Everything posted by 260DET
Std electric pump as lift pump
My surge tank is where the original electric pump used to be
California Z kit
Someone must have the molds for Gavin's spoilers, with them no problem.
Koni Questions
What spring rates? If the springs are stock then you'll need the relatively heavy anti-roll bars that you have chosen. If the car wants to hang the tail out a bit much then you may have to go down on the rear bar size. Thats enough from him
My new 15" Mags on another members Z
Datman is selling Panasports in Oz, lightweight racing ones available too
California Z kit
The old style front spoilers are available, friends of mine bought a chin type recently. By 'old style' I mean the original racing types developed in the US for racing. Some of the modern US ones are sold in Oz from time to time, its a matter of contacting the various Z specialists here. Not the Z Car Workshop though. I'm presently making up a mold so I can do a modern racing type spoiler for my Z with an intercooler. Don't even know at this stage if I'll ever be able to come up with a satisfactory product but I'm trying
My new 15" Mags on another members Z
300+ Pounds each!!!:bandit:
California Z kit
That one pictured by MrC is very similar to one I bought from Exoticar in Brisbane a few years ago. Only the brake ducts look a bit different.
15" Rewinds
Yeh they look good. Says they ship internationally. Hmmm..........
Koni Questions
Thanks Art, there was a lot of understeer but a few other adjustments have got rid of most of that. IIRC Koni says that too much bump on the front can cause understeer.
Anyone selling a Front Spoiler for Z?
There is/was a fibreglass place out Coopers Plains way, just off Beaudesert Road, who used to make a lot of Z stuff. Unique? Not sure, when you find out let us know.
Koni Questions
275 front, 300 rear. I'd go harder but without a full cage body flex intrudes too much, I like a hard suspension and the circuits I go on have fairly good surfaces. Does a Sentra have strut front suspension?
Koni Questions
Yeh I've got a pair of those 8611's on the front of the 260, will get a pair for the back in due course. How many clicks have you got the bump on Art, mine are six clicks out from full at present. Warning : NOT suitable for rallying Mike
Koni Questions
Friends of mine got a set of new Bilsteins for their targa 260Z recently, they may not be specifically made by Bilstein for the Zed but obviously there are some which can be adapted. Shorter than stock is better anyway, except for rallying and other road bashing activities Sorry Mike, it sounded like you were complaining about the yellows for your application. Its amazing that a Zed 'guru' would recommend them for rallying. If they are adjustable at the top with the Koni knob (for rebound) then it sounds like they would be yellows. Other Koni shocks use that knob too but I think that yellows are the lowest spec ones that do.
Koni Questions
Mike, Koni reds or yellows are not even competition shocks, let alone made and sold for rallying Actually the yellows are quite a decent non-professional circuit shock, certainly for the money. Bilsteins and their derivatives such as Ohlins and Proflex are apparently the go for rallying.
Ebay 260Z 2+2 in Tasmania
Alfadog, the local trading post had a L26 engine for sale, and you missed it. How come you are getting slack
Townsville Zed club
Yeh Warren Skimmings, there are a couple of others from up that way but I don't have a current membership list at present. Its up to you Townsvillians of course but you could just organise outings informally. The Z Car Club Q is incorporated, has a formal treasurer, secretary, etc has to lodge annual returns, bank account, and all that stuff. There is a lot of work involved in just keeping the club functioning, let alone organising activities.
RB30 crank ?
Yeh it may well be cheaper to replace the L with a complete RB. Just have to get a inlet manifold for the carbs made up if you wanted to avoid EFI.
No Preload on Springs??
You can put tender springs in to take up the gap, they are spacer springs if you like and are designed specifically for that purpose. But when I've been trying out various springs on my coilover setup some of them have been borrowed shorties which leave quite a gap. With a car that is going to be used for competition work the usual deal is fit coil overs and shorter inserts at the same time. Not a bad idea for a serious road car either.
No Preload on Springs??
Well spotted Mr C, I've responded to that one as well. Must be because I'm feeling mellow after a few beers
tokico 254 suspension kit tooo high
No, gas shocks will not raise the car by any practical amount. Your problem seems to be that the shocks have too much droop ie they allow the suspension to drop down too far which affects spring retention. When you lower a car you reduce the amount of required shock travel if the suspension is otherwise left stock. Therefore, to prevent excessive droop, you need shorter travel shocks. Approximately the amount of suspension travel required is 2/3 in bump (compression) and 1/3 in droop. For your problem you may be able to use tender springs, which will take up the gap between the main spring and the perch at full droop. Using tender springs is I believe common in Europe because of the regulations there.
Townsville Zed club
There is a Q club with several Townsville members, no reason why you NQ'ers can't form your own chapter, see http://www.zcarclubq.org.au/
No Preload on Springs??
You say 'virtually no preload' so there is some, even though the spring can be rotated? And you are using the stock spring perch setup? Sounds like there may be too much suspension droop ie the shocks have too much down travel, pics would be good.
Gauge manufacturers - need ideas
Vaguely recall that there is at least one American company that does those sort of gauges. Can't remember the name but it could have been sort of Germanic in origin.
What I did on the weekend
OK, now show us the ZG flares you brought back and the moulds being made to reproduce them BTW your suspension colour scheme is exactly the same as mine
Z car stub axle same as Aus commodore?
The front? I've wondered about that, whether a Commadore front hub would fit and so make an easy five stud conversion. But then there is the back......