Everything posted by nutxo
power chip
never heard of on for older z's dunno I prefer cool ranch doritos :-)
nonZ Q please
yesterday my wifes friend call cuz shes broken down I go to the car and no matter what I try I only get clicks from the starter, so I take my battery out of my Z throw it in( cables didnt work, my kids had done something to them so there were only a few strands of copper) Anyways, the car starts first try. I put my battery back in my z, drive her car about a mile toward my house and POP SKREEK , it dies. so I walk back to my Z, drive home then take her to get a battery and get her car, It wont start, itll crank all day long, sometimes it fires it then SKREEK, dies immediately. had it towed to my house, gonna go mess with it in a while. any ideas?
Who's going to the US GP?
Only been to long beach grand prix once, It was very interesting. Id love to go to one straight. ( ahh, to be young again)
yeh, the only screws you can get to from the outside are the adjusting screws. Cant wait to find a parts car and get busy
So I have a headlight out, little did I know Id have to take off a tire and remove half my inner fender to get to it. Whats worse? How about one bolt broke whiel I was takin it out and then after I get the fender well out one screw is crossthreaded and stuck badly and the other top screw has the slots ground out, no way to use a screwdriver :-( Im gonna have one eye till i replace the fender :-( Its liek that lady from that show said, if it aint one thing, its another (Rosanne Rosanna Danna?)
Finally My 240z Video.
dude, theres no driver in that car!
seats on Ebay
very nice, i wish I were to that point in fixing stuff
strut no longer strutting?
heres the odd thing,.. I knew I needed struts, when ya bounced the car it rebounded like 3 times( ever seen uncle buck?) Since i made the last post the driver side now does the same thing, ya push down hard and it comes up once and stops, very stiff like a new shock. Now when I hit my brakes I no longer nosedive ( as badly) the rear struts on the other hand are quite springy,.. I think things are breakin loose and starting to work, my gas gauge now works and so does my odometer ( no help from me, just started working) I guess thats part of dealing with a car that was parked for 4 years
help its smokin,,,
from the site Description: ADDED TO GASOLINE: Cleans and lubricates fuel injectors and carburetors Improves gasoline mileage Reduces and prevents varnish and gum build-up Extends spark plug life Safe for catalytic converters and oxygen sensors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDED TO ENGINE OIL: Prevents valve sticking and clatter Fortifies properties of engine oil, prevents breakdown caused by extreme temperatures Promotes easier cold weather starts Reduces and prevents acid and sludge formation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ALL MARINE ENGINES: Inboard and outboard
help its smokin,,,
ack I once killed a ford 300, listened to a friend and did the mystery oil thing and ended up with a serious rod knock. get the stuff out! run some 30 weight and run it a little and change the oil again.
strut no longer strutting?
on the way home i kind of had a hard stop( was gonna run the light before it got all the way red, but a cop was at the intersection :stupid: ) anyway neat turn i feel a wobble wobble,.and then it kinda feels like I have a flat, I get out and look and it all looks fone but when i get home I notice that my front passenger strut seems to not have any bounce, it goes down okay and will come back to ride hieght but its like it has no spring to it. bad strut??????
510 question
Answering a post a fer minutes ago I had a thought. If a l20 is an l28 with 2 cylinders chopped off and a 350 will drop right in a Z and a 4.3 is a 350 with 2 cylinders chopped off will it fit in a 510?
any "venture" horror story
get an astro, the ony minivan built on a truck chassis. Ive had 3, all have been hit, one buy a flat nosed car hauler with a car on it, another tboned by a driver blowing through a red at 50. Although I myself havent held up well (bad back) the vans had no doubt saved my life. A recent trip to Sacramento from Tacoma the van was able to keep a continuous 90mph. Not bad for a kid hauler. The 4.3 vortec aint a bad engine, Ive NEVER broken down.
Buildup On The Intake Valves ????
sonetimes changing grades or even brands of oil can cause sludge,..
compression test today
its a 76 280 FI I did the valves a few weeks ago but i guess i can try it again. the timing thing has been kickin my arse, it doesnt seem to wanna run right in time,.ill try again tomorrow mebbe. thanks for your input.:classic:
compression test today
double clutching if ya dont wanna just sit and spin yer wheels off the line hit the clutch again, grab traction and bring it up to like 4k -5k and pop it again
- an odd one
lots of x-tra 240z parts
dont suppose youd happento have an extra l28 and n42 core engine hanging around?
Turbo on a carberated engine?
do a search, theres a post about one that was seen on ebay I thought the supercharger one from jcr was pretty cool as well, but it would prolly be more practical to do a swap rather than go that route
Turbo on a carberated engine?
ive seen kits,.. I think you are mistaken
compression test today
just got done, most freakish results ive ever seen 1- 120psi 2-120 psi 3-120 psi 4-122 psi 5-120 psi 6-122 psi Ive got to admit Ive never seen the inside of an engine so clean, the oil looks like its a brand new engine, clean and clear. The plugs get a little black but i think thats a rich condition. Theres absolutely no smoke EXCEPT when I very first romp on it when i get on the freeway in the morning.(thats very white smoke, and very little) I burn no oil. In addition to that I have no problems breaking traction even double clutching at 25 mph, serious wheel hopping and rear end banging around. Did this engine just wear perfectly even or is there another issue that could cause this?
compression test today
Welp, got a compression tester yesterday, gonns do the test today. Im almost afraid to see the results. On the flip side my neighbor just dumped a 307 on the alley, in good shape, Im wondering if its a sign from god to nab the crank and build the holy grail of all small blocks, the chevy long rod 350,..
backfire while shifting?>
thanks, ill look at that today
Finally My 240z Video.
wow, it worked that time, now i wanna show mine off!
coilover vs standard
so for joe shmoe daily driver guy like myself a coilover setup really isnt necesarry. I wouldnt mind decent handling but I really like the way it rides on the freeway as it is. thanks for the timely reply