Everything posted by 260DET
240Z on ebay.au in Melbourne
Its got shiny wheels
Racing $$$
Oh so familiar Concerning the P cars, their club members used to compete in open events against anyone who turned up. Then it seems their expensive toys started to be owned by a couple of Z punters who really could drive. After a while they stopped participating and now run their own events. Had to laugh when talking to a P club member who also owned a high spec Skyline. They hated him turning up to P club events in the Skyline because he could beat all but the top few pro's in their Porsche Cup cars
Need mo rubber!
Another way of looking at this is that for competition use 225 is an excellent size on an 8" rim.
How's this for a carby set up??
Probably those much detested concentric float carbs, the big ugly ones, not the SU type. Rick, if you still have a carb related problem, give those carbs the flick
How's this for a carby set up??
at previous owner of Precious, what a well thought through mod. Not
What is the advantage of cutting the outer end of your control arm?
Mine were cut like that to provide clearance for the aftermarket 28mm thick brake rotors
What I did on the weekend
Thats good, now whats next?
2005 Nissan Datsun Nationals Goulburn NSW
Thanks Geoff, but it might be better to follow you around for a few laps :cheeky: Whats the situation with going flat through the kink near the end of the main straight in a S30?
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
Yeh its a damm pity that the Silvia attracts idiots then gets abused. There should be just one make of car specially made for them
BSP 240Z Solo2 - Set up help request
Caster on mine was brought back from ~5 degrees to 3.5, same as camber. But this could have been required because the extra caster was gained by moving the front Xmember forward, not really a good idea in retrospect. The best single turn in improvement with mine was to go toe out at the front. I suspect that the Z may benefit from more Ackermann but to get that would involve a fair bit of front end modification. Interested to hear how it turns out, each car is a bit different, particularly when body stiffness is considered.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
At the QR sprints an average SR20DET Silvia with R tyres will beat most everything else, including my turbo Zed by about four seconds It takes a late model high spec well driven Porsche or Skyline to beat them, they are a damm well balanced quick car, like it or not
BSP 240Z Solo2 - Set up help request
Concerning ride height, the actual height itself won't indicate whether or not the roll centers are out, that is a function of the suspension geometry. Particularly the relationship between the inner and outer control arm pivot point heights. The rule of thumb is that if the arms are slightly lower at the outside at the static ride height the roll centers should be somewhere near OK. Even better, using small diameter wheels and low profile tyres is one simple way to lower the ride height that does not affect suspension geometry at all. Its a pity that tyre choice in the smaller diameters is so limited. The lower the ride height the better for grip (and less frontal area), providing the correct suspension geometry is maintained. Concerning anti-roll bars, they should be as light as possible because they transfer load to the outside wheels in a corner, particularly relevant at the rear for getting power down. Its better to use heavier springs than heavier bars for that reason.
15" Rewinds
Yeh pics, but those wheels are really the schmick.
2005 Nissan Datsun Nationals Goulburn NSW
At least a couple of us are coming down a day early to have a familiarisation run at Wakefield Park on Friday plus do a bit of sightseeing. Anyone else be there on Friday?
2005 Nissan Datsun Nationals Goulburn NSW
There will be more than four ZCCQ'ers Geoff, trust me
Agreeing with Carl on the solid diff mount, I wouldn't use those for any application. What you need is an OE type differential front mount.
My 1 Day Autobody paint job
If it to be a daily driver and comp car it is not a good idea to have the best paint job, you tend to worry about paint damage rather than enjoying the car. Mine was an acrylic home job a few days ago with the main emphasis on body integrity. Still looks good today despite a few chips and scratches. Leave the uberschmick paint jobs to the show an shine crowd, your approach makes sense Art.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
Dump the boat anch...err L series donk, a Q45 would fit nicely into the 280ZX engine bay, a turbo or two if required, rip out the heavy interior options, add a set of wide dishies to fill the wheel wells........ :laugh:
2005 Nissan Datsun Nationals Goulburn NSW
Geoff, can't see any email address or anything for you, but you were interested in my 15x7 Challenger wheels IIRC. The situation is that I still have them with a set of nearly stuffed Dunlop DO1J's fitted. Now that my new tyres will be arriving shortly and they will go on to another set of wheels I'll be selling the Challengers shortly. But probably a bit expensive to pack and freight to NSW seeing that with tyres they won't fit in wheel cartons.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
You Sir are a butcher Love the ZX real coupe, what a neglected and underestimated car
Stiff springs, standard strut inserts
Shocks are like springs in that they may be obtained with various 'rates'. For the best performance the spring and shock rates should be matched to suit your use. So basically there is not much point in uprating the springs and not the shocks. For the S30 there are very few people around who can match springs to shocks properly, it being such an old car none of the well known suspension modders like Pedders or Whiteline know.
2005 Nissan Datsun Nationals Goulburn NSW
Took the plunge and posted my entry today, its going to be interesting driving the Zed all that way and back. Bloody speed limits. Quite a few going down from Q, we'll probably have a couple of fairly competitive cars in the sprints but I don't think that any of us know the track which looks quite complex, in contrast with QR. I'm sure that us first timers will get a familiarisation run first though. Won't we, for safety reasons :cheeky: Anyway whatever, it will be good just to be there with the cars and other enthusiasts
Parts for transmission (82-83 5-speed)
Maybe other Nissan cars with a similar gearbox were imported to Turkey? Even if the gearboxes are not exactly the same there is a lot of commonality of Nissan five speed internal parts.
Acid Etch? Quick Question
We were taught to do the prep work, apply the phosphoric acid solution, let it dry, then hit it with your primer or whatever coat you are putting on first. Touching the bare metal with anything after the solution had dried was a nono.
Std electric pump as lift pump
Yeh, with a Holley Red for relaibility, the original was ~ 25 years old. With EFI you can't risk fuel starvation IMHO.