Everything posted by sblake01
Honda Wiper upgrade Issues
TomoHawk, I understand what the OP, hogie, and everyone else in this thread is discussing and trying to accomplish but you probably need to start your own thread since your questions don't involve a 240Z, a Honda wiper motor or the upgrade relay setup. Just sayin'.............
Honda Wiper upgrade Issues
Isn't that what page BE-65 in the 78 FSM shows?
280zx clutch pedal in 260z?
Why would you need to swap the pedals? Don't you have the pedals for your 260Z?
Wow!!! I thought SBlake01 was active!
Active? Note that my posts are spread out over 8+ years. pczbh appears to be a real memeber with no posts. Something went haywire!!!
What size clutch on 280zx
I remember that because I did the Turbo/2+2 clutch mod to my 280Z and my 810.
What size clutch on 280zx
If that's the case wouldn't you want the 9 1/2" clutch since 240mm=roughly 9 1/2"?
Translation please
Requesting dizzy wiring photos - been searching multiple forums for hours
Blue, that link show an E12-80 setup so it wouldn't apply to a 76......
U-Joints and hammer?
Got to love Harbor Frieght! (for some things) I bought this small press from them a few years ago and use it for u joints as well as a lot of other stuff.
What is my Engine Bay Missing?
I changed the heater core on my 78 w/o removing the dash. Not easy but it can be done.
- Ignition switch and electrical flow question
f54 oil filter adapter?
That's likely for the same type of adapter that was in the 810/RWD Maxima on the L24E engines. Not sure about the ZX's but it appears to have been done for clearance on the 810. I points the filter upwards an toward the front of the car. Can't see the adapter in this picture but you can see how the filter angles up between the vacuum cannister and the windshield washer bottle insted of straight out of the block.
What is the official name of this plate and where can I buy one
If the plate he pictured is from the distributor in question, and I assume it is, it's a 240Z. (That and he did say 'points style') The ones for a 260Z/280Z are somewhat 'V' shaped.
What is the official name of this plate and where can I buy one
I'm not sure which of your answers was the least useful.......
What is the official name of this plate and where can I buy one
Nope. That's a distributor mount plate. The breaker plate is inside the distributor where the points mount. Doubt that MSA would have one. That part shows as 'not for sale' in the parts microfiche. Your best bet might be that one of the members here has one.
Where's the Louve?
The things that previous owners do......try a heat gun (very carefully!!). I've had some success removing old adhesives with moderate heat and gentle pressure.
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
Well, I guess we've gone way past assessment and conjecturing now.........
Hay fellas, we made the list!!
Urban Legend.....http://www.snopes.com/business/misxlate/nova.asp
Hay fellas, we made the list!!
Does that Toyota also say "ED" on the back up light?
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
Miata forums might not be the place to look if that's what you're after.......
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
That's not really what I meant. I was referring to his assessment or 'conjecturing' on some of the responses.......
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
E, I thnk you are over analyzing; it's really much simpler than all of that for me. We'll never really know until he starts asking his questions though, will we?
240Z based 2000 GT replica
That's not really quite accurate but rather just another sidebar of the Goertz myth.........
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
I don't think I was far off with my assessment......
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
This post, as they say, looks, sounds and walks like a duck......just sayin'.....