Everything posted by sblake01
78 Black pearl Z What is it worth
Don't know if this will help much in determining the value since it's a couple of years old but it's a rather extensive discussion on the BPE. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10652&highlight=Black+Pearl
Water pump question
I just put pressure on the fanbelt while loosening the nuts with the smallest 6 point 10mm wrench I can find in the toolbox. Never changed on an a mini. Is it harder than a Nissan Sentra?
What car is this?
Ugliest Datsun? F10 (I know it's not L series powered) but then there's the first gen 200SX. Then there's my 810. Luckily there was a four door and wagon version of the 810 both of which out-ugly the coupe.
Short Notice - All-Datsun Swap Meet
I'll bet you told him about OldDatsunPickupLovers. I'll be there Sunday in one of my Datsuns, haven't deciced which one.
Water pump question
Get a new/rebuilt pump. The 4 cyl one wouldn't work anyway. Most of them had a built in fan clutch but even the ones that don't would not allow you to used the Z fan clutch. Different bolt pattern where the clutch mounts.
Reintroduction: My 260Z 2+2 +pics
I remember you, Chris. You were riding a scooter or moped a couple of years ago. Looks like both you and the car have come a long way.
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
I've got 5 yards within a 25 mile range of where I live plus two more in the High Dessert about 40 miles from here. They're all over in Southern California.
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
I've never really had a problem finding efi parts. Since the junkyards don't have a clue what they are, at least the ones I go to, I usually bring quite a few home for next to nothing. I test them and if they're good, I keep them. I have amassed a pretty good stash of relays, sensors, valves, switches, etc. over the years. Having two cars with basically the same system, they do come in handy.
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
Yeah, you should be okay if you just run it out. On my 810, I did contemplate pulling the tank and draining it. But I got away with just running the old gas out with a fuel system cleaner (I use Seafoam) changing the filter and refilling w/fresh gas. On my Z, well the tank was toast. The main difference is that the 810 was started up once and a while by the p.o. and the Z wasn't.
240Z/240K rear brake drums interchangeable?
I have put them (finned aluminum drums) on a 510 in the past and on my 810. Both of those also required modification of the backing plate. I suspect that they would have to be modified to fit anything other than an S30.
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
I'd say you lucked out. When I got mine, in 1997, like I said, it had been sitting for 4+ years. There was so much stuff in the tank that wouldn't run over 2500 rpm. I had to change the tank. If yours runs normally you probably have lots of sediment but no clogs. You said the po started it once in a while. Probably just old gas. Run a fuel system treatment through it and come as close to running the car out of gas as you can before refilling it. At that point, fill it up and change the fuel filter to the proper one. I used that procedure with my 810 when I bought it three years ago and have had no problems since.
Drag Racing Conversion Chart
I was just going by what you said in your initial post. Not trying to read anything into it at all. Too many factors involved. Like where the car makes it's hp, torque, driving skill, etc.
Drag Racing Conversion Chart
How does that chart show what a particular car would be capable of?
What car is this?
Please excuse me while I assist in the deterioration of this thread. http://photobucket.com/albums/y284/dcbelisario/?action=view¤t=Picture081.jpg
Fuel injector Prob. 77 280z
I tried glass filters back before I knew what I know now. It's the seals that go. The glass is generally thick enough to handle the pressure as I never had one break but the seals at either end would always deveop leaks eventually. I never was able to find a see thru filter rated for EFI. There are some for TBI systems but they aren't designed for the 35+psi these cars generate.
VB is now "Black Dragon Automotive"
Doesn't 'Chartreuse Peanut' have to do with fishing?
What car is this?
MG Midget/AH Sprite-post bugeye.
the one that started it all is up for sale!
Sweet Z for the most part but he'd have to lose that hood for me. For some reason the site is now editing anything with *** in it.
Do you know if your car is a California car? If so, the problem you describe is quite common on them and would simply require an adjustment of the altitude switch.........if it's a California car. I hate to see you throwing parts at the problem.
My datsun dosent like me
Have you run a fuel pressure check?
HUH ? What's up ?
It seems to be throughout the site. Apparently Garth is running a test in the shout box.
L 24 engine
This is the last time I'll ever say anything to you on this subject. In fact that last post was to another member, not you. But, okay, where was the attack? Where did I 'jump on you'? All I said was to ease up. You have a habit apparently of determining what someone's intent is when they post and reacting to that determination. And you wouldn't let it go, kind of like you're doing now. Others seem to jump on the bandwagon once that starts. My comment was meant to slow that down. You've been here a little over a month, right? I've been here three years. Others have been here longer. I'm not concerned about being judged by the other members nor do I care to argue with you. You engaged in name calling, which I won't do. You talked down to one of the more esteemed members of this site. If you had a problem with his info you should have pm'd him. I'm not telling you what to do, that's just what I would have done. And, speaking of done, I am with this.
L 24 engine
Amazing! If you change the names in your qoute to "Fred Sanford' and 'Lamont' it would be a perfect description of the Sanford and Son show that is still shown here, to this day, in syndication. Now: Back to oil coolers.
L 24 engine
Actually we were okay once the isntigator stopped responding. It really had nothing to do with writing styles, idioms etc. Guys like that need to be ignored as you notice that I didn't answer him and I won't if he responds to this. It just bothers me that someone like that can sometimes drag others in as it happened it this thread.
L 24 engine
The one from Datsun Competition, now Nissan Motorsports is NLA. I think we may have scared him off as he's not posted in this thread of late. As for 'Steptoe and Son', I always saw that in the closing credits on Sanford and Son but was unaware of it's origin. Thanks, Jim. Was that a Brittish show? I'm assuming so since you make reference to Alan.