I had a chance at a 76 280z a few days ago and jumped on it. The guy I bought it from says the last mechanic said it had an air problem, somewhere in the conversation it came up the mechanic said the engine was worn, sounded like timing to me... Anyways, I drive this thing home praying its gonna make it, popping backfiring , yadda yadda. As soon as I get off work yesterday I run home to play with it. First thing I find is brand new plug wires, angle boots on cap but the connectors were straight and 3 werent even close to being in the cap and 2 werent all the way connected at the spark plug end, I was happy as a pig in, well , you know. I thought I was gonna get off easy... I get this thing goin and 3 minutes later its half dead again, I set the timing and by the time i go around the block its out of time, if it stays in time I have to nurse it into the powerband. It gets goin good then bam,.runs like crud again. Am I overlooking somethign? btw, its efi. any ideas would be appreciated. :disappoin