Everything posted by sblake01
Fuel Pressure Regulator
In my experience, they seldom go bad. I have never had one personally go bad and the only one I have personally seen go bad was damaged by the person working on the car.
OEM surplus has 2 78 radiators. He sell his stuff for about 25 percent of list and they are new. You said you wanted aluminum and his would be OEM. I can post the link if you're interested.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
As I recall, Alan T. gave an explanation for that in one of the other threads, but if I tried to explain it we'd both end up confused!
Any Pics of #0006 in BSR paint as #33?
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
That would be El Cajon, Ca. I don't think the dealership still exists but it is listed in my Fall 1977 Datsun Dealer Directory: Terry Allen Autos, Inc. 720 E. Cajon Boulevard El Cajon, Ca. 92020 (714) 442-9211 (018A) The dealership CoastGuardZ mentions is also listed in the same directory: Jack Ingram Motors, Inc. 227 Eastern By-Pass Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (205) 277-5700 (908) Remember these are 1977 listings. I found this directory in a junkyard a couple of years ago. EDIT: Nate, the dealership you mention still exists. Same city but at a different location. Nowdays he sells Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Volkswagen, Volvo, as well as Nissan.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Were you referring to the two 70's dealerships in Southern California? Sun Datsun in Whittier and Moon Datsun in Lakewood? I wouldn't consider myself a historian but I do recall buying parts from both of those dealerships.
What the heck is this? *pic included*
You are correct; that is what the BPT does. However, if you read the thread again, you'll should note that the question is about the item to the left of the BPT in post #1.
Scarab Research
I've dealt with Walter over the years. He's pretty fair with his prices. He also know the rarity of some items in the auto literature business. This package would surely be classified as rare. Considering what is included, it's still probably a fair price. I don't have any real interest in it but to someone into Scarabs, it seem like a must have.
Fuel Pressure Regulator
If you have access to a parts car, try it. Like I said in the other thread, they seldom go bad.
Restoration. Where to begin?
If you do the inside first remember that body work generates a lot of dirt and dust. Start by looking for and assesing any rust. A solid body is the best starting point for any project.
The Civic To End All Civics!!!!
If only it were true that that Civic would 'end all Civics"'!
10th anniversary 280z
You missed the point of my scenario. If the S30 had been built through 1979, the 79 model would truly be the 10th year it was built. Then, if the first ZX had come out in 1980, it would be a brand new model making it elligable for the car of the year award. Now I'm not a fan of the ZX but they did race them. Many others besides the three listed, including Paul Newman, campainged 280ZXs in IMSA, SCCA, etc.:
More Fuel pump related problems.
I'd start by checking the electrical part of the ign switch and then the ignition relay.
72 Zs with AC
That's interesting. All of the 70-73 cars I've seen with what appears to be the original dealer installed air conditioning, have had York compressors. Yours appears to be a Sankyo/Sanden SD 508. That compressor was used in all of the conversions I've seen on 74-78 cars. The main difference is that on the later cars, it's on the drivers side of the engine.
72 Zs with AC
Actually, yours is a little different in that it has a Sankyo/Sanden compressor as opposed to the upright style York compressor. And it apears to have machine crimped hoses instead of the barrier style w/clamps. Are all four hoses the screw on flare fitting type? Makes it look more like a factory air setup even though it isn't.
It Was a Calif car
Depends on the condition of the car. Does it run? If so, how well? Has it been started during the storage?
72 Zs with AC
Does your 73 have a compressor like the ones the guys have attached to this thread?
72 Zs with AC
Thanks, bg240. The dirt doesn't matter to me. I'm just trying to learn all I can about these systems. Interesting marketing ploy for a company that installs aftermarket air to call their company 'Factoy Air Conditioning Corp'. I looked them up. They're still in business.
240z MSA AC compressor coversion
You know, I just read that post I made last month and noticed that I said lower when I meant to say higher. The line should have read: That is considerably higher than what the R12 low side limit is. I have edited it. I hope no one did any thing based on that post. I like my low side (w/414B) more than 36 at an idle. High side no more than 205. They both drop as engine speed increases to a point.
72 Zs with AC
Great shot! Good looking engine compartment. That's definately a York (sometimes called Yorx) compressor based add on system. How does it work? What refrigerant are you running?
Electrical problems after restoration...?
Doubtful since factory a/c didn't appear until 1974
72 Zs with AC
As an HVAC tech, I've been trying to find info on S30 ac systems. This is great! The interior switch is another indication that it is not factory air. That function would be controlled by the air lever on the heater/ventilator control panel in a car w/factory air. There would also be a position marked 'AC' on that panel. Typically the switch will have a thermostat with a capillary tupe that runs from the rear of the swithch to an area between the fins of the evaporator. I'ts function is to disengage the compressor clutch if the evaporator temp gets too low. It seems that the Yorx unit was the compressor of choice for the non factory systems until 74 when the factory systems appeared. Nissan must have specified that particular system for the early cars (70-73). Everyone I have seen has had the Yorx compressor with slight variations on the other components dependending on the company that actually did the install. Some were sent out to have the systems installed, some were installed by the Datsun dealership technicians as bg240 attests to. I have been unable to find any technical information on the systems used in the 70-73 cars. From 74 up the factory systems are described in the various service manuals. Datsun also seems to have continued to have non factory installs done on the 74-78 cars that didn't come with factory air, although they used a different system with a Sankyo compressor mounted on the drivers side of the engine. My 78 has that system. Although Sankyo has since been taken over by Sanden, that compressor is still available to this day. I would be curious to see pictures of the system on theianmonster's 73 parts car to see if my info is correct that the factory systems began in 74 with the 260 or did they actually sneak a few of them out in 73.
Before I Port my Z I will prove it on a 4 cylinder first
I figure if I ingore him I won't get the urge to bash him. :cross-eye
280z fuel pressure regulator
I only mentioned that because my car once was diagnosed with a bad FPR and when I put a new one on it, the problem I was having still existed though it was a different problem than clutch 07182 is experiencing. I took it to my friend's shop and it turned out to be a bad relay. Now he has had his shop (Z Car Speciality-Upland, Calif.) since the mid 80s and he is the one who told me that FPR's seldom, if ever, go bad. Of course, the Nissan dealer wouldn't refund my money for the part.
72 Zs with AC
I've never heard of that before. Is that on your 240 or the Fairlady?