM are on loan. They only have space for about 15-17 cars so they rotate them out.
New Fuel Pump - need strainer
Two things: I guess you'd check with the store you bought the pump from and read this comment from a previous thread about that fuel pump: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showpost.php?p=267808&postcount=8
Collectible Automobile Magazine 240Z feature!
This car? It kind of makes the 'rounds' but I not really certain how much Mr. K is involved with it any more.
Any early-Z enthusiasts like the Z32 also?
David, I'm sure you mean Z32.
I got my confirmation package in the mail yesterday. Taking the 810 this year. http://www.japaneseclassiccarshow.com/