Everything posted by nutxo
FOR SALE 280z Doors
wish you were local
Pics to share
Ill be doing the exact same thing soon, planned on being that far by now but a short hospital stay has knocked me off my feet for a while. Its great to see people doing the things I plan, makes it easier to get myself motivated and the tasks seem less daunting
little video of my z
EFI Hassles
to young, just right, to old? hmm,.i get so confused:stupid:
280Z idiosyncrasies?
all 30 year old cars have odd things goin on. I one had a 55 chevy truck that blew up batteries, eplaced a whole harness, regulator, alternators. Didnt matter. It got to the point that I kept a battery and a box of baking soda with me for the inevitable explosion. Had a 66 chevelle that smapped motor mounts, n olds 98 that when I made a right turn the horn honks and headlights flashed( its amazing how many people will wave at you even though thye dont know you :-) ) Its all old cars:stupid:
Income poll...
best year since 2 years before slick willie left office,.. why is it called the bush recession if it started when clinton was in office?
- EFI Hassles
cool article
kinda neat hing on the skyline and tt supra. Although if i ever met the writer I think he might swallow a few teeth :-) Bigot. http://press.jbskyline.net/R33/R33Supra/
EFI Hassles
I have this really kick arse .pdf on troubleshooting the efi system if someone wants to host it
i need a pic of a stock 280z rear suspesion asap
ack I cant get to mine,.my clutch slave cylinder took a poop 2 dasy ago and where its at I cant get under it to get pics,..
Dash Out... What a Headache!!
Its amazing the things some people will do to a car hoping to keep it on the road. Myself I try to do the best I can so I wont be embarassed should I ever have to sell :-p
What Datsun steering wheel is this?
isnt that a dodge sterring wheel ?:stupid:
Welding advice
look at the 2 websites and compare the specs, I ended up with the dual mig 131, refurb for 189, it does flux core and solid wire with gas. The welds seem okay. I did a search and I guess its not just CH that makes the welders, ive see other posts that say lincoln, century, as well as hobart make them also.
Welding advice
most of the welders sold at harbor frieght are campbell hausfelds rebadged
NEW MEMBER, need help with car...
are there fusible links on that car? mebbe a circuit breaker like on the older renault? Ignition fuses?
Chalking bumper rubbers
I work at a graphics shop and found that Varn super rubber rejuvenator works very well. Its an oily solvent we use to remove crap from press blankets. Its oaks in,.leave it a while and when ya wipe ot off the rot and glaze come off as well. Should be able to get it at any print supply house
CF Hood
theres a group buy at hybrids right now, 350 a piece,..
What are the odds???
when i was 11 my dad had a morris minor, steak knives worked fairly well :-)
Can't find time to find timing.....
if yer distributor is like mine than being 180 out is impossible,.. it wont fit any way but the right way
Whooa!! and i thought ebay was bad!!!!!!
thats why I usually only deal with people that have something like this text
converting to su's from F.I.
Ive considered the same thing, troubleshooting a nearly 30 year old EFI system isnt always easy and extremely time consuming, thank god I found "the book"
bleeding order?
what order do I bleed the brakes again please?
nonZ Q please
fixed broken alarm ground wire, go figure,...
nonZ Q please
99 chevy cavalier i think tbi and electronic ignition
the bright work fine,.prolly not a fuse. my dsremels died a while back,.right now im keepin the z to 2 trips a day, neither at night so Ill prolly mess with it after I take care of some important stuff, thanks for all the ideas and input :classic: