Hoarding Z Parts
Hoarding Z Parts
I have two replacement fenders, still in their Nissan wrappers that I would love to sell. Bought them for my car several years ago in case the original fenders were too far gone, but they ended up being usable. So now the replacements are just taking up room in my garage loft. Biggest problem I am having is in trying to come up with a realistic price for them as I have never seen anything like them for sale. Also have a spare hatch that I would like to pass along to someone who could use it. As my car moves along towards completion I am sure there will be other parts that I might want to sell.
Front fenders
A few years ago I came across a pair of replacement fenders. Still in Nissan foam wrap and in perfect condition. Knowing that my fenders had some rust issues and I was planning to redo the car, I bought them and stashed them away in the loft of my shop. I am now to the point in the project where I know that the fenders won't be needed and am thinking about selling so that someone else can put them to good use. Problem is, I have no idea how to price them. Have never seen any others listed for sale anywhere, so thought I would appeal to the collective wisdom here. I really am stumped as to their current value. I have learned a lot from this site over the years so thought I would ask here before proceeding.
I'm a Boy Scout covered with patches, again.
Well dang it. Now that I know about this I suppose I will have to start logging in instead of just lurking anonymously. Can't let those badge points slip away.
Rear Drum Brakes Backing Plate
I did not remove the grease seal yet. Was hoping they would come out together, but as I thought about it the last couple of days, was wondering if maybe that wasn't the hold up. Will get the seal out of there and see what happens. As for drift placement, yes, I was very careful to place it on the race and not the stop. Was actually keeping it in one of the two notches as shown in the manual. Thanks Jeff!
Rear Drum Brakes Backing Plate
Sorry, I should have provided more detail. The car is totally disassembled at this point. I am now taking all of the suspension components apart to rebuild/refresh. The stub axle came right out with a couple of good whacks with a hammer (with a piece of steel on top taking the direct blows of course). Outer bearings went out with the stub axle, but the inner bearings just don't want to move.
Rear Drum Brakes Backing Plate
I am just past this point in the disassembly of my rear suspension. Kind of in the same boat as the OP, don't want to just start hammering away on parts and end up breaking something. I cannot get the inner bearings to budge. Tried the drift pin method in the restoration book, no luck whatsover. Any suggestions? First time Datsun tearer-aparter here. TIA.
HLS3056539 1972 240Z {build date 11/71}
I missed those older races. Have been attending the SOVREN races for the last 9 years or so. Always fun to watch. I remember that old system for assigning license plates by county. Sure made it easy to tell where a car came from. I bought my '72 in Wenatchee, but if my memory serves, he purchased from the original owner in the Puget Sound area.
C’mon! Own up ...
Love the wagon! Also, I am living proof of that old adage you referenced. A 1960 Chevrolet Impala convertible from what I am told.
C’mon! Own up ...
Poor littlle fella, probably kept up with you for a mile or so.......
C’mon! Own up ...
In high school one of my good friends had an Oldsmobile VistaCruiser with a big block (455?) in it. That thing was a tank, but lots of top end if you had room to run. Remember burying the speedometer needle more than once with 5 or 6 (or 8 or 9?) of us punks in it. It is a wonder we all survived some of the stupid things we did back then.
HLS3056539 1972 240Z {build date 11/71}
Nice car! It has cleaned up well. Love the race car too. Have you ever raced in in Spokane? Seems like I saw it at least once at Festival of Speed. In the FWIW department, this car is the closest production number to mine that I have come across. Mine is 57009, built 12/1971.
WTB 1976 z door cards
If I might be allowed to tag along, I am looking for a set for a 1972.....
Jack Stand Recall
New project
Nice! My dad had one of those when I was in high school. Got to ride it some, what a blast, that thing was a freaking rocket. Begged him to sell it to me when he decided to get rid of it. He wouldn't hear of it. He probably saved my life!