coil overs - please help
Which shocks are you using? Just curious as my time is coming to do this as well. Tyson
Wanted: Automatic Brake Pedal and Rear Contol Arm Curved Bar for R200
Oh Dear God! Glad you fielded that one 2ManyZs. I don't think I could have been as polite in my response. :stupid: Tyson
Wanted: Automatic Brake Pedal and Rear Contol Arm Curved Bar for R200
Wanted: Early Automatic Brake Pedal and any assembly pieces. I'm converting from standard to auto. Need curved bar that connects the two rear control arms. I'm assembling a LSD R200 rear and need the clearance over the straight bar. Thanks, Tyson
Wanted: 70-71 Center Console
Need a console near mint condition. Thanks, Tyson turbobuick87@hotmail.com
70 Console wanted
The car is blue, the interior is black. Thanks, Tyson
70 Console wanted
Wanted: 70 240z console. Must be mint or near new and no imperfections. Will pay the cost to be the boss! Tyson turbobuick87@hotmail.com
stock 240Z center console
I sent you an e-mail to the address listed on your profile. I guess you didn't receive it. No worries. tyson
machine shop for head work in San Jose area?
Scott Performance has one of the best reputations in the Bay Area. You'll be happy with their work...they are huge Z nuts to boot. Tyson
Euro Lights for 72 240Z and R200 LSD 3.7:1 ratio
Just as the header states. I'm in need of Euro tail lights for my 72 240Z and an R200 LSD with 3.7:1 ratio. Please e-mail privately. I know these items can be hard to get and I will pay a fair price. Tyson turbobuick87@hotmail.com
'72 240Z Gas Tank
Tom, I sent you a private e-mail. Tyson
stock 240Z center console
260ZRED, Is this your console? I sent a private e-mail to the owner but have not heard back. Just wondering if the owner was you. Thanks, Tyson